Mysterious! Mercurial! Not so Secretive?

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Fennec's Stream

Date: 3 May 2085 By: Fennec

“Hi hi, KuroFennec Deeeeeeeeeeeeesu! Today's gonna be a little different, chat - a little a lot different. Look, I even look serious!" No, that's still a big grin. She forces her expression to something a little more neutral, tails swaying behind her. No camera changes, no effects, no cutting to other feeds. Instead, the matrix fox settles into her seat, hands folding atop a desk. Chat, of course, is already abuzz about the irregularities of this stream.

"Thanks for the sub, OutofTouchAllDays - I'm gonna turn off notifications now though, so if you wanna hear your name wait 'til next stream! So chat! I have some channel news, and a couple updates, and something important. News first! So. You remember when I showed you guys that host dive looking for hints about a fox statue a certain super cute tailtip showed me? Well! Good news and bad news. The good news is that I found it! The bad news is that it's gone again. I know, I know - sad!"

Chat, naturally, explodes into demands for proof, for evidence, for more info.

"It's true, it's true! I found it! I met some neato people, travelled to Asia, met more neato people, and uh - I got to touch it! I can't give all the details, but you might have noticed a severe lack of ShiroFennec. Well, that leads into the next bit of bad news! You see, uh - there's something sad to report."

A slow breath in - a long breath out. "ShiroFennec is dead. Dead! The statue killed him. I know, I know - sad! But no more boyFennec. It's a tragedy of modern times, that we can lose someone so important to us. Remember him, for he was soft as hell and not nearly mean enough to you guys, chat." The little antagonism brings a smile to Fennec's face, a quick wink following.

"But why let that bother us? Things get stranger and stranger, chat. The attempt on my life has left me scarred and weak...bweh." She falls sideways out of the chair, only to be dragged back up into it by the tails, an invisible hand of her own creation puppeting her avatar back into place. "Firat off! We're gonna be collaborating with a certain fashionista! It's gonna be super super fun! I'll post some sneak peeks to my socials later! Including maybe a little modeling." A wink sets chat to tittering - double meanings?

"And last, but not least! In fact, it's the most important part. I have allegations to address, chat. Serious ones, slanderous ones. There have been rumours that I'm just some skinny, androgynous nerd. Rumours that I was spotted in a club in Paris, rumors about being involved in other business elsewhere. Now, some things might be true - I will do anything to find the Truth with you! But there's one lie being spread that I won't stand for chat. You wanna know what that is?"

"Some people say I'm not a real foxgirl. That's fake news! I am, and I'm sick of hearing people pretend I'm not."

"So! Wanna see my not-matrix face, chat?" Fennec doesn't even glance at the chat - instead, a feed gets pulled from inside of a small room - empty bookshelves along the wall, a couple of paintings hung on the wall - and, in center of frame, a foxgirl does a twirl on her toes, landing with tall ears twitching and a big, bushy tail swaying. A couple seconds are spent writing the date and time on a whiteboard, which she then holds up, a too-wide smile on her lips as she declares, "Hi hi~! Kurofennec deeeesu! Ready for more fox quests, chat?"


The rumour mill is hard at work even before the stream finishes, collating and corroborating information.

Yes, there really was a statue, and apparently there was some fighting over it.

Yes, someone claiming to be Fennec was spotted in a club in France.

And - yes, there's no evidence of the footage being doctored. That might really have been Fennec.

Or maybe it was just another fox trick?

(News related to the run "A Fox's Tale.")