CNPP Fired Up Again

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Date: 21.07.2024 By: Harold Glubbock

Harold Glubbock here, reporting out in the field for Horizon News.

The long derelict reactor from the Fifth World, the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant has seemingly restarted. Signs of activity were spotted within the sarcophagus according to illicit explorers of the Exclusion Zone, but the individuals responsible for this were tragically lost to an unknown weather anomaly. Their outside sources state that contact with the explorers was lost around the same time as the skies over Chornobyl gained an aurora borealis-like hue and the surrounding terrain was engulfed in what most experts estimate to be a mana storm of some kind. The Zhytomyr oblast directly west of Chornobyl has been given a radiological warning. Sensors have detected alarming levels of ionizing radiation in the air and the wind takes most of it west. The government has promised to offer respirators to the local populace as a countermeasure and aims to sub-contract magical experts to decontaminate ground water reservoirs.

The Ukrainian government has commented that they're mounting a thorough investigation, but remarks that their experts have always advised the public to not break into the Exclusion Zone due to its hazardous astral space. While the official body refuses to elaborate on this hazardous nature, many Awakened eyewitnesses report feeling physical pain when viewing the mana storm, even from a safe distance. The cordon military has already arrested several criminal trespassers attempting to breach into the Exclusion Zone in search of new discoveries, now that the storm has subsided.

This may not be the last we've seen of this event, however. Local magical groups claim to predict another mana storm occurring in the near future. If their predictions are true, one can't help but wonder how the Ukrainian government plans to deal with a misbehaving magical anomaly in their backyard.

This has been Harold Glubbock from Horizon News.