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Elven Adept (Prime Gen)
hah... hah... HAH!
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.June 14, 2054
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - B
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


An elven revenant adept hunting the shadows for targets only he knows.

And he's certainly not telling.


  • Establish himself in Seattle
  • Initiate!
  • Search out as many secrets as he can find
  • Piss off Iron (probably)
  • Gear: RPC for the coat, boost the aud/vis gear for the mask. Frikken lazers!
  • Bioware: Deltaware required - Muscle toner 4, Orthoskin 4, Pain Editor (Maybe)
  • Adept: Enthralling performance, mystic armor


Sir Victor Telestrian was born to wealth and hated every minute of it. One might imagine, given how distant his relation to the Telestrian family was, that his upbringing would have been no more different than anyone else; however, even nephews and cousins-twice-removed with a last name of Telestrian find the benefit of that family name.

As a member of the Telestrian family, his life and expectations should have been bright and boring except for the lines of magic going back down the bloodlines. Awakening as an Adept, Sir Victor quickly realized that he was able to move faster than others and, moreover, heal faster as well. James Telestrian quickly realized that some of their ties back into the prior ages of the world and their immortal kin had partially, at least, awakened within his nephew.

This was further proven the day Sir Victor almost died on one of the initial missions. Amid the flaming wreckage of what happens when the grenade lands, the elven adept rose again with his body knitting together with a speed rivalled only by the infected. As Sir Victor, now going under the shadowname of Solitaire and taking a thematic page from the stories regarding "THE" Harlequin in Tir Tairngire, began his early shadowrunning carrer under the covert direction of Telestrian Industries against some of the worst the Sixth World had to offer.

In those early runs, he became aware of the nature of the Invae and spent much of his early running career learning as much as he could find about them and occasionally, with much damage to himself usually, dealing with the occasional solitaire bug spirit. Feeling like he'd reached a level of skill where he could be trusted to not drink himself to death nor get himself killed on a more or less serious run, Sir Victor was allowed to move abroad and has come to Seattle in order to train his skills, establish himself, and find the next big incursion from the Hive.

Narrative Significant Qualities


It's all just a dance, really - Mentor Spirit (Oracle), Agile Defender,

Bloodlines - College Education, Rank 2 (Tir Knight), Privileged Family Name (Telestrian), Revenant Adept

A Great Cosmic Joke - History is not as Certain as we Are Taught


If you're going to dance, dance loud - Poor Self Control (Attention Seeking), Distinctive Style

Even the worst jokes have punchlines - An Overwhelming Despair, Dependent (inconvenience, Alcohol)

Bloodlines - SINner (National, Tir Tairngire)

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Reds & CompressorsAsmodeusMedium2 March 2086
Here But Now They're GoneSarcarianHigh18 February 2086
Down to Clown With Number 6J.R.21 November 2085
Ghost of Halloween PastAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingHigh31 October 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Ace Powers 6 1 Fixer Horizon Talent Agent Musical Talent, Corporate Deals, Keep it Classy, Fake SINs, Insider Knowledge, Horizon Agent, Hired Muscle Even
Eithne Cyneras 5 1 Gear Black Market Talismonger Magical Vendor, Special Procurement, Black Market, Dark Ties, Tir Native, Express Order, Priority Order, Elite Clientele, My Assistant will Take Your Order, Ancient Ties Even
Fairchild 2 3 Fixer "Retired" Peacekeeper Elven Brotherhood, Tir is where the Hart is, Iron Sharpens Iron Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Solitaire Mask.png

When out working, Solitaire is never seen without the heavily customized ballistic mask which covers his whole face in the likeness of a demon.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Alcoholic and generally depressed. Adept
2 No cyberware implants
3 Essence and magic below 6
4 Muscle Toner 2, Magic 5, Essence 5.64
5 Not a technomancer


SIN Issuer Rating Licenses
Sir Victor Telestrian Tir Tairngire Real Concealed carry, Driver, Firearms, Adept
Gaelin Luceran UCAS 5 Adept, Weapon



When out and about, there is nothing much to be said. A slightly disheveled elf who could clean up will if one could ignore the dark circles under his eyes and the vague sense of ennui and apathy. When performing, however, with a stringed instrument in his hand, his eyes lose a sense of their pallor and distance coming truly alive.

If one could see under the demon-faced mask, they would see the exact same shine in his eyes as he moves through combat, all but dancing with his longcoat billowing behind him.

Matrix Persona

None whatsoever

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
A Great Cosmic Joke Any hint of invae will send Solitaire sniffing around
The Last Laugh The end of the world is funny and I'm tired of pretending it's not
All the world's a stage... Sometimes the job is world ending tragicomedy, sometimes it's helping out the little guy.
Family Ties When Telestrian calls, we answer...
Staring into the Void When you look too long into the dark, it looks back

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments