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|Aspect=Defending the Defenseless
|Aspect=Defending the Defenseless
|Description=In addition to the True Crime aspect, if asked about crimes intentionally targeting metahumans (like the Cutters or the Spikes hating elves, Humanis or Alamos 20K hitting anyone pointy-eared), his legwork takes a further +2.
|Description=In addition to the True Crime aspect, if asked about crimes intentionally targeting metahumans (like the Cutters or the Spikes hating elves, Humanis or Alamos 20K hitting anyone pointy-eared), because of his extensive connections to initiatives like Mothers of Metahumans and the serious focus on the cause, his legwork takes a further +2.
<!-- Above is an example of a positive aspect. You may duplicate this as many times as necessary. -->
<!-- Above is an example of a positive aspect. You may duplicate this as many times as necessary. -->

Revision as of 12:47, 28 July 2023

Joseph Jacoby
Joe Jacoby.jpg
University Professor and Political Activist
"You can't take 'ass' out of 'assume', young man."
Contact OwnerEnigmaticOxygen
Owner's Discord NameKeeper M
LocationSeattle University, Downtown Seattle
MetatypeOrk (Goblinized)
Preferred Payment MethodBarter (Profession Items)
Hobbies/ViceFamily Obligations (Grandkids), Entertainment (Literature), Social Habit (Debating), Bad Habit (Arguing)
Personal LifeIn Relationship
FactionOrk Underground
AspectsMy Grandkids Were Visiting
Team Tusked
A Man of Principle
The Body Politic
Student Body
Trog Historian
Ork Underground Policlub
The Big Ten
The Sponsors and the Sponsored
Damn Dedicated Debater
Community Connection
True Crime
Defending the Defenseless


Prop 23 making the Ork Underground a recognised district in 2074 introduced a number of changes. The mayoral office isn't exactly thrilled about it, but they had to give the new kids on the block a few seats. Enter the OU Policlub. The pro-metahuman agenda can't win them overwhelming support, especially with the existence of parties which either disapprove or simply view them as contenders to what they want to capitalize on, but the popularity with the blue collar, low-income tusked and/or pointy-eared communities mustn't be underestimated, particularly in the OU and Puyallup. They've got a fine face as well if you look past the physicality. While vocal and dead-set on his community being treated as equals to "the fat cats in office", Prof. Joseph "Joe" Jacoby couldn't be further from the aggressive, ignorant trog stereotype Humanis pushes. He holds a PhD in Political Science and a Master of Arts in Sociology from Seattle University, which paradoxically makes him the best-prepared in terms of who's the most meritorious if he was running for office. He still gives lectures too. Not a fan of Sons of Sauron, he believes in equal opportunities for metas from poorer backgrounds and frequently attacks the cops for police brutality vs barrens denizens. Sensing an opportunity, Aztechnology swooped in to support Joe and the OU Policlub, well before EVO did, which also caused backlash from the latter, but the ork is savvy enough to take advantage of the megacorporate bickering.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
My Grandkids Were Visiting The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, Joe will not answer the call immediately. When he calls you later, he'll explain that he and his wife were busy babysitting their grandkids.
Team Tusked As a key community figure for orks and trolls, but also metas prejudiced against as a whole, Joe not only won't move against them, with exceptions like Sons of Sauron, the Spikes or the Mistish Farad, but he'll also immediately burn whoever develops positive rep with Humanis Policlub, the Night Throne, Winternight etc.
A Man of Principle He's got standards. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.
The Body Politic An academic and political activist, Joe has a much easier time networking with politicians and academics. He also makes tests like Politics, Sociology and other academic skills with a +2 bonus.
Student Body If you ever studied at Seattle University, Joe probably knows you. Networking checks with former students (GM discretion) are at +2.
Trog Historian He's into ork and troll culture. The Black Forest, King Juan Carlos II, Neil the Ork Barbarian. He can tell you much about such topics. He's also an outstanding networker with the tusked people. Tests related to ork and troll culture or networking with its representatives are at +2.
Ork Underground Policlub He's a community leader the OU needs and the policlub gives many actual chances at muscling into the room where it happens. His key voters come from the OU and Puyallup. If you're polite and he doesn't think you'd take advantage of them, he will leverage those connections. He makes tests related to the two areas, the locals and gangs present at +2.
The Big Ten You can't avoid dealing with the megas. Knowledge tests related to the Big Ten and networking checks specifically with Aztechnology or EVO people are at +2.
The Sponsors and the Sponsored He's skilled at getting money from the haves to the have-nots. Networking with those who donate to his university or the OU (GM discretion) is at +2.
Damn Dedicated Debater He really knows how to get his point across. Loyalty 3+ can take him as a sensei for the Influence and Acting skill groups. Tests using skills from these groups are always at +2.
Community Connection Loyalty 4+ allows Joe to be asked to use his brain and the gift of the gab for the betterment of trog communities. Convincing him through roleplay with the GM is necessary. The job must aid metahumans and eschew lethal force. He wants a thorough plan of infiltration and exfiltration. It must avoid collateral damage. If successful, he makes active and knowledge skill tests at +2 while on the case.
True Crime Those facing poverty and prejudice often have little choice but to turn to crime. Joe knows about that sad truth and is skilled at working with SU's criminologists as well as with metahuman groups like the Skraacha, the Ancients or the Laésa. Networking and knowledge tests like Underworld, Gangs or Syndicates are at +2.
Defending the Defenseless In addition to the True Crime aspect, if asked about crimes intentionally targeting metahumans (like the Cutters or the Spikes hating elves, Humanis or Alamos 20K hitting anyone pointy-eared), because of his extensive connections to initiatives like Mothers of Metahumans and the serious focus on the cause, his legwork takes a further +2.


Knowledge Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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