Bat Messenger

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Bat Messenger
Date2084-MM-DD"2084-MM-DD" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp


The group is sent to help one of the yakuza groups. relatively nameless group mostly being forced to work with one of the higher clans


The J of this job is someone really into biosculting their bodies and using drones. but during the course of the events they have been called to help the yakuza group they are paying protection to.

The Meet

Each of the runners arrived at some bar to meet the J. who was not there in person due to the rumors and facts from others that the Haven is filled with mages who don't understand honor or respect. so she left her drone there to be the form that would offer the job. The task was to deal with two people who are rising a bit of hell from openly targeting the yakuza group and some guy who is known to give out money to groups to rise hell for others.

The Plan

Non of them being faces or deckers have to use the people they know to help solve a lot of the problems and over time, they get to deal with one of the targets who was a former Lone Star officer by having him get sent onto missions outside of Seattle for now due to the man working part of Merc company. The other part lead to a gravestone of the owner. who before his death set up a foundation to use his money to annoy the people that annoyed him in life. with finding the gravestone which had an AR marker on it which lead to another site sending in a request for the foundation.

The Run

It was a lot of leg running and trying to solve the problem set out. the runners could had done things with combat but rather use the people they use.


One lady is now getting a cut on paying her monthly protection tax.


14k (7 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Blackhawk: "Well... can't really say much to be honest. Didn't do much of anything to be honest other than make a few calls. Guy was a resilient and clever bastard. Does feel a bit weird working for the Yakuza though... never wanna do that again."