A Quest for Transcendence

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Many cults lurk in the shadow of the Sixth World, amongst them the Cult of Transcended Flesh, their goal is find ways to use Cybermancy to further their goal by producing capable enforcers to ensure the safety of their dangerous rituals made to contact the Horrors, recently the disruption of one of their site did left some test subject in the nature and now they want to recover them, on the other hand the Delta Green has been made aware of their existence and already try to predict their next action.

In the middle of all this some personal fates are hanging in the balance between life and death, innocent and less innocent life sacrificed for diverse causes and hopes.


Cult of the Transcended Flesh

Formed by some hermetics that were working in the Bioware and Cyberware domain who turned to occultism, this Cult built itself to find some alternative way to use Cybermancy in an efficient way turning to the deepest metaplane to do so. Taking advantage of Novatech disarray following the CFD outbreak they managed to grab some resources to pursue their goal up to the point of success, while one of their facilities has been disrupted it surely wasn’t the only one.

Important Members

None known at the time


-Recover the fleeing test subjects

-Find new source of knowledge

-Pursue their experimentation on Cybermancy

Delta Green

The organization is always eager to disrupt Cult with such knowledge of the Horrors, as such they are building up a little task force about it, still those officials are often hand tied by the bureaucracy of their respective government. As such, runners end up being an almost necessary asset.

Important Members

Vigo Flamel


-Destroy the Cult of Transcended Flesh

-Secure their research and knowledge for study and later destruction or conservation.

The Seekers

Not really an organized faction, this are people orbiting around the fight between Delta Green and the Cult, test subject on the run, curious occultist who are not affiliated to any groups and so on.

Important Members

Hank and Nerlithothep the Succubus An odd couple of a PTT produced by the Cult and a Shadow Spirit, bond by a powerful spirit pact...


-Hank and Nerlithothep recovered Alison, Hank sister who had been transformed into a Cyberzombie, the two now are on the perhaps foolish quest to find a way to reverse the process... And learn more on the Cult for one, more on the origins of Shadow Spirit for the other.


Hospital WingRobinton29 November 2085Neznayka
Reaching for a SoulZerre4 November 2085Raum
AnamnesisZerre28 October 2085Phototaxis
Ghosts, Memories, ConsciousnessZerre6 October 2085Babylon
