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Revision as of 22:58, 17 July 2017

Adept: Soak tank, Blades, Automatics
Player/u/mitsayantan (Dusk)
Street Cred5
Public Awareness0
Comments on ShadowHavenProfile"" ~ Sysop
Career FolderChummer and PDF

Out of Character Information


Basic Info

Barbarian is a bigass troll with a sword and a shield. He focuses on using a sword and shield style for melee and automatics. He is also excellent as a meat-shield. He has decent sneak, locksmith and other stuff that muscles and usually default on pretty good. He's your designated heavy hitter, but he isn't subtle by any means.


6th world barbarian

Appearance and Style

  • Meat: Barbarian is a big, mean and tough looking troll with curved horns and an intimidating beard. Barb is a simple fellow and is easy to befriend. He likes good ale, good food and a good fight. Despite being quick to anger he's also easy to befriend and tries his best to take care of his runner team. Conan walks into a fight sword in one hand and shield in the other like some kind of 6th world barbarian. He's regularly oversleeps and has a bad habit of snoring loudly.
  • Astral form/sig: Awakened with dark patches here and there signifying ware. The silhouette of a great bear stands behind him
  • Matrix persona: N/A
  • Styles and symbols known for: Leaves an RFID chip of an life size ARO of Conan the Barbarian, holding his atlantean sword up high.



Born SINless, Conan grew up in a metahuman orphanage in the Barrens. While he never knew his parents, the caretakers of the orphanage told him, that he was dropped off at the orphanage by a male troll (presumably his father). Conan worked as a local muscle for the highest bidder, doing small time thug jobs. To make himself better, he saved up some cash and got himself some bioware (to which he found he his body surprisingly compatible). Immediately after getting his implants Conan started seeing a bear in his dreams for some reason. The bear did not speak, but glowed with a warm light, Streaks of blackness stained the holy aura. Conan never got the meaning of the dream till later.

Conan always had trace amounts of magic in his aura but either he was probably too dumb to recognize it, that is until his hidden potential was recognized by a Scottish troll adept who called himself "The Highlander". It all happened over a spilt drink which led to a bar fight between Highlander and Conan and Conan was successfully able to fend off his future teacher's attacks with nothing but a barstool. Impressed with his potential, he offered to train Conan during afterhours. Highlander taught him all he knows, from sword fighting to what it spiritually means to be an adept. Highlander explained the meaning of the bear in Conan’s dreams, that he was being guided by the great bear spirit. Under his tutelage, Conan’s magical abilities bloomed. The fact that Conan had magic came as quite the surprise. He always thought his abilities are primarily due to his "superior genes and ware" but he swore he would not let "artificial power" kill the divine spark within him. In fact, to this day he feels irritated if someone as senses him and asks about his ware.

Highlander was a good teacher apart from teaching how to fight, he also taught Conan a bit of Scottish culture, filling that space Conan never had, being born an orphan. Highlander was a runner by profession and shadowrunning always carries the risk of death. When one night, his teacher did not come back. Conan knew what happened to him (at least that’s what he assumed). Ironically, Conan walked the same path as his teacher, becoming a shadowrunner. After all what choice do the SINless have. Conan's life is full of questions "Who is he? Who were his parents? What happened to Highlander?" briefly a bit of pride would take over, refusing to consider his own past thinking his family left him on the streets, but the questions would always come back to haunt him. Conan however, never stopped looking for his teacher and probably never will till he gets some answers. But even when alone. he always feels the presence of the great bear watching over him. He knows "ol' Yogi will guide him to his answers eventually."

Conan has this gig going on since he discovered some old comic called “Conan the Barbarian” He actually hired a sword maker to re-forge his katana into a longsword. Sword and one hand and shield in other, adorned with bone charms Conan fancies himself a 6th world Barbarian warrior.

Significant Qualities


  • Adept
  • Agile Defender
  • Biocompatibility (Bioware)
  • Mentor Spirit (Bear)
  • Tough as Nails: Stun 3
  • Thermographic vision


  • Poor Self Control (Vindictive): Quick to anger and quick to respond in kind. Probably not a good idea to mess with a troll, unless you are one too
  • Driven: Conan has to know what became of his teacher, the Highlander.
  • Signature: Leaves a tag, of an life size ARO of Conan the Barbarian, holding his atlantean sword up high
  • Phobia (Uncommon, Mild) (Bunraku): As a child, Conan had a friend named Jessie. She was an orphan dwarf who grew up on the streets like Conan. At the age of 15 Jessie was abducted and taken away. Conan wasn't really all that rough and tough back then and he could do nothing to save her. Years later Conan found her again in a Bunraku parlor, devoid of her memories and forced to be heavily cybered up to the point of being a sex doll. Conan hasnt been able to come to terms with such a horrible fate for his childhood friend and is deeply unnerved in the presence of bunrakus or a bunraku establishment. If he does however manage to conjure enough courage Conan would immediatly try to free them and kill the owners of the parlor due to repressed hate and rage.
  • Dependent (Nuisance) (Newt): Years after the incident involving Jessie. Conan saved another young dwarf girl called "Newt." While Newt lives in an orphanage. Conan pays her costs and she has a habit of dropping in every now and then


Good deeds, adventure and loot


  • Become as strong as Conan the Barbarian
  • Finding Highlander
  • Discover his past and his roots

Run History



Name Connection Loyalty
King Midas 6 3

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Leaves a tag, of an life size ARO of Conan the Barbarian, holding his atlantean sword up high

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


  • Conan Gyllenhaal; Rating 4 Fake Nation SIN (UCAS)

Media Mentions

ShadowHaven Profile Comments