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|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|}} <!-- The above will automatically add +2 CDP for each AAR your character is tagged in. You can note expenses and any bonus CDP you gain above to adjust your current CDP total. -->
|label13 = D.O.B.
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 = Character's Date of Birth
|data13 = May 5th, 2065
|label14 = Age
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|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->
|data14 = {{Age| <!-- Leave this line alone, enter the month, day, and year of birth below in numeric format. Yes, a second time. I know. -->

Latest revision as of 20:54, 28 April 2024

Harriot Runner.png
Born in the Light
But born of The Shadows
Studying to take care of everyone
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.May 5th, 2065
FolderDrive [2]
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - D
Resources - E

Character Information


A technomancer from Seattle currently enrolled in Sader-Krupp's Corporate University as a Matrix security major. Trying to find out how to help her mother, hide her activities from her father, and maintain her relationship and her GPA.


  • Maintain a 4.0 GPA
  • Learn how to be a shadowrunner
  • Find out the secret behind the strange Personafix chips
  • Find a way to reverse her mother's deprogramming
  • Keep up her relationship with her girlfriend
  • Hide her illicit activities from Her father


On paper, Harriot Madeline Quill should have been just a normal Seattle girl. Though she was born to young parents, the premed Scarlet O'Cathalain and freelance security consultant Cedric Quill were a loving couple who made sure that they were comfortable. They had a comfortable home in Tacoma. Her mother went to the University of Washington and worked at Deireadh An Tuartheil a few days a week as an intern to speed through the process of her residency, while Cedric stayed at home to take care of Harriot and, despite his own lack of education, do his best to teach her about the world and how to have fun. During the summers she would go with her family to visit her grandparents at their estate in Tir Tairngire. Despite not understanding what it meant to be a third-generation elven noble Harriot simply had fun learning Sperethiel and the various rituals and rites that were required of her according to her grandparents. It was here that it was first observed by some of the elven tutors how quickly Harriot picked up on new lessons and how bright the young girl was.

When she was four years old Harriot and Cedric had gone out to see the newest Karl Kombatmage movie and returned to their home to find the door of their home kicked off the hinges. Cedric's entire demeanour shifted and he held Harriot close while he went through the wreckage of their home, only to discover that Scarlet had been taken from the home. Over the next several months Harriot learned through listening, since her father almost completely closed himself off in his grief, to the point of UCAS social services and her grandparents both making an attempt at taking Harriot away from him, only feeding into his grief and anger. She learned that her mother had most likely been taken by shadowrunners, that there weren't clues to where she had been taken or any leads and that LoneStar had no interest in pursuing the case. She was too young to understand at the time, but this was the first time the Shadows would creep into her life and change it in a way she couldn't predict.

This only compounded when her father began to look into her mother's disappearance himself. They moved out of the Tacoma home and started moving every few months to worse and worse apartments. Many around Redmond and Puyallup. By the time she was fifteen Cedric had burned through all of his savings, any family friends that they had were long-since abandoned and while Cedric made an effort to be a good father, lack of sleep, excess stress, and a violent lifestyle had strained their relationship. Harriot had spent the years throwing herself into her studies, able to exert control over how well she did in school if nothing else, and also began to explore the Matrix, often simply doing her homework and disappearing into the single bedroom of their cramped apartment to play games, go into chatrooms, or just watch whatever caught her interest. This studious behaviour eventually allowed her to apply to the illustrious Twin Pines High School, a private school that held a program for promising Matrix specialists.

During her time at Twin Pines, Harriot discovered a love not just for the fun aspects of the Matrix, but a deep interest in the fundamental building blocks of it. This was aided by the sudden interest in the young girl by one Amrei Veidt, who invited the girl under her wing as a mentee about the things one could do with the matrix. She also began to indulge in partying, drinking, a little social novacoke, and had some near misses with dangerous events. It was also shortly before Harriot's sixteenth birthday that she discovered that her father was not actually a security consultant, but rather the well-known and quite wanted international thief and assassin known as Zenith. Harriot tried her best to discourage her father from continuing his work as a shadowrunner, thinking that he would be both safer and more stable as a corporate asset, or an actually security officers, but her father had no interest in that. However things became more dire when she found out that much of his work as a criminal was based on trying to find her mother, a woman that Harriot could barely remember, and due to an incident the night of her sixteenth birthday, trauma erupted in the form of her emergence as a technomancer.

It was difficult to get used to her new abilities, and her girlfriend at the time, a woman whose father had been murdered by Zenith, did not aid things by showing a sudden vicious side to a fellow virtual kinetic who attended the same school. Eventually telling off Gabriella and a few of her fellow bullies, Harriot was quickly kicked out of the inner circle of Twin Pines and instead decided to stick alongside her new friend while once again delving deep into her studies. She made up with her father after a particularly hard job for him, and accepted that finding Scarlet was something that he had to do. While also taking care of Harriot, and the two of them fell into an easy sort of balance of criminal activity that she was kept just on the edge of awareness of.

After a summer of her sixteenth year in which she attended a German summer camp sponsored by S-K on invitation from Amrei the corporate decker extended an offer that seemed too good to be true: a full-ride scholarship to S-K's University in Essen in their advanced Matrix expert programs. Excited beyond belief that she would be able to go to college without having to worry about further burdening her father she gave him the exciting news. Though Zenith was less enthused with the corporate offer, worrying that it was a way of extended leverage over him, as well as forcing her down a corporate path that might bring more danger on her. After much discussion however the decision was made to allow her to take the scholarship and once she had graduated from Twin Pines with honors, Harriot was able to go to Germany, though it pained her to be away from her father and Zelda.

To be continued

Narrative Significant Qualities


Child Prodigy: (Brilliant Heuristics + Analytical Mind + Bilingual) - Harriot was always smart, but when dedicating herself to a topic she's very close to a genius. Very quickly able to grasp almost any topic or concept.

Matrix Natrual (Instinctive Hack + One with the Matrix + Silence is Golden) - Part of the Wireless Matrix generation Harriot's emergence seems completely natural with how she weaves through the code of the digital realm


Basically just a normal person: (SINner (National), + Pacifist I + Low Pain Tolerance) - While she didn't grow up sheltered, there was an effort to keep her away from the darker aspects of society, including shadowrunning. Which led to a distaste for violence and not particularly used to being the subject of it either.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
From the AshesSarcarianMedium30 June 2085
On Bloodied WingsSleeveyThe Name of HeavenHigh12 May 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Amrei Veidt 6 1 Generalist S-K Prime Operative Actually a Spy, Deck Jockey, Delta Clinic Access, Former Shadowrunner, Information Broker, One Step Ahead, Prime Datahaven Membership, Saeder-Krupp Employee, Fresh off the Assembly Line Even
DeC0de 4 3 Gear Hardware and Software Dealer Mother of All Hackers, Workshop, Software Design, Hardware Manufacturer, Code History Collection Even
Dr. Isabel Wirth 4 3 Service ER Doctor Trauma Surgeon, Free Samples, Community Clinic Hours, Performs House Calls, I know a sales rep Even
Angela 4 3 Fixer(K,N,G,A) Library Organizer and Teacher A Bird in a Cage, Techno Teacher, It's In a Book, Hidden Knowledge, Under the Belly of the Beast, Host Dweller Even
Cascade 4 3 Service International Smuggler and Fence It's not fun if there's no Risk!, Smuggler Specialist, Garage of Ganked Gear, Stimulant Savant, Getaway Driver, Driver picks the Music, Passenger shuts their trap Even
Mel Jones the Queen of Bones 3 4 Gear ID Smith Fraudster, The Queen's Robes, Original SIN, Skilled Gamer Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments