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Revision as of 01:38, 30 August 2024

All good till it wasn't
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp



Koi's background with Humanis goes all the way back to her beginnings, so when a call came in that there was some leads on the drekheads she was hunting, of course she had to investigate.

The Meet

The team meets with Carolina_Petrovski in a Redmond "pay by the house" VR place, where she explains that before she'll give Koi any information on her desired target, the group needs to do a job for her first. The team opts for the wetwork one where the task is to assassinate a heavily cybered target, ideally, while in surgery for his latest upgrade.

The Plan

The team considers how they're going to access the cyberware hospital before settling on a front door infiltration. Koi hacks the host and inserts credentials for Samael to enter with Blackhawk as emergency cover outside. The general plan is to sneak into the storage space, find the targets armor and spike his, presumed, autoinjectors for a back alley assault after the surgery.

Oh, what fools we were....

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)