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The Unseelie Court (+2 rep)


Revision as of 17:42, 25 January 2024

Former Child Actor
"My wheelchair is smarter than you."
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Fatima Kumar has a single digit lifespan, a cheap designer baby whose body is slowly falling apart. Once a child celebrity, she's since fallen into obscurity as broke, bitter med school student. With no job, no scholarship, and a monstrously expensive illness, she's forced to make ends meet using less than savory means.


  • Find a cure for her condition, or at least a way to extend her life.
  • Finally get that stupid doctorate.
  • Gain recognition for her self-evident genius.


Designer babies are a common enough thing in the UCAS. Almost everyone above a certain class gets some level of augmentation before birth: tweaks to their appearance, protection against disease, and in some cases, pre-cultured bioware to give them an early leg up. Even among the most conservative corpos, natural births have fallen out of style. Of course, these changes always come with some inherent measure of risk; a dice roll, however unlikely, that tweaking one gene will lead to the collapse of another. Reputable clinics are very careful with their work, and always make sure that their clients are aware of the danger. BetterNetics Inc., on the other hand, promised their kids would be CEOs. Fatima Kumar's parents bought this hook, line, and sinker, and spent an obscene amount of money on the company's "executive package". With a photographic memory, enhanced cerebellum, and extensive beauty augs to boot, the unborn Fatina was designed for success. And for a time after her birth, she performed beautifully.

Fatima was a genius. At eight months old she was holding conversations, and by the time she entered school her speech was on par with adults. She studied voraciously, every field of science, publishing her writing to message boards on the 'trix. People began to take notice. Journalists called her parents for interviews. By the time she entered high school she was taking time off for photo shoots, trideo slots; a remarkable young genius with a future as bright as a star. Then she got sick, and her fame really skyrocketed. At first it seemed like heart disease, but as every organ in her body began to sputter and fail, the awful truth became apparent: BetterNetics cheaped out on the parts. Not a single one of the children made with their "cutting edge" technology, the so-called executive line, could be expected to live past 20. The lawsuit made national headlines. Seven other children were named in the case, but Fatima was the face of it all, and oh, how she rose to the occasion. She vowed to devote the rest of her life, however much she had left, to the study of medicine. She would find a cure for the executive line, and make sure nothing like this ever happened again.

Now that she's in grad school, that young genius is an opiate-addicted burnout. The problems really started when she moved away to college, 16 years old. Living under a media microscope, isolated from her peers, enduring constant invasive treatments for an ever-declining condition; it's no wonder that she cracked under the pressure. Her GPA slipped, she started abusing her pain meds, and in junior year she snapped, shoving a professor during an argument about grades. Into an open cadaver. The video that leaked is the most viral thing she's ever done, and her fame's been declining ever since. 5 out of the 8 executive line kids are dead. She's a year and a half from being kicked off her parents' insurance. Everyone's sympathetic to a cute, sickly kid, but once she's old and ugly their hearts start to harden, and their bottomless pockets start coming up dry. Well Fatima's not about to sit around and take it. Some people would consider her entirely unsuited for shadowrunning, but with a mechanized chair and a cavalier attitude towards death, anything's possible. Maybe this could be her second chance, a catalyst for new ideas. If not, at least she won't die in a hospital bed. What does it really mean to do no harm, anyway?

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Prototype Transhuman - Heartbreak was, quite literally, bred to be a genius, with specially cultivated bioware to enhance her neural processes. She's also got flawless skin.
  • Smart Cookie (Analytical Mind, College Education, Speed Reading, Photographic Memory): Genetics mean nothing if you don't put in the work, and Heartbreak's done nothing but. She is academically brilliant at the cost of everything else.
  • Subtle Pilot - She's spent her life navigating hostile architecture, and by now has gotten rather good. She used to use her skills to hide from the press. Now she hides from cops.
  • Insured - Not strictly a mechanical quality, but it is worth mentioning that Heartbreak subscribes to DocWagon gold. Better safe than sorry!


  • Held Together with Tape (Infirm 3, Mild Allergy (Soy), Asthma, Paraplegic): To put it bluntly, Heartbreak has the constitution of a Mayfly. She's allergic to most foods, can't walk on her own, and needs constant support from her implants to stay alive.
  • Pretentious (PSC Attention Seeking, DYJCMD): There is no such thing as a well adjusted child star, much less one who was constantly praised as a genius. Heartbreak both resents those around her and constantly seeks their approval.
  • Addiction: Bliss: Heartbreak's fix is her favorite part of the day. Her brain slows down, her body stops hurting, and for just a few hours she can feel like a normal person. She tries to limit herself, she does, but every night she takes the pills just a little bit earlier. Current level: mild.
  • SINner (UCAS): Her disability pension's about 500 nuyen a month. The rent on her apartment is 7000.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Haunt My HouseFangblade_31 January 2085
Fly, Little BlackbirdFangblade_Amhrain na Preachan24 January 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Dr. Wells 2 1 Fixer(K,N,G,A) Professor Numbers, not names, Corporate and Country, Seattle Specialist, NA Corps, Japanese Ingenuity Even
Ameline Laurent 4 2 Custom(A,N,K,G) Docwagon HTR Pilot HTR, Solid Reputation, Mercenary Connections, Angel of Mercy, Flight Clearance Even



The Unseelie Court (+2 rep)


In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 That stupid fragging video. First result when you search her face is a commlink vid of her shoving a guy. In an open cadaver. It's exactly as gross as it sounds.
3 Fatima Kumar, huh? Used to be famous when she was a kid, some kind of baby genius. Spokeswoman for all kinds of charities, even had a few cameos in the trids. Really fallen off the map as of late, though. Except for the video.
6 Heavy digging turns up an old lawsuit against BetterNetics Inc., a now-defunct biotech firm specializing in genetic engineering. It seems her condition was not congenital, but the result of reckless augmentation in the womb. She is, in short, an artificial human, and a poorly made one at that.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Her aura is a dull, sickly brown, the color of clotted blood, terminally ill and choked with spite.
2 As mundane as they come. Her head and chest are filled with the negative spaces of ware.
3 Hers is a condition she will never be rid of. Organs groan beneath the strain of their duties, kept alive only through the merciless march of steel.
4 The body may be dying, but the brain is more alive than most. Artificial neurons fire faster than should be possible, a marvel of cultured biotech. The flashing of lights is painful to look at, so one can only imagine how it feels to think.
5 The more one looks, the less natural flesh one sees. Heartbreak is a human, yes, but one built artificial from the ground up. She's a copy of a person with none of the pieces quite right. Her aura is swarmed with black, microscopic ants: nanites, only real reason that she keeps drawing breath.


Fatima Kumar (UCAS): Though born to an EVO corporate family, Fatima has avoided the company in favor of academia, due in no small part to bitterness towards her parents.

Jen Chopra (DocWagon Lmtd.), Rating 4 Fake: An off-duty DocWagon EMT. If she had known it'd be this easy to get a medical license, she would've bought a fake one from the start.



Most people wouldn't describe Heartbreak as "fashionable". Her style is comfy, practical, and tinged with the occasional anime character. When she wants to dress up it's all white shirts and slacks, classic doctor style. She even has a lab coat. Her drones and gear are painted baby blue and white, with bright red "+" signs to mark her as a medic. She isn't sure whether that'll stop anyone from shooting, but one can hope.

Matrix Persona

A long, spindly surgical robot, all grey metal and shining chrome with red and white highlights. Her drones take the form of modular limbs, each a different tool.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Bills piling up Heartbreak needs a lot of money to live. She owes hundreds of thousands to UW Medical, to the point where they're rationing her life-saving medicines. Hippocratic oath be damned, she'll do just about anything for a payday.
Desperate for validation It's not enough to simply be brilliant, one has to be acknowledged as such. For as much as Heartbreak shit-talks the academic establishment, she really really wants to get published again.
Compassionate streak She may have lost the plot these days, but Heartbreak studied medicine to help people. For as tough of a face as she puts on, it's hard to say no to an injured person in need.
Cybertech nerd Medical science has always been Heartbreak's passion. She's fascinated by people with highly advanced ware, even if they're the enemy, and will put herself in danger to learn more about it. Maybe, just maybe, it could be applied to improving herself.
Family drama Since she was a kid, Heartbreak's parents have fed her a specific story about her birth: that BetterNetics used experimental augs without their knowledge or consent. This is a lie, and her parents were far more complicit than they let on. Most of the corporation's data has been lost or classified since it went under, but Heartbreak's always felt curious about her origins. Perhaps there'll be a chance to investigate on the other side of the law.

Media Mentions

From Seattle StarWatch, December 2079

"...and for some more recent drama, a SHOCKING video of Fatima Kumar, University of Washington's medical whiz kid, having a total meltdown in class! You may remember Fatima as the spokeswoman for the Heal Seattle Charity Run, or from her guest appearances on 'Healthy Eating with Lester Clark'. Well do as she says and not as she does, cause this little genius putting on the HURT!"

The feed switches to a commlink video inside of an echoing lecture hall. A half-dissected cadaver sits on an operating table. In front of it stands an aged, portly professor, who seems to shrink before a frail woman in a wheelchair, putting up his hands in supplication. He mutters something too quiet to hear, but it only seems to incense the woman. She shoves him back, hard, ass first into the open chest. He tumbles back to the gunshot pop of ribs, pitching over the table in a shower of smushed organs. She grabs a chunk of viscera and chucks it down on him.

"Talk about bedside manner! I don't know about you guys, but if this was my doctor I think I'd just stick to Advil. In other news, star of The Real Housewives of Tir Tangire caught CHEATING..."

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