Operation Darkness

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Operation Darkness
Status Threat Level: Extreme
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven N-51
String King
No Significant Harassment
Etrius's Team
Casualties and losses
None. Beecher and Llyod are KIA. Etrius and Boomer got captured.


The DGSE hire some runners to take down the Elite Team, the crown jewel of the N-51 special operators.


The Feud between the N-51 and the DGSE evolved a lot during the indonesian struggle, with the N-51 managing to get own of it without too many losses to the taste of Colonel Berger, he activated some of his agent to try to launch some others operation to weaken their potential as the ressources of the N-51 get reassigned to the preparation of Operation Hell's Gate. The Elite Team is one of the priority target and since Berger got runners owing him favors, he use them rather than members of the clandestine ops of the DGSE

The Meet

The Team meet with Colonel Berger in some office building in Downtown, after agreeing on the payment off 50k nuyens per runners to take out the target, he provide information about them. The Elite Team, top operators of the N-51 and some of the original members who are behind the "betrayal". The DGSE managed to get their actual whereabout and the runners just have to go in for the kill, though...Killing them isn't going to be easy.

The Run

The team start to plan out their assault on the Safehouse of the Elite Team located north of Sophocles, as the N-51 is monitoring the gang trouble that are going on the rise. Thanks to the DGSE information they find the adress pretty easily and realise that the team is indeed well equiped with Mil Spec armor and good stash of weapons. The Team therefore try to prepare to level the whole building and pick out the suriving members while they are still recovering from the blast, and using the boat of NSH to ram the rubbles.

The team therefore get in touch with Colonel Berger to source some C4 that he sadly can't provide, hopefully for the team Fennec is able to get the necessary material and the team prepare for their assault. Reconnaissance of the place lead to the team learning that Etrius and his men are pretty much on high alert and that they mainly communicate through code words. Despite this once the explosive charge are prepared, the team goes on with the assault.

The Assault began on very unfavorable term for the runners, Fennec failed to notice a tripmine that nearly knock her off on the spot, thus alerting the team, that quickly leave the building in order to conduct a sweep with Trauma and Ashford noticing that Boomer isn't in the building anymore. Trauma quickly find herself in the sight of Beecher but Etrius's team thinking that they were unseen didn't launched their attack yet.

The fight erupted when the massive charge of C4 was detonated throwing Beecher of balance and starting a gruesome fight. The runners were pummeled at first having trouble to hold their ground against the hardened veterans, Trauma quickly found herself facing the blade of Llyod, while Boomer and Beecher managed to notice the boat of NSH despite the invisibility spell casted on it. String King and Fennec providing matrix support and Ashford throwing spirit at the team managed to wear them down enough so Chameleon could take his shot at nerve striking Boomer taking out a first member of the team. Not so long after Llyod would meet his demise being rammed by the boat of NSH.

Etrius and Beecher being the only one left in fighting condition tried to back off from the mess to no avail, Etrius falled victim to a fear spell that sent him right in front of Trauma and NSH who promptly took him down, while Beecher, recognizing Fennec amongst the attacker, took on himself to get her dead in a last stand. Finally a burst of assault rifle would get him to die before he could try his luck again at knifing the Matrix Fox.


The team quickly gathered proof of their victory and brough the two still alive member of the team to Colonel Berger on the dock of Tacoma. The officer was adamant on not paying more money despite the difficulty of the operation that he acknowledge himself, saying that he didn't expected the runners to be back in one piece or even to succeed.

The team accepted the pay from the Colonel and as they leave they can see that both Etrius and Boomer received a bullet, while not being able to confirm or infirm that they have been executed or just wounded.


Run Reward for Operation Darkness, Extreme (1.5 multiplier so 45 RVP) 10 Karma (10 RVP) 50k Nuyens (25 RVP) 22 CDP (10 RVP)

Optionnal Quality : For String King : Natural Leader (5 RVP)

For Fennec : Honest Face (10 RVP)

For Trauma : Toughness (9 RVP)

For NSH : Perfect time (5 RVP)

Optional Contact : Colonel Berger (9/2) Overseer for the DGSE for North America. (10 RVP or 20 CDP)

Broad Consequences : -30 N-51 Rep, the feed of the Pi-Tac wasn't cut in any ways, leaving ways for the N-51 to identify the runners behind the elimination of the Elite Team.

Fennec get the Kink Bomb removed thanks to her service to France. (Can also up the connection of the good Colonel.)

Etrius's Team is not a working contact after two of it's members got killed and the two other are in custody of the French Government.

The Colonel Berger will proudly announce the capture of two high values traitors that are going to be prosecuted shortly on those charge and probably executed.

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Chameleon: Om Mani Padme Hum. Thank you for providing protection in the form of String King and Fennec. Praise to the jewel in the lotus. Thank you for providing courage in the form of Trauma. Om Mani Padme Hum. Thank you for providing wisdom in the form of Ashford. Finally, lord Buddha, thank you for victory in the form of NSH and a giant invisible flying behemoth

Ashford: I still don't think that boat was real, even if it's the reason the apparently magical sam didn't die. These guys were able to able to soak gunshots and spirit punches like they're nothin', so I guess I'm glad about the boat because I think driving around in circles and stunbolting them would've been a complete and utter annoyance for both sides. The weirdest part is that they put up a fight without either matrix or magic support, just firing away. Now that's the impressive thing.

Fennec: That didn't go to plan! They blew me up! Me! I ate a mine. It felt really, really, really bad. Like, super incredibly bad. To get blown up! Obviously I'm not hurt by having to do a job. Like, who cares? Lol, lmao even. Two of 'em down and the others in custody? We did exactly what we were supposed to like real champions! And it only almost killed all of us. ... I got the bomb out! I did it myself. I didn't need anyone's help for it - I stamped on my personality around the Colonel to keep him happy, I worked my ass off to keep from doing anything that made him mad. I collected extra information on jobs unrelated to him to funnel him, I did everything asked to exceptional degree, I let war crimes happen on my watch, and I killed two people I fought alongside before! Two friends! And you know what? It's worth it! It's worth it, because now I don't have to worry about dying! I don't have to be scared anymore. I won't be.

No Significant Harassment: Finally some worthy opponents actually scratched the boat, annoying little shits but it was run. Oh and the plan was good just the execution was terrible but thankfully I was there to save the day and no mil spec can stop the almighty boat, splattered that asshole across the roof, oh and Chameleon did a amazing job with that explosives guy. Though I still feel bad about Trauma she always seem to get the short end of the stick and eat the pavement maybe I should keep a eye on her if we ever work in the future.