Amrei Veidt

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Amrei Veidt
S-K Prime Operative
Lofwyr's #1 Fan
Contact OwnerSarcarian
Owner's Discord Name
Public Contact?Yes
LocationEssen (AGS)/Matrix
Preferred Payment MethodBarter (Information)
Hobbies/ViceNothing of Interest
Personal LifeWorking for the Chairman
AspectsActually a Spy
Deck Jockey
Delta Clinic Access
Former Shadowrunner
Information Broker
One Step Ahead
Prime Datahaven Membership
Saeder-Krupp Employee
Fresh off the Assembly Line


A highly skilled decker and former prime-level shadowrunner who has managed to get herself recruited as an S-K Prime operative; as an agent of Herr Brackhaus she has access to extensive corporate resources, as well as her own network of infobrokers and intelligence gatherers. She is always straightforward and efficient with her words and mannerisms when interacting with runners, refusing to waste valuable time on empty social gestures.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Actually a Spy An experienced espionage agent who is very talented at her job; there is a good chance any conversation with her is being recorded, and she hacks runner commlinks almost habitually.
Deck Jockey An old hand with a cyberdeck who's picked up more than a few hacking tricks in her time. +2 on all active checks with the Cracking and Electronics skill groups.
Delta Clinic Access She can get you on the waiting list, but keep in mind that it's a very long list. +2 on gear acquisition checks to procure augmentations.
Former Shadowrunner A former runner who hit the jackpot, she still remembers a some things from her time in the shadows. +2 on knowledge checks involving crime syndicates, matrix crime, runner hangouts, and the shadow community.
Fresh off the Assembly Line She can acquire almost any piece of equipment S-K manufactures. +2 on gear acquisition checks to procure restricted/forbidden gear.
Information Broker Knowledge is power, and secrets are the true universal currency of the Sixth World. +2 on all checks to buy and sell information.
One Step Ahead A talented infobroker can predict what data someone wants before they ask for it. +2 on all checks to gather intelligence via the Matrix.
Prime Datahaven Membership A member in good standing with The Helix, the largest datahaven in Europe. +2 on networking checks to get in touch with members of the European shadow community.
Saeder-Krupp Employee A full Corporate SINner with a wide network of contacts among her co-workers. +2 on networking checks to get in touch with S-K employees and affiliates.


Knowledge Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects
Active Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects
Gear Acquisition Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects
Networking Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects

Runner Secrets

  • Knows Zenith has a 16 year old daughter who is a technomancer.
  • Knows Shine Spark has a sibling (and hates technomancers).
  • Knows Glamor is wanted by Aztechnology.
  • Knows where Barracuda lives.
  • Knows La Rapide is a banshee and has a collection of video evidence.


Player Characters with this Contact

Bunny Hop2Even
Red Ribbon1Even

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Séquence en CascadeSarcarian19 May 2085
Uncle Silas Asks a FavorSarcarian10 April 2085
No Time to DieSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead6 December 2084
Operation PoseidonSarcarianRad Wars 20842 December 2084
Methodical ApproachZerreRad Wars 208419 November 2084
GTFO of GeMiToSarcarian5 November 2084
The Sixth World Is Not EnoughSarcarian9 March 2084
ZugzwangSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead2 February 2084
À Longueur D'avanceSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead5 January 2084
The N-51 Unification TreatyZerre2 July 2083
Chaining the Broken MindArchtmagThe Burning Star of Redmond26 February 2083
Bagged and TaggedArchtmag19 February 2083
A Night Under the StarsArchtmagBy Royal Decree19 August 2082
Monolithic MissionSilas31 July 2082
Caldera Combat!OrionsRequiem12 May 2082
Out of BalanceOrionsRequiemTwo Steps Ahead11 May 2082
The Sound of Her VoiceSarcarianWhen You Reach Me6 May 2082
SoiréeMursey2 May 2082
High Tide RisingSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead20 April 2082
Data JackingSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead13 March 2082
From Essen with LoveSarcarian23 February 2082
Radical nanoRobotic RolloutAuroraTwo Steps Ahead19 February 2082
From One KRIMinal To AnotherAuroraTwo Steps Ahead14 February 2082
Recruitment DriveSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead5 January 2082
A Lesson in Not Getting CaughtChrisst111Two Steps Ahead20 November 2081
Proof of ConceptSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead11 November 2081