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Blue Dragons Go-ganger
Contact OwnerOwn_Television163
Owner's Discord Name@Anachronaut
Public Contact?Yes
ArchetypeCustom (G,A,N,K)
Hobbies/ViceRacing Bikes, Amateur League Combat Biker, and Novacoke
AspectsDrug Smuggler
Arms Trafficker
Kenran-kai Affiliate
Chop Shop
The Boys
King of the Road


Still Under Creation

Leader of a small crew of Blue Dragon go-gangers. Ambitious, but in a way that's limited to his world. He has no aspirations to leave the Blue Dragons, or quit being a go-ganger: only to become the best of them.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Hot-blooded When making an unsupervised Active check, there is a chance a non-violent task turns violent. On a glitch, non-lethal violence erupts once the Blue Dragons are on-scene. On a critical glitch, at least one person dies.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Ferda The Boys positive aspect costs 30% more nuyen and the threshold is increased by 3. Reduce cost by -10% and threshold by -1 for each point of loyalty, up to a maximum of 3 Loyalty (before other aspect effects).
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Kenran-kai Affiliate The Blue Dragons are patronized by the Kenran-kai. +2 effective loyalty for Yakuza whose faction is on neutral or friendly terms with the Kenran-kai. (This does not raise the actual Loyalty rating!)
Chop Shop The Blue Dragons operate a network of chop shops. Chubo will sell stolen vehicles, and might buy a vehicle if it's not too hot. +2 to Gear checks for vehicle/drone modifications and (possibly hot) vehicles.
The Boys Chubo offers the services of his small crew of Blue Dragons, including, but not limited to: motor escort, roadblock, wheeled harassment unit, light event security, tactical loiterers, etc. They are not your soldiers, however, and will not kill or fight (for you): only out of passion or in defense. +2 to any checks that would benefit from the physical presence of a small crew of go-gangers.
Drug Smuggler The Blue Dragons are heavily involved in drug smuggling. +2 to Gear checks for drugs.
Arms Trafficker The Blue Dragons are heavily involved in arms trafficking. +2 to Gear checks for weapons and armor.
King of the Road Knows some the best smuggling routes and shortcuts from Seattle to San Francisco. +2 to Knowledge checks on Navigation for the purposes of remaining undetected, not being hassled, or shaving time off of your route. This does not guarantee vehicles you own can traverse the provided route: if you don't own water-capable craft, you can't drive in the Pacific.


Knowledge Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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