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Maestro's early life of petty crime and manipulations in the town of Touristville eventually brought him face to face with Alessa P, who recognised that his talent could be of use within the world of shadows. Indeed, while the specifics of Maestro's life is something of an enigma, who he is now is something different entirely. He is a man of many masks, a practitioner of countless tricks. In the world of the unknown, he shall be the vocal showman. Should he have his way, all of Seattle shall one day know of his name, both awed and angered by the devilishness of his deeds.
Maestro's early life of petty crime and manipulations in the town of Touristville eventually brought him face to face with Alessa P, who recognised that his talent could be of use within the world of shadows. Indeed, while the specifics of Maestro's life is something of an enigma, who he is now is something different entirely. He is a man of many masks, a practitioner of countless tricks. In the world of the unknown, he shall be the vocal showman. Should he have his way, all of Seattle shall one day know of his name, both awed and angered by the devilishness of his deeds.

== Narrative Significant Qualities ==
== Narrative Significant Qualities ==

Revision as of 08:49, 22 September 2021

Face Magician
The Pinnacle of the Trick is The Prestige.
Discord@Captain Atlas#1995
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - B
Resources - E

Character Information



Maestro wishes to become a true disciple of the magical arts, mastering the use of Black Magic to become a Manipulator and Illusionist without peer. It is his belief that he is destined for greatness, fated to be among the most legendary examples of the Awakened to ever be known. To this end, Maestro must lift himself away from his position of relative poverty and into the shining light of success. This will require a great deal of wealth, focus, and daring.

Exactly what Maestro will learn on his way towards becoming the most grandiose magical gentleman ever known is hard to say. What is not hard to say, however, is that Maestro will not relent. He will stride ever towards his destiny, whether it be one of stupendous success or one of vicious demise. To facilitate his rise to power, a few particular goals need to be met.

The Short Term

  • Acquire appropriate magical foci and reagants.
  • Bind spirits to utilise as tools and companions.
  • Acquire funds to establish a higher standard of living and comfort.

The Long Term

  • Become an Initiated member of a Lodge.
  • Master the arts of Manipulation and Illusion.
  • Learn the secrets of Alchemy.
  • Acquire a lifestyle of luxury and status.
  • Become recognised as one of the, if not THE, grandest Magicians within the Shadows of Seattle.


Maestro was born to a life of strangeness and unexpected natures. The adoptive son of a self-proclaimed 'man-of-the-arts' and circus ringmaster, the early days of the aspiring magician took place in the more civilised areas of the wastes beyond Seattle, wracked with danger and ruin. Early in his life, Maestro realised that he possessed unique talents and abilities. Either as a result of his amiable encounters with the strange Spirits of Man or his rapidly developing ability to persuade and manipulate others through his burgeoning magical powers, Maestro was quick to recognise himself as more than mundane. Indeed, the glorious reality quickly dawned upon him that he was exceptional, beyond the ken of the ordinary citizenry of the world. This belief would guide Maestro towards his future, building him into the man he would become.

Throughout his formative years, Maestro was schooled by his now late father in the art of persuasion, deception, and trickery. Indeed, as the young boy became a young man, he had become something of an aspiring con artist, an individual capable of performing great feats of charm and treachery alike. These skills, once of use in the world of show-business, would one day serve a purpose that even Maestro did not, at the time, expect. Indeed, it was in these early years that Maestro's father was slain, shot dead by a man he had cheated out of his possessions. This taught Maestro a great deal indeed. The lesson, however, was not one of morality. Instead, it was one of reality. Life is cruel to the failing trickster, to the one whose tricks are seen for what they are. To succeed in life, to claim that wish he knows to be rightfully his, Maestro knew he would have to rise beyond detection. He would have to become a legend.

Maestro's early life of petty crime and manipulations in the town of Touristville eventually brought him face to face with Alessa P, who recognised that his talent could be of use within the world of shadows. Indeed, while the specifics of Maestro's life is something of an enigma, who he is now is something different entirely. He is a man of many masks, a practitioner of countless tricks. In the world of the unknown, he shall be the vocal showman. Should he have his way, all of Seattle shall one day know of his name, both awed and angered by the devilishness of his deeds.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Maestro's most definitive aspect is his wielding of the magical arts. As an Awakened disciple of black magic, he wields a power he recognises as both beautiful and terrible to behold.
Astral Chameleon
  • Detection is the greatest enemy of the trickster, the killing blow that spells his doom. Maestro, recognising this, has detected himself to being difficult to detect both in the real world and the Astral plane.
Mentor Spirit (Raven)
  • Guided by his Mentoring Spirit, Maestro's powers of Manipulation are accentuated and strengthened. The fact that he feels compelled to beguile and take advantage of those around him, additionally, is a pleasant side effect.
Spirit Affinity (Spirit of Man)
  • From a young age, Maestro became well acquainted with the Spirits of Men. These creatures, strange though they may, quickly became his companions in the abandoned corners of the world. Through them, Maestro believes he may yet wield terrible power.
Quick Healer
  • Though he himself is not well acquainted with the reasons, Maestro has a knack for healing with ease. As is the case with many things, he credits this to his magical nature.


Distinctive Style
  • Maestro is, at heart, a showman. His booming voice and his ringmaster-like accentuations have made him a definitive figure, one that remains in the heads of those that see him long after he is gone. Exactly what the repercussions of this will be are hard to tell. Nonetheless, Maestro is who he is.
  • The death of his father had a profound effect on Maestro. To avoid such a fate, he must be unknowable, impossible to perceive. Due to this, the many false faces Maestro wears have become as much a part of him as his own flesh and blood. Without them, he is naked, cast to the cruelty of the elements of the world.
Signature (Treble Clef Playing Card)
  • To be recognised for one's work is essential. To facilitate this, Maestro often leaves behind a treble clef playing guard to signify his handiwork. For better or for worse, his actions will often be recognised as his own.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Silver RushArchtmagThe Burning Star of Redmond2 October 2082
Body BlockingSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre30 September 2082
Hammer TimeDraknic29 September 2082
Ace Powers Commits Tax FraudNiven27 September 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
John Baptise 2 2 Service Taxi Driver Reliable, Voodoo, No Questions Asked Even
Alessa P 4 2 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even
Captain Boomerang [[Contact_Rules#Connection_Rating|]] 4 [[Contact_Rules#Contact_Archetype|]] Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments