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|data9 =  [[Archetype::Generalist]]
|data9 =  [[Archetype::Generalist]]
|label10 = Location
|label10 = Location
|data10= [[Location::Downtown, Seattle]]
|data10= [[Location::Seattle, Downtown]]
|label11 = Metatype
|label11 = Metatype
|data11 = [[Metatype::Elf]]
|data11 = [[Metatype::Elf]]

Latest revision as of 14:38, 7 May 2021

Dr. Helmund Matsuda
Doctor {Street Doc}
Street Doc
Contact OwnerCaylus
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle, Downtown
AgeMiddle aged
Preferred Payment MethodService (shadowrunner job)
Hobbies/VicePersonal grooming (installing/switching out cyberware)
Personal LifeLives together with Amur Manchurian, who he raised since he was a kitten.
FactionStreets of Downtown
They Owe Me A Favor


Dr. Matsuda is a unusually tall XXY elf who was given up for adoption when he was born. Since he was a kid who nobody would miss, he was used for testing out kid-sized cyberware. He was fascinated by it, and would frequently wreck his 'ware to find out how it worked (much to the chagrin of his caretakers). Seeing his talent for cybermodification in action, Aztec technologies decided to give him a formal eduction.

22 years ago he was put in charge of an illicit breeding program, to try to understand what gave some animals the power to shift into humans, while genetically indistinguishable animals did not. The project started with two captured leopard shifters.

Being wrecked with guilt putting other sapient beings through the same life of experimentation that he went through, he faked the death of a leopard shifter kitten and ran away with it, with the idea he could be the father to the kitten that he himself never had.

However, he found out he really sucks at parental responsibilities, and at parenting in general, really.

Dr. Matsuda has been laying low for the bigger part of three years but now the money is running out, and the occasional patch-up job of a runner who got himself shot isn't covering the bills, so he decided to switch tactics: Instead of requesting money for patch up jobs he's now gathering favors.

He's also sending Amur on missions to gather goodwill with new contacts and gather money to bribe the right people. Hopefully by bribing the right people he'll be able to restore his reputation as a successful surgeon.

One warning for those interested in his services: He values function over form, so not leaving excessive scarring costs extra.


Aspect Description
Tinkerer Ever since he was a child, he's tinkered with things, from mundane objects to cyberware, learning the ins and outs of all things he comes across
Ex-Aztechnology He is a former Aztechnology employee, working as a researcher for shifters.
They Owe Me A Favor He has gathered a lot of favors over the years from a number of well connected people.
Surgeon He is a surgeon, he specializes in Shifters and Cyberware, however he will work on anyone provided they can do him a favor and don't mind surgical scars


Knowledge Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects
Active Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects
Gear Acquisition Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects
Networking Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects


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