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==The Meet==
==The Meet==

The team arrived early other then Dezmond

==The Plan==
==The Plan==

Revision as of 02:03, 29 November 2022

How The Grinch Failed to Steal Christmas
Status Threat Level: Deadly!...
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven The United Front Against Corperate Christmas
Mojo Joe
Dezeroth A'kyer
A Green Sasqatch
many drones and a hellhound
Casualties and losses
just some bullet casings A Green sasquatch?
Very Anticlimactic, but very funny.


Hasily put together, a custom factory in auburn quickly pulled together a team of runners to deliver a custom job they created to one Saint Nick. The team used smuggling routes and tactics to evade most trouble, only having to deal with one Crazed rigger out in Redmond.


Saint Nick, the Eccentric he is, decided it was time to get a new sleigh, but not just any would do, only the finest and most powerful monstrosity would be worthy of his time! He commissioned a monster befitting his status, a sleigh made by none other then Krime and its subsidiaries. Many grand technologies and features were included, reaching speeds that could travel from Seattle to japan in a mere hour. a great deal of time and expense went into its construction, many elements being farmed out.

however, being farmed out left some problems... others started to become aware of its construction, and begin plans to acquire it...

The Meet

The team arrived early other then Dezmond

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Mojo Joe: "Well that was a very... interesting turn of events. It was nice feeling powerful for once... when so many things would tell me otherwise."

Dezeroth A'kyer: "A fascinating run. I got to meet Santa Claus, a bit of a celebrity if ever I've seen one. A rocket-powered Sleigh. Well, Sleipnir was a six-legged horse birthed by Loki shapeshifted as a horse, so certainly not the strangest steed I've heard of. Oh, and I suppose the OpFor deserves a mention, too. Not that they were anything special; typical intelligence network, easily fooled and without the consideration of counterespionage. The one pursuer we did end up having was...Oddly easily deterred. Power poles are certainly deadly, no question about it, but the drivers still tend to try and avoid the wall."