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Biker Elf.jpg
Biker Black Mage
Actual Criminal
"Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law."
"She's a black magic woman; she's trying to make a devil outta me."
Street Cred36
Public Awareness2
D.O.B.December 10, 2055
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - E

Character Information


Ancients Made Woman and Criminal SINner just trying to make it in the world, getting by with only her good looks, street smarts, and literal magic powers.


  • Pay off her debt to society Lone Star and burn her Criminal SIN.
  • Face the Dweller at the Threshold and confront her inner demons acquire greater magical power.
  • Upgrade her bike and actually learn how to ride it properly.


Born in Montreal in 2055 as a Cross Applied Technologies SINner, her family fell on hard times when Crash 2.0 devastated their corporation. Her mother was extracted (she later learned that it was by Ares Macrotechnology), leaving her and her father to fend for themselves; he fell in with the Ancients, and she Awakened soon after. She ended up raised by the gang after he died, and after a few years she found herself eager for a change of scenery, so she managed to get herself smuggled out of the Republic of Quebec and into the Seattle Metroplex.

In 2071 she was arrested for dealing Tempo and given a criminal SIN by Lone Star, before they lost the law enforcement contract with the city due to the poor handling of the crisis. At 18, after spending some time behind bars, she was paroled and given her patch as a full member of the Ancients shortly thereafter; thus began the life of a career criminal, riding with go-gangers in Tarislar and routinely getting picked up for minor offenses.

Recently she has moved up in the criminal world, getting Made after dealing with a troublesome Spikes lieutenant and making the acquaintance of an up-and-coming fixer with the Laesa Syndicate who started getting her street-level shadowrunning work. After making a bit of a name for herself (as well as picking up a more connected fixer with the Ancients to help make up for her checkered reputation), she has earned an invitation to join the Haven.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Made Woman (Ancients) + Legendary Rep + Rank (Lieutenant)
    • A lifetime member of the Ancients who earned her colors at 18 and her full patch at 24; recently promoted to Lieutenant and given her own squad to lead.
  • Mentor Spirit (Seducer)
    • A devil on her shoulder who whispers in her ear, urging her to indulge in her whims and stir up trouble wherever possible.
      • Appears to her as Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love and beauty.
  • Spirit Affinity (Man) + Spirit Champion + Spirit Whisperer
    • A rare black mage who respects and deals fairly with spirits - word tends to get around about such things, and while some are put off others are curious.


  • Lightweight
    • A lush who can barely hold her liquor - it might make getting drunk easier, but it can lead to a lot of trouble when she forgets to detox herself regularly.
  • Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker)
    • A consummate party animal who is willing to try anything once.
  • SINner (Criminal)
    • A branded criminal after being arrested for selling drugs as a teenager, as well as numerous other times in the decade since.
      • Parole Officer - Inspector Charles Dreyfus, a transfer from La Gendarmerie in Quebec.
        Holds weekly meetings at his office in Puyallup City on Wednesdays at 10am, as well as irregular and unscheduled "check-ins" both in-person and online.
        He is a tall Vietnamese human with black hair and a pencil moustache who typically dresses in brown pinstripe suits; uses a Pink Panther persona on the Matrix.
        The two have a bit of a love-hate relationship, both appreciating having someone to banter with in French (she calls him "Javert", he calls her "Valjean"), and they regularly engage in battles of wits attempting to out-fox one-another. He has had strong suspicions about her gang affiliations for some time now, but has never been able to prove conclusively that she is consorting with criminals in violation of the terms of her release; he is currently under the impression that she is gainfully employed at the Daisy Chain as a bartender (an illusion which the Ancients help to perpetuate).

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Disasterpiece TheaterRobintonParadise Lost14 September 2085
The past comes a huntingTidanShock20 June 2085
Jack's BonanzaAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking18 June 2085
The Cure For The SoulOrionsRequiem23 May 2085
Family BusinessOrion1 May 2085
Target Sierra Hotel YankeeZerre8 January 2085
An Eerie's WaltzZerre30 October 2084
Reject EnlightenmentAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle2 September 2084
Pandora's CasketAsmodeus8 March 2084
Blood DebtArchtmagA Peaceful Woodland Adventure18 February 2084
Shy got in troubleZerreContre-Révolution7 February 2084
La RenaissanceZerreContre-Révolution7 January 2084
See-lie You LaterAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle4 January 2084
He is the storm that is approaching...Zerre17 December 2083
The Slippery BastardAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle22 November 2083
This is the Hour of JackAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking31 October 2083
This Is MidnightAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking24 October 2083
This Is Halloween, Part 2AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking17 October 2083
In the Dead of NightArchtmagDarkening the Shadows Event17 August 2083
Six Steps From HellAsmodeusFestering Infestation29 May 2083
A Peaceful Woodland AdventureArchtmag24 April 2083
Scarlet FootstepsArchtmagBy Royal Decree5 April 2083
Falling ForestsArchtmag22 January 2083
Castle CrashAsmodeusFestering Infestation18 December 2082
The Secrets in the TreesArchtmag2 December 2082
This Is HalloweenAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking31 October 2082
Gifts From The HeartArchtmagBy Royal Decree8 October 2082
Foreman's FiredAsmodeusFestering Infestation25 September 2082
The Littlest Black MageOrionsRequiem14 September 2082
Halluncination Nation 4: Newt Fucking Dies (This Time For Real)PatGriffinCall of the Shadows13 September 2082
I Hope You Aren't Afraid Of ClownsAurora11 September 2082
Scab WorkSi1asA Taint On Us All6 September 2082
Here In My GarageDisco Goblin25 August 2082
A Night Under the StarsArchtmagBy Royal Decree19 August 2082
Thirty pieces of silverAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking6 August 2082
Never Skip Leg DaySi1asA Taint On Us All5 August 2082
The Second StrikeArchtmagBy Royal Decree4 August 2082
Tighten The NooseAsmodeus6 July 2082
Grave Robbers on the OutskirtsAurora28 June 2082
All Paths Lead to YellowstoneAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking25 June 2082
Towering BabelAsmodeus23 June 2082
They Cry For VengeanceAsmodeus14 June 2082
Loosest EndsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking11 June 2082
One Man's Trashfire is Another Man's Recreational ArsonAurora23 May 2082
Scared Straight: Lone Star EditionPatGriffin18 May 2082
True Names, Mood WanesAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking18 May 2082
April Desires Bring May FiresOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight13 May 2082
Old New BoundOnebi7 May 2082
SoiréeMursey2 May 2082
The Consequences Of Her ActionsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking29 April 2082
Patched InAurora27 April 2082
The Dodo's Had It's DayMursey22 April 2082
Aching & FesteringAsmodeusFestering Infestation11 April 2082
Me And The Bad BoysBloodLibrarianHail to the Pumpking10 April 2082
Stars in Her EyesAurora3 April 2082
Sisters in HarmAsmodeus30 March 2082
New Babylonian FamilyOrionsRequiem30 March 2082
What Happened To Mary Jane?AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking29 March 2082
Out of RetirementAurora28 March 2082
The VantablackAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking13 March 2082
Fuchi in FocusAurora10 March 2082
Staring Down RenrakuAurora9 March 2082
Bugs in the BankAurora6 March 2082
Piracy! On The High Seas!Aurora6 March 2082
Babylon's Self-ReflectionAurora6 March 2082
Helping Hands, Salivating GlandsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking1 March 2082
Part of the wholeOnebi24 February 2082
Route 66: Side Story, A Silent SiloAuroraLike mad max but more guns22 February 2082
Chasing the DragonOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight20 February 2082
Back From Darkness, Away From LightAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking17 February 2082
Route 66 part 4: ConvoyDoc McGuffinsLike mad max but more guns14 February 2082
Clubbing the CompetitionOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight13 February 2082
Unfortunate SonsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking12 February 2082
Only God KnowsAsmodeusFestering Infestation9 February 2082
Soft Beats of an Icy HeartOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight9 February 2082
House of RageShadowhandTaking Back Tacoma7 February 2082
This Isn't Your Grandmother's JuggernaughtAurora31 January 2082
Beans Are Good For YouIsaac26 January 2082
It's a Heist bro!OrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight26 January 2082
The Play's the Thing...OrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight22 January 2082
I've got a feeling...Isaac21 January 2082
To Usurp the KingAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking21 January 2082
Made in AbyssAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking20 January 2082
Enemy of my EnemyAsmodeus1 January 2082
Out Of Place, Out Of OrderAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking26 December 2081
Amnesia RushOnebi9 December 2081



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Argent 1 3 Fixer Street-level Fixer Silver Tongue, Elven Blood Even
Ether 5 3 Fixer Fixer Smuggler, Armorer, Vehicles, Elven Blood, Ganger Network, Seattle Underworld Even
Freya 5 3 Custom(G,A,K,N) Hacker Extraordinaire Master SIN Maker, Burner ID, FAKE is my Middle Name!, My Search Function is Powered by Nuyen, Hacking is my other middle name, I eat Hosts for lunch. Even
Juliette Burns 4 6 Generalist Socialite Black Magician Black Magic Theory, High Society, Manipulation Magic, Sorcery Foci, Blackmail Even
Chaplain Carmilla 3 4 Custom(A,K,N,G) Demonologist Metaplane Traveller, Reinforced Lodge, Demon Expert, Scholar Even
Pump King Jack 5 6 Legwork Halloween Spirit Herald of Halloween, Extraplanar, Spirit Savvy, Hella Halloweeners, Goodnatured Guide, Formula One, Ritualist Even
Cecelia Cross 5 6 Networking CATco Employee Secret Technomancer, Woman Scorned, Tech Expert, Matrix Master, Corporate Life, Network Angel +1
Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson III 4 4 Networking CorpKid Party all Night... What time is it?, Everybody's Friend., Did Someone say Drugs?, Brodie J IN THE HOUSE!, Ride Wrecked? Brodie J's got it!, Oh yeah! I have a job!, Good looks, Money, and a savant-level understanding of rocket physics Even
Jacqueline Grant 1 4 Networking Bartender Elven Blood, Pointy Ears to the Ground Even
Mr. Herenight 7 4 Custom(K,G,N,A) Black Lodge Magician Old Fashioned, Vampiric Veteran, Grim Talismonger, Mr. Worldwide, Astral Knowledge, Drug Deacon, Reagent Retailer, Safehouse Scout, Soul Sustenance +1
Mush 4 4 Fixer Black Magic Man, Black Magic Circles, Focus Fanboy, Fetish Gear, Discretion is the Watchword Even
Damien 2 4 Gear Talismonger Talismonger, Black Magic, Awakened for Hire Even
Dante Palmer 2 2 Gear Talismonger and Knick-Knack Merchant Awakened, Talismonger, Black Magic Even
Sanev Beixidor 3 3 Custom (G,A,K,N) Talismonger Black Magician, Enchanter, Ritual Spellcaster, Bought In Blue Even
Madame Butterfly 4 4 Fixer Fixer/Club Owner Club Owner, Elven Blood, High Society, Protector, Secretive Even
LB 2 4 Custom(A,N,K,G) Tamanous Dumpster Fire Tamanous Made Man, Goes Loud, Mystic Adept, Lovable Outcast, Explosive Personality, Known Criminal, Connoisseur Even
Vee-Jay 2 2 Networking Bouncer/Doctorate Student We live in a society!, The List, Sociological Education, Bullied Bouncer, Versed in Venues Even
Silas Vespasiano 5 2 Fixer Black Lodge Fixer Black Magician, High Society Socialite, Made Man, Politico, Talismonger, Theory Savant Even
Levine Asdrubael Velen 5 2 Custom(N,A,K,G) Ex-Ancients Colonel Oh God I Love Drugs, Night Owl, Not So One-Sided, That One Job, Tir na Connected, Fight The Law Even
Danny Hoffman 8 2 Custom(K,N,A,G)
Special Operations Coordinator
Espionage Expert, Ares Executive, Company Man, Smuggling Routes, Dissident Watcher, Orbital Overwatch, Disposable Assets, Arcane Evaluations, Seattle Vice, The Ragnarök Protocol, The Great Game Even
Bellerophon 4 2 Generalist Professional Paracritter Hunter Artificer, Fantastic Beasts (and Where to Find Them), Pegasus, Reagent Hunter, The Most Dangerous Game Even
Brett Moran 3 2 Networking Telestrian Lobbyist Corporate Connection, Tir Native, Telestrian Climber, High Society, Low Society Even
Treasa ke'Vedryn 7 4 Custom(K,N,G,A)
Fae Agent
Ageless Apathy, Gifts of the Fae, Magical Mastery, Metaplanar Guide, Seelie Expert, Embedded Agents, Magical Acquisitions, Court of Vipers, Matrix Resources, Patron of the Arts, Scarlet Painter, Capricious Nature, A Whisper to the Soul, Hollow Shells Even
Melia Blake 8 4 Custom(N,K,A,G) Elven Royalty Society Connections, Royal Estates, Elven Expert, Soft Power, Neo-Feudalism, Hard Power, Land of Promise, Dusty Lore, Noblesse Oblige Even
Marika 8 2 Generalist Drake Mystic Master, Servant of Dragons, SK Connections, The Magical Side of Life, Black Operations, Persistent Conditioning, Socially Proficient, Secretkeeper, Priority Flight, Tooth and Claw, Occultist Even
Marie-Claire d'Orléans 6 4 Custom (N,G,A,K) Blue Blood Fashionista French Nobility Rivalry, Worldwide Socialite, High Fashion Connoisseur, Light Manners, Heir of Orléans, Parisian Lifestyle, Corporate Connection, Clinic Access Even
Charon 8 4 Generalist
Black Lodge Autocrats
Black Lodge Loyalist, No Dragons, No Elves, Physical Adept, Unseelie Magician, Seelie Court Archeology, 4th World Knowledge, Wall Street Classic, Seattle Local, Renaissance Traditionalist, Milk Run Scouting, Chantry To Chantry, We Own Them, Dragonslayer Even
Rosenkurtz 6 4 Service Researcher of Metahumanity Shipwright, Flyboy, Industrious, Grease Monkey, Technicalities, Modifications, Visual Interference Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Ancients Lieutenant 3 112 Gang Maintaining North America & Western Europe
  • Can (and does, often) brag of having fought and killed members of the Spikes, the Cutters, and the Halloweeners (aka. the Ancients 3 biggest enemies), as well as several turncoats who left the gang.


Faction Faction Rep Significant Runs Notes
Cross Applied Technologies 16 It's a Heist bro!
Clubbing the Competition
Chasing the Dragon
April Desires Bring May Fires
Helped Cecelia Cross in her revenge schemes against Brody J.
Black Lodge 15 The Vantablack
Aching & Festering
Loosest Ends
Assisted Mr. Herenight with a plan to contain the damage wrought by Pump King Jack, as well as the destruction of a Tamanous organ farm.
Laesa Syndicate 2 Amnesia Rush Recovered a shipment of laes that was stolen by the Cutters.


Faction Faction Rep Significant Runs Notes
Halloweeners -50 Out Of Place, Out Of Order
To Usurp the King
Killed several high-ranking members of the gang, including a Rager whose flamethrower she claimed as a trophy.
Spikes -25 House of Rage Killed several members on behalf of the mafia; also known to have killed another high-ranking member in her capacity as a lieutenant in the Ancients.

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Has a very dark astral signature, obviously the product of extensive Black Magic use. Likes to graffiti Ancients tags while drunk.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 A series of social media posts featuring videos of a black-haired elf performing drunken magic-assisted motorcycle tricks.
3 A Humanis flyer warning of known Awakened and metahuman criminals in the Seattle Metroplex, with a photograph of the same elf.
6 An entry in the Global SIN Registry: "LS-5834-KK#692-Sea-71 - issued to one Barbara Delacroix, suspected Ancients associate."

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A mage with a slight Québécois accent who rides with the Ancients out of Tarislar.
3 A Made Woman in the Ancients, as well as a known black mage mentored by Juliette Burns.
5 A Criminal SINner who was picked up by Lone Star 10 years ago for selling Tempo.

Assensing Results

Hits Information Gained
1 Generally healthy, probably slightly intoxicated, Awakened.
2 No standard-grade cyberware. Magical Class: Magician. Has a bright pink hue to her aura.
3 No alphaware-grade cyberware.
4 No betaware-grade cyberware. Essence 5. Magic 6.
5+ Deltaware-grade implants: Has a datajack behind her left ear, hand razors on her fingertips, an optimized metabolism, extra platelets, a sleep regulator, a pain editor, and tailored pheromones. Has been genetically enhanced for heightened response to adrenaline and narcotics. No nano-tech. Not a technomancer.


SIN Issuer Rating Licenses
Barbara Delecroix Lone Star Real (Criminal) Bartender's, Driver's, Mage
Roxanne Devereux Republic of Quebec 6 Bartender's, Controlled Substance, Driver's, Mage, Pet
Véronique Dejardains France 6 Bartender's, Controlled Substance, Driver's, Mage, Pet
Ruby Black MCT 6 Bartender's, Controlled Substance, Driver's, Mage, Pet
Valentina Kazanova EVO 6 Bartender's, Controlled Substance, Driver's, Mage, Pet



Mostly (synth)leather and dark colours, usually openly displaying the Ancients patch unless she has a specific reason not to.

Matrix Persona

A featureless black humanoid figure on a neon green TRON-style light-cycle.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments