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{{Gamequote|Amusing quote from game.}}
==Player After Action Reports (AARs)==

Revision as of 02:59, 19 August 2023

Nybble at the feet of blockchain
GMAurora Skye
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
News Van Dan
NybbleCoin 2.0
Tommy cook
Declan Armstrong
Casualties and losses
Declan Armstrong Tommy cook


News Van Dan suspects something is fishy with Nybble 2.0 and wants the team to investigate it. This time he may be right!


The hot new crypto currency is out and its Nybble 2.0! Seattle news is ablaze with excitement about this corporate deregulated currency and everyone wants a piece of it.

The Meet

The meet starts out a bit unusually, Van Dan told the team to await him at a random street in the park and he didn't show. Some quick matrix searching shows him pulled over at a traffic stop a few blocks away. 8133D3R jumped into their car and took off to distract the cops while Throwback hacked the cops commlink and prevented backup. The ploy worked and the team eventually ditched the cops and met up with Van Dan at a safehouse.

He explained that Tommy Cook, a local technomancy, has started up a blockchain company and something seems fishy about it. He thinks it probably ties back to some nonsensical string of other conspires. He wants the team to look into him and his business partner, Decan Armstrong. Decan, a local rich horizon brat, may also be a technomancer. When pressed Van Dan offered the team 40,000 for the job. The team agreed and they went to task.

The Plan

Perform matrix investigations on Nybble coin, Decan Armstrong, and Tommy Cook in hopes of finding some skeletons, and take what ever actions they need to satisfy Van Dan.

The Run

The team of matrix experts set out to perform matrix investigations on all three major topics of interest, and hit paydirt on each.

  Tommy Cook, a conservative Christian, makes bold inflammatory claims, such as all AIs are a form of Satan, and Dunkelzahn’s death was faked. His patters reek of Dissonance.
  Decan Armstrong, A wealthy Horizon kid with no accomplishments of note to his name. He runs a blog talking about how society should fall to his image, that he is better than the world ect. Reports were found that his cyberdeck might be fake. The team assumes he is also a corrupter technomancer.
  Information on Nybblecoin 2.0 beyond the public face of it was sparse, but they do maintain a destination host explaining it.

With this information Throwback contacted Blake, with The World Gardeners, to help him come to terms with a potentially massive cult of Dissonant followers. The rest of the team invested the host further. Blake explained that "Block chain" is a corrputed Paragon, worshiped by dissonance and that it needs to be stopped. He explained that if the team can find a way to discredit the currency, its followers will loose access to their paragon and would likely disperse. Now resolute to end this threat Throwback returns from the resonance realms with this information.

Mean while on the public host of Nybblecoin 2.0, the others got to work looking for suspicious entries. Those with access to resonance discovered a sickly feeling within the host. Followers of Blockchain attempted to force crypto mining onto members of the team. When successful they noticed their connection to the resonance dwindle as their psyche dedicated more tasking to mining the currency. Eventually the team located a hidden sub-host, a much bigger host. Fennec and Knock decided to dive deeper while 8133D3R and Throwback engaged Tommy Cook on the public host. The fight was on.

Team public host compiled sprites to trace and engage Tommy while the two technomancers engaged him personally. Ultimately Throwback managed to trace his icon just before the combined might of 8133D3R and 2 sprites knocked him unconscious. Throwback immediately set course to his physical location and dispatched him.

Meanwhile Team hidden host crept around looking for incriminating data files in what looked to be a much more twisted host, complete with a dissonant resonance well and Decan Armstrong patrolling. The pair engaged Decan in combat until Knock struck a massive dataspike causing Decans brain to explode with biofeedback. Once finished Fennec located the data, and after copying it manipulated it so that the proceeds of Nybblecoin 2.0 would end up in the teams secure account.


The team managed to steal the profits of Nybblecoin 2.0 as well as contact and get paid by Van Dan, who seemed happy with the results. Fennec decided to spread the information to their stream's followers as well. Also pleased with the team, Blake offered membership to The World Gardeners their new technomancer friends.


10k nuyen from NVD - 5 RVP

6k nuyen - Paydata

News Van Dan at Loyalty 3 (or 10 CDP) - 5 RVP

6 karma

Submersion Ordeal for Fennec, BLEEDER, Throwback Mundane Ascension for Knock


Fennec and Knock get +1 Chip on News Van Dan

Optional: Can Join The World's Gardener's if you're a techno for 6 karma

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)