Highway to Hellhound

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Highway to Hellhound
LocationJust Outside Seattle
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Creeps Bot'Kham
Mother of Mayhem
Ranni 'The Witch' Nearl


Mother of Mayhem caught wind of a weapon's shipment being brought in by a smuggler working for the Creeps, and Hotdog recommends her good friend Lappland for the job.


Following an off-hand comment by Lappland about having trouble finding work at the end of a previous run, Hotdog says she could totally get her mom to give her a job. Making good on her offer, Lappland gets an invite to the Jackal's Lantern...

The Meet

Lappland arrives at the Weener bar, gets past the bouncer, and meets with Mother of Mayhem. The venerable Rager offers a rather straightforward gig, secure a shipment of explosives and weapons being transported by smugglers working for the Creeps in the back of a Mack Hellhound. Lappland is rather cold and edgy during the meet and isn't too interested in hearing about who the Creeps are, but is confident she can handle the job and accepts.

The Plan

Lappland calls up Ranni, who hasn't been contacted since being liberated from the Finnegans, and asks if he can dig up any info on the truck she's supposed to hit. They come back with a rough route, details on the truck's armor and drone defenses, and warn about the truck's rigger Roadkill (who is a member of the Bot'Kham, a large OU gang) and his bike-bound escort Roadrash. The truck is heading to Seattle from the east, so she calls up a smuggler she knows, KLBR, for details on a smuggling route to take out of the sprawl to avoid border patrols. Lappland sneaks out through an unpatrolled section of fence on a cattle-ranch on the border, and zips off into Salish territory.

The Run

Having figured out that Roadkill is planning to stop at an abandoned truck stop, Lappland heads that way to plan an ambush. She suits up in her FBA and starts checking out the place, but spots some movement in the truck stop and sneaks in to investigate. A barghest and its handler are guarding the place, but Lappland easily takes care of the two despite the beast using its dying breath to attempt to paralyze her. She briefly questions the handler, who is very upset about his weird dog being shot, but ends up executing him when she realizes that he could send a message to Roadkill at any time via DNI.

Roadrash arrives shortly later on his bike, but is suspicious when the truck stop's guard doesn't answer a commcall. Still, he doesn't spot Lappland, so she sneaks up on him and fires upon the unaware man. He's killed near-instantly, but a deadman's switch consisting of explosives in his bike rigged to his biomonitor goes off. Lappland is utterly unscathed, but Roadkill is alerted and books it instead of stopping at the truck stop.

Lappland cuts him off and fires a sniper round through the truck's heavily armored windshield, putting him down in a single shot. The truck continues rolling, however, as the dogbrain takes over. Roadkill's drones try pitifully to shoo away Lapland with mounted guns and flamethrowers, but the chase comes to an end when she shoots out the truck's axel and snipes the guard drones. With major mechanical failure being inflicted upon the truck, the dogbrain screeches to a halt and pulls over.


Lappland calls up Mother of Mayhem to let her know the truck has been secured, but that she'll have to send someone to pick up the cargo. Two weeners show up in a pickup truck, one gets shot by a booby trap when he opens up the trailer but shrugs it off, and they disappear into the night with piles of weaponry. Lappland asks Mother of Mayhem a favor, and a big one at that: help hide the five HOUNDS from the mafia in safehouses out in the Barrens, in exchange for favors and work from Lappland. The Rager agrees to the arrangement, despite the risks, because having a powerful runner on retainer (despite Lappland's reputation) certainly has its benefits.

Armed with stolen weapons, the Halloweeners go for to sow chaos and discord.


  • 16,000¥ (8 RVP)
  • 4 Karma (4 RVP)
  • 2 Bonus CDP (1 RVP)
  • 2 CDP
  • +2 Halloweeners Rep


  • Up to 8 RVP (32,000¥) in explosives, firearms/firearm mods, and/or heavy weapons up to Avail 19
  • Mother of Mayhem (Connection 3/Loyalty 1) (3 RVP) - Owed 5 Chips
  • KLBR (Connection 3/Loyalty 1) (3 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


I might have made a mistake, at least a few, down the line. switching from one syndicate to another isn't a great idea. What else am I going to do? It's not like I'll be invited back into that group, not that I'd want to be. I'm an outsider now, on the fringe. Feh. Don't worry. It's fine. Yes, yes, I understand. The new name? It's fitting, I think. Just try not to call me Lapp-dog too much. Or little twitch ears. No, they don't. They don't! God, you're incorrigible. Same place? On it.