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==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==
**Red Ribbon:** "It's been a good few years since I started doing this thing. Every now and then you get a chance to off someone '''real''' slimy, choice selections of the worst pieces of work this world has to offer. Deadhead's better off this way, and so's everyone else. Feels good to do something without a J pulling the strings."

Latest revision as of 02:05, 4 February 2025

Dead(er) Head
Status Threat Level: Extreme
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Bunny Hop
Red Ribbon


  • 1/4: 4 Hours
  • 1/16: 2 Hours
  • 1/30: 3 Hours


During the events of A prior run, the Shredder and Red Ribbon came across the Red Vory known as Deadhead. After experiencing the "shotgun roulette", both Shredder and Ribbon vowed they would shut down Deadhead and end his sick, cruel, games.

The Meet

Shredder reaches out to Ribbon about going back to Stairway to Heaven. After considering that they want to do so during the bar's off hours, they begin reaching out to other runners. Ribbon pulls in Bhop for matrix overwatch, and then Alkali for magical support. In the case of Bhop, the DNI reaches her amid a small resonance realm amid floating islands and gears built into the side of them. In the case of the maid mage, Ribbon and company dox the frag out of him first making the initial contact, despite Alkali's very thin and suspiciously clean matrix presence. The mage, exhausted from his recent adventures and iniation, agrees to the meet.

The meet happens in a park in Snohomish and the various runners make their way there. They discuss the background of Deadhead and Dealer, determining how much Alkali is going to charge them for his magical services.

The Plan

  • Have Alkali socially infil to scout the place
  • Steal the Spinrad Talent Scout's identity via magic
  • Craft disguises
  • Sneak into the Skull by posing as the Talent scout
  • Sneak Ribbon's Drones in
  • Kill Deadhead and the Twins
  • Collect their bounties and steal their shit

The Run

Legwork: Seeking Heaven


  • Alkali summons a gambling task spirit in order to borrow his aura, and then do an astral scouting run.
  • Force 8 Ward
  • Couple of errant free spirits soaking up the mana aspect
  • Outside Preamble: Aspected BGC 1 (Debauchery, hedonism, drug use, etc)
  • Inside Preamble: Aspected BGC 2
  • Spine: Aspected BGC 4
  • Skull: Aspected BGC 6 (aspect also includes Violence)
  • F6 Spirits of Man patrolling Skull
  • F6 Alarm Ward on Deadheads office
  • Spots Elven woman going in and out, catches her aura, and follows her. Woman is a talent scout for Spinrad, using Skull as a pool of "talent" for a potential "Urban Brawl team"


  • Red Ribbon discovers that both of the Twins have 5k bounties, each, on them from an anonymous source. Deadhead has a 10k bounty from Silas, a local Fixer, for screwing him on a recent job
  • The Twins are both physical adepts with weapon foci Katana. They hire themselves out as bodyguards to the highest bidder, usually operating in higher class areas. They are known only as "The Twins" and are biosculpted to look exactly alike. It is rumored they were, or are, siblings. While it is not clear who the bounties are from, there is strong online chatter that they pissed off the Black Lodge.
  • Dealer is a an Aztland national who lost most of her sense of self a long time ago. She doesn’t belong to any creed or nation now, knowing only war and how to stem the boredom of being a ghoul. She gambles with her life in the Stairway to heaven playing Shotgun Roulette, since she’s tough to kill and usually wins because of her infected nature.
  • Yuri Petrov aka Deadhead is a boss of the Red Vory. He works the operations underground here, and usually stays within a special arena for watching games of Shotgun Roulette. He’s been sitting in there as he and dealer are on good terms, and usually bets on Dealer
  • Preamble: An old church that has been fashioned into a semi-literal fortress. The Preamble has the most accommodating areas, as its stonework and masonry make it somewhat hospitable and actually nice to look at. For those who wish to party and come back out alive, usually this is the place to be. Drugs can be purchased here from the vory. Music is thumping 24/7 and rarely shuts down.
  • Spine: A large shaft that has a few rooms around the side, stair ways around the side of the shaft that led to ancillary tunnels, but otherwise is given the name due to the very large stairway that spirals down. Every two floors there’s a landing for people to party on. Shredder was able to skate from the top to the bottom once.
  • Skull: This is where the real party happens. The floor of the place is usually crowded by people partying to nonstop 24/7 edm / phonk / noise music. It’s easy to hide in the crowd, but vory guards do keep an eye out here. Death games happen here, notably Dealer hangs out here with the Vory Boss, Yuri Petrov aka Deadhead.
  • OU Tunnels: Simple as; there are a few ways to get nearby, but nothing large enough for a vehicle to get by. Motorcycles, sure, but not cars.

Bhop's Matrix run

  • R4 Host (A5, S4, D6, F7): Preamble - destination host
  • R6 Host (A6, S8, D7, F9): Skull - bare bones regular host
  • Despite a Noise of 12 from Metal Walls and Noise Paint, Bhop gridhops like the Bun she is.
  • R6 MAD Scanners, R6 Cyberware Scanners
  • R6 Cameras
  • R5 Maglocks on secure locations
  • Local Spider, Zeus: Cyberdeck: Shiawase Cyber-5, A6(7) S8(10) D5 F7, Commcode, Last Action Taken: Decrypt
  • Skull only: R6 Motion Sensors in air vents, R6 Alarms on windows. 4x R6 Turrets in the walls with Ares Alphas
  • Faraday Cage on the Office
  • Skull almost never closes, operating on a 8 hrs x3 schedule, except every once in a while for a day off. The next "open" day is in two days


  • Alkali calls Scheherazade and discovers that Deadhead has recently recruited two bodyguards from an upper end place - known only as The Twins. A pair of adept guards, likely biosculpted to look like each other.

Run: Stairway to Heaven, Highway to Hell

  • Disguise Notes: BHop (Not Present), Alkali 12 (Disguised as Jeanne Stilray, Spinrad Talent Rep), Ribbon (Not Present), Shredder 6.
  • The team rests a few days and then prepares to grab the Spinrad agent, Jeannie Stilray.
  • They track down her GMC Phoenix on route to Stairway to Heaven and Bhop Haaaaacks from Beyooooond in order to take control of the car, forcing it to roll a window down.
    • Ribbon uses a drone to shoot Stilray with a dart while Bhop squelches any comms in case something goes run.
    • Stilray gets hit with Narcojet, and then they hit her with Slab to keep her out
    • The team realizes this is Sandalphon after realizing she is wearing a synthskin mask
    • Bhop erases her matrix signatures from the car.
  • Alkali, masquerading as Stilray, contacts Deadhead to set up a meeting to try and recruit the Twins from him.
  • Ribbon sneaks some drones in from the underground OU entrance but there are no actual vents from the OU side.
  • Bhop, eventaully, gets into the Skull host and takes over the cameras, locating the door to the OU for Ribbon to enter from
  • They manage to get Deadhead out of his office, and then spring the trap. A firefight breaks out where the runners manage to get the upper hand on the twins and Deadhead.
  • The opfor Decker, a script kiddie, absolutely bails since he is not Vory and this looks heavy.
  • The team manages to exfil under fire from the club, grabbing loot on the way out.


Sandalphon wakes up in a no-tell motel, having been hit with Laes to not remember anything that led to her waking up around a number of empty drug bottles. Deadhead is, finally, a dead head.


  • Extreme: 30 RVP x 1.5 Hours = 45 RVP
  • 10 Karma (10 RVP)
  • 20,000 Nuyen in Bounties(10 RVP)
  • 40,000 Nuyen in stolen gear (guns, ammo, armor) or Foci. up to avail 20 (10 RVP) or if fenced 20k Nuyen
  • 30 CDP (15 RVP)
  • 2 CDP Run Guarantee

  • Quality Notes, posquals taking taken from above rewards
  • PSC: Braggart for Red Ribbon
  • Shoot First (2 RVP) for Shredder
  • First Impression (11 RVP) for Alkali
  • Fade to Black (7 RVP) for Bhop

  • Mundane Ascension for Shredder

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

    • Red Ribbon:** "It's been a good few years since I started doing this thing. Every now and then you get a chance to off someone real slimy, choice selections of the worst pieces of work this world has to offer. Deadhead's better off this way, and so's everyone else. Feels good to do something without a J pulling the strings."