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==Examples of Naval Momentos==
==Examples of Naval Momentos==

Revision as of 11:58, 19 June 2024

RMS Empress of China
RMS Empress of China.jpg
Ghost Ship
Contact OwnerRichard_Villiers
Owner's Discord NameVilliers
Public Contact?Yes
LocationPacific Ocean
MetatypeWild Sprit of Man
Preferred Payment MethodKarma
Hobbies/ViceNaval Momentos, Anthracite Coal
Personal LifeN/A
AspectsDomain Bound
Transactional Nature
Wild Spirits of Man
Travels at the Speed of Time
Passenger Service
Freight Transport
Not Smol
Not Patient
Not above Hiring Help
Naval Momentos
Restricted Goods
Shipwreck Memories
Method Acting Helps


This is where you would write a blurb about the contact.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Domain Bound The domain of the RMS Empress of China is the route of the All-Red Route Song line connecting Vancouver and Hong Kong, roughly a 1,000 meters wide. A rating 3 Song line runs along the Royal Mail Service route.
Transactional Nature The Empress of China has no conception of loyalty. Loyalty can never be raised above 1. Although the Ghost Train will accept appropriate reagents some karma must be part of every deal. The Empress's opening position will be 1 point of karma per person per time zone of travel. The Empress of China can be negotiated with normally but remember Wild Spirits are perfectly willing and able to walk away from a deal and may be insulted if not given the respect they feel they deserve (p. 177 FA).
Restricted to Anthracite Coal The Empress will accept reagents and material goods in return for low level spirit markers (Rating 1 or 2) but reagents must be anthracite coal.
Wild Spirits of Man Like wild nature spirits, wild spirits of man have the Domain quality and gain one additional optional power. Vehicle spirits have a few additional powers available to them: Evasion, Maneuvering, and Stealth. These function like the autosofts of the

same name (p. 269, SR5), with a Rating equal to the spirit’s Force.

Travels at the Speed of Time Time zones were invented by Sir Sanford Fleming, who worked as an engineer for Canadian railways. The Empress of China is still schedule conscious. It takes one hour to transit to an adjacent time zone (fifteen hours from Vancouver to Hong Kong).
Passenger Service Rating 1 spirit markers can be used to transport a single passenger with a single piece of luggage of 100 kilograms or less. Higher level spirit markers can be used to transport a number of passengers equal to the spirit marker.
Freight Transport Rating 3 spirit markers or higher can be used to transport heavy freight such as a vehicle. GM fiat as to what fits.
Not Smol The Empress is large, sometimes loud, and always leaves a trail of coal smoke. It is also equipped with a natural weapon: a cannon equivalent to the Krime Cannon.
Not Patient The Empress is intolerant of obstacles obstructing free movement along the domain. If necessary The Ghost Train will use its cannon to clear the way. Single shot, then semi-automatic burst. While attacking there is a one in six chance every combat turn that a mana storm will be triggered along the Song line (p. 35 SG). These Mana storms affect mood [rage] and produce elemental effects of lightning, hail, and rain.
Not above Hiring Help Although the Empress is entirely transactional it is willing to be as generous as necessary (GM fiat) to hire metahumans to do its bidding. Financial remuneration is always in drams of anthracite coal.
Naval Momentos The Empress is fond of momentos linked to the sea (GM fiat). +1 to the rating of spirit markers obtained from payment with Naval Momentos


Knowledge Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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CP All Red Route.webp

Examples of Naval Momentos