The past comes a hunting

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The past comes a hunting
LocationEverett, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
Lt.Cmdr Yennefer Kerrigan


The district of Everett turns into a desperate hunt to imprison one of Saeder-Krupp's most wanted and a gifted mage dragged into it all.


In the events of To turn a tide Shy had obtained a mysterious journal with mysterious Enochian writings. Knowing Babylon could decipher the writings she invites her to her home under the sea. Hoping to uncover the answers without realizing a trap lay in wait.

The Meet

Babylon managing to once again find the secret entrance to the base she descended downwards and found Shy relaxing and gazing at the ocean. After arriving and wasting little time Babylon dawned her suit as to safely interact with the tome Shy had brought and read it as best as she could. Gomorrah keeping watch but being very weary seeing SEVERAL watcher spirits among the ocean waves.

Upon reading the book Babylon saw very... very cryptic messages in its pages. Repeated references to a "King of the Night" and various... things done to appease them. Several connections made to one Dr. Foreman, an enemy long since dead as whoever this is seems to have been his apprentice. However, a cryptic message waited at the end specifically for Babylon, and through means unknown, whether it be time or an external force a powerful fireball erupted. Shy's quick reflexes able to get Babylon out of the blast. Now the watcher spirits and unseen water spirits were heading directly for them. Babylon summoning a powerful spirit to aid in their escape and hold off the waves of hostile spirits after them. A faint astral residue reminding Gomorrah and Babylon of Saederr-Krupp, so at least they knew who they were up against as they made their escape down below.

The Plan

Heading below to the entrance back in the Ork Underground the pair was stopped by a group of potent water spirits, Babylon's spirit giving them just enough time to escape before returning to its plane injured. A powerful blast heard coming from behind them. The spirits however posed little to no risk as Babylon shaped and manipulated her spells to target them all. Destroying 3 of the spirits. Only for Gomorrah to finish off the last one. Now the pair of runners headed up towards the OU and gave a call to one Amrei Verdt revealing SK was performing a massive hunt/sweep of Everett specifically near the shore but the district itself was in slight chaos due to the hunt. With Shy's call now making it clear as to why SK was there. Amrei could do little to help but wished Shy luck as her and Babylon figured out what to do.

Knowing the borders were likely as guarded as the coast they had to think of a different way through. Then Shy remembered of an old loyal friend named Yennefer Kerrigan. Yennefer Kerrigan owning a UCAS naval base in Everett, provided they could get within its walls they would be safe. Unless Saderr-Krupp wanted to risk war with the UCAS government. So with their end goal in mind the pair headed through the OU with just as much SK presence as above ground. Thankfully being able to see even the astral security they managed to sneak through the bulk of their forces till they came face to face with two guards. Shy and Babylon readying their magic and weapons to take them both out. It was a success on one target but unfortunately the second was too tanky, Babylon quickly through her magic convincing them to radio they saw them elsewhere did the trick as they began running away from their post. Now all Shy and Babylon need do once they were up that ladder was get to that base.

The Run

After arriving on the surface the pair saw KE cars also on active patrol. So they had to be careful with what they chose to do. Knowing stealth was near impossible the pair decided to go to speed and call upon Shy's Gladius. Upon its arrival they continued driving through the city streets hoping to remain undetected as long as possible. However SK eventually saw and the speed of the Gladius was used to the fullest as Shy now analyzing the vehicle BOOKED it towards the base. Temporarily becoming among the best riggers in Everett for that time. Meanwhile Babylon and Gommorah took care of the perusing vehicles and helicopters. Several close calls were had however as machine gun fire and persuing vehicles were very frequent as the pursuit commenced.

The home stretch was there however in their way was a blockade of the Spartan 77th legion. Among the most lethal SK Prime operatives... Babylon simply opened a portal to the astral plane briefly disconnecting their souls before making a temporary bridge for the car to drive over their blockade. Gomorrah was at least very polite in trying to get them to calm down as she heard a plethora of enraged German and Greek screaming in the astral. Eventually however Shy and Babylon approached the base and asked a soldier to get the Lieutenant Commander. After some very brief reasoning Yennefer made herself known and asked why they were here. The answer was obvious but she was seeking a reason. Thankfully Shy and Babylon persuaded her on the condition Shy owed her favors. Their goal complete they calmed down as Yennefer worked her magic as SK approached in the far distance.


Able to contact the N-51 for safe transport, Shy and Babylon reflected on all that transpired. Babylon during the escape was able to gain the astral signature of the figure but there was little she could do with it at the moment. They were able to take a moment to breathe. They were safe once again, then again they dealt with worse, what's one more chaotic event in a world of shadows? The shadows holding many secrets and figures... yet to be found.


Deadly (17 RVP)

  • 7 Karma (7 RVP)
  • 20 CDP (10 RVP)

+2 free CDP


  • Gearhead for Shy (11 RVP)


  • Shy owes 2 chips to Yennefer Kerrigan

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)