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=IC Communique=
=IC Communique=
=Rules and Restrictions=

Latest revision as of 19:23, 15 February 2024

IC Communique

> Welcome to ShadowHaven!

> Message of the Day

Greetings, it has come to my attention that someone put a 0.45 ACP round into the head of another fragger at high velocity. First off, poor ballistics on that round, shaking my head.

Second, that came dangerously close to breaking our policy about fragging each other during runs.

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Um...phrasing. I’m a free sprite and I can even detect that is really poor phrasing. ~ Hipster Machine
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So, here’s a fragging 5000 megapulse file of the fragging rules. Yes, we’ve changed them. These are new rules, pay attention.

I’ve also taken the liberty of making a SmartContract filled with 10 million nuyen which will automatically adjudicate policy violations.

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There are still metahumans in the loop. Should a policy violation be detected, 5% of online Haven members will be randomly polled for their opinion on the matter. If more than 80% of these selected runners agree that what went down was some slotted up drek, then bounties are released. Metahumans are much better at dealing with subtlety and detecting edge cases.
We facilitate trust with the strength of algorithms. You need not trust any administrator, you need not trust any one person.. ~ Hipster Machine
>>>>>>> content

Rules of profession conduct around the murder of other runners.

  1. Your ShadowHaven app will have a nice list of people you can’t geek due to these rules. Breaking these rules will have your haven access revoked and the smart contract protocols issued against you.
    1. Geeking a runner while on the job
    2. Once assigned to a job and you know your team, you can not geek your future team members.
    3. By default, you can not geek your former team members until 24 hours have passed since the Johnson marked the run as complete.
      1. Our friendly ShadowHaven customer support accepts fixer’s requests to extend this time if circumstances make it so the team can’t spread apart after a run.
  2. Collecting a bounty or completing wetwork in a scumbag way will have your haven access revoked and the smart contract protocols issued against you. If you must complete wetwork against other runners, do so in the typical fashion.
    1. Don’t use loved ones to lure out other runners, for example. Shank them in the back in the barrens like an honorable runner.
  3. We’ve implemented improved business rules that allow fixers to review the Johnson selected team. Fixers, motivated by keeping fees flowing, should generally insure that runners who might have a problem with each other aren’t on the same run and offer replacements from their stables.
  4. We’ve implemented improved business rules that allow the runners to review the proposed team and decline the job if they really can't look at someone’s face without shoving an inferior 0.45 ACP round into it.
  5. Geeking someone at runner bars or other runner gather places will have your haven access revoked and the smart contract protocols issued against you.
    1. Think, runners, think! Why would you geek someone in a room full of highly armed mercenaries and expect for that room not to turn into blood pudding. If you make it out alive, we’re still going to geek you for being so reckless.
    2. Your ShadowHaven app will highlight these locations and an area around them as a safe zone.
  6. Geeking a runner might piss off anyone or any faction who liked them. Please make sure that runner whose brains you're about to splatter against the wall isn’t one of Lofwyr’s pets if the geek is valid.
  7. Geeking someone on a faction’s property while that person is under the protection of a faction might piss off that faction. If you stain Lofwyr’s marble floors with the brain juice of one of his pets, he’s going to come after your hoop.
  8. Geeking a runner who is in the process of completing a job you aren’t on will likely piss off the Johnson who hired them. At least go get paid if you are going to do that drek.
  9. Using non-lethal in fights is still slotted up as weaker runners might need to use lethal to even a high stakes fight.
  10. People can still mark down your profile for geeking another runner even if the geeking is valid. Please see the ShadowHaven app help page for information on how to demerit someone.

> Lets get to work......


PvP Rules and Considerations

PvP on the Haven houses the combined IC and OOC rules for Player vs Player actions.

PvP Consent and Requirements

  • All players must consent to a PvP scene.
    • Abuse of this trust will first be resolved by thematics to ask the player to stop having their character act in a “smack your mouth” manner.
    • The abuse of this trust will be resolved by moderation in extreme cases and after repeated thematics warnings.
    • Please contact moderation if you have repeatedly turned down escalating requests for PvP.
  • If consent is declined, thematics will arbitrate a way for both PCs to continue working on the Haven.

GM Required

  • PvP scenes must have a neutral gamemaster facilitate them.
    • The gamemaster facilitating the PvP scene must ensure the scene is a fun experience for all, all have consented to the scene, the scene is properly pre-negotiated and everyone’s expectations are set.
  • Gamemasters should avoid placing characters with known conflict, or who's factions conflict, on the same run.
  • The gamemaster and involved players should negotiate the scene. This negotiation should set clear expectations. The starting condition of the scene should be briefly written down and submitted to thematics then approved before the run takes place.
    • In this Negotiation, set if the run will be one of the following:
      • Uneven: we have pretty good insight into who will live and die unless some really bad rolls are involved. For example, an unprepared decker vs. an end-game street sam.
      • Even: The GM will endeavor to make the battle as even as possible. For example, a decker could fly to New York City to cut a protection deal with the Genovese Family. This will also give the decker a chance to show off their strength by remotely messing with the street sam still in Seattle.
  • All participants must acknowledge that, on a fundamental level, freeform PvP can be very unfair. A decker might place a 100P car bomb in the street sam’s car, for example. This is a valid thing to do as a weaker character if it was known a stronger character wanted to geek you.
    • This is the case even if the GM tries to make the scene as even as possible.

PvP As a Story Element

  • All PvP must be story driven, meaningful scenes. The lead up to the PvP scene must be documented on the wiki for the fight’s AAR. This is to avoid a few things:
    • Bullying due to OOC reasons,
    • Mechanical flexing of characters which drives up the power level of the LC,
    • A trend of characters submitted purely for PvP which drives up the power level of the LC,
    • Small slights IC resulting in a character’s death,
    • New players getting their characters killed before any meaningful story has happened.
  • Geeking a PC should be an emotionally weighty story element.
    • From Unknown Armies
"Somewhere out there is someone who had loving parents, watched clouds on a summer's day, fell in love, lost a friend, is kind to small animals, and knows how to say "please" and "thank you," and yet somehow the two of you are going to end up in a dirty little room with one knife between you and you are going to have to kill that [Metahuman].” 

IC Considerations

  • Geeking a runner will likely add notoriety or faction reputation
  • Geeking a runner may have an enemy contact assigned to your character
  • Geeking a runner may have negative qualities assigned to your character

Breaking the IC rules

  • Breaking of the Haven’s IC rules will get characters forced to retire where noted.
    • Players may have their characters intentionally break the Haven’s IC rules and get removed IC and forced retired OOC should there be a compelling enough reason to do so while working in partnership with thematics and players involved to pre-negotiate the scene.
    • Thematics may override this should it make sense IC after polling involved characters and taking a temperature of the IC chat rooms.

Banned PvP Interactions

  • PvP is forbidden in the roleplay spaces under “in-character roleplay” on the Discord server.
    • Sparring is allowed, please see the RP Rules for more details on sparring.
  • Non-lethal PvP, but not sparring which are low stakes scenes for fun, falls under these rules as losing or weaker parties in a non-lethal fight may be compelled to go lethal to gain the upperhand due to the stakes involved.