Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson III

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Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson III
Mr. Johnson is his father
He's just Brodie J
Contact OwnerOrionsRequiem
Owner's Discord Name
Public Contact?Yes
LocationSeattle, Everett
Preferred Payment MethodCredstick or Drugs
Hobbies/ViceDrugs, partying, every vice
Personal LifeSingle, Currently Mingling
AspectsParty all Night... What time is it?
Everybody's Friend.
Did Someone say Drugs?
Ride Wrecked? Brodie J's got it!
Oh yeah! I have a job!
Good looks
and a savant-level understanding of rocket physics


Alexander-James Broderick Johnson III was born to an executive in one of the many Corporations in Seattle. Growing up in a place of privilege led him to develop irresponsible tendencies, spending most of his teenaged years partying, indulging in narcotics and, in the words of his father "squandering his potential". Yet despite that, he still works as a wage slave in his father's company and pulls down a sizeable paycheck, which he promptly sinks into drugs, parties and bringing in as many new "Friends" as he possibly can as Brodie J.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Party all Night... What time is it? Brodie J spends all of his time at various clubs, pumping his body full of every substance he can, so recovery periods are rough. When contacting Brodie J before 6PM in-game, roll 1d6, on a 5 or 6, he answers. Otherwise he is completely zonked out and can't help you.
Everybody's Friend. Brodie J is both very friendly and not discerning. Even if he cannot get you who you need, he'll know a guy who can. +2 to Networking Tests to find someone.
Did Someone say Drugs? Brodie J has tried every drug under the sun, and knows where to go to get the good stuff. +2 to Gear Acquisition Tests to buy Drugs and BTLs
Brodie J IN THE HOUSE! Brodie J doesn't just know the club scene, Brodie J IS the club scene. +2 to Knowledge Tests for club information and club rumors.
Ride Wrecked? Brodie J's got it! Brodie J is no stranger to wrecking vehicles. You need another one on the lowdown? Brodie J knows a guy. +2 to Gear Acquisition tests to buy Vehicles
Oh yeah! I have a job! Brodie J may not be responsible, but he does have a position to be leveraged. +2 Knowledge checks for Corporate news or rumors.
Good looks, Money, and a savant-level understanding of rocket physics Brodie J is a chief engineer for secret projects with Federated-Boeing. + 2 Knowledge and Active checks for Engineering for anything involving aircraft or aerospace


Knowledge Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

Setter (Kanin)1Even
Six of Hearts3Even
Sweetie Sinful3Even

NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Gnashing and Hissing SoundsOrion4 March 2085
The Shadowrun Before CorpmasOrionsRequiem24 December 2084
Neither Lost Nor FoundSarcarian20 November 2082
A Night Under the StarsArchtmagBy Royal Decree19 August 2082
The Most Urban Brawl 3: A Nice Clean MatchSleevey30 June 2082
The Mane ManSarcarian16 June 2082
Three Packs a DayOrionsRequiem2 June 2082
April Desires Bring May FiresOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight13 May 2082
Brassica Oleracea By Another NameAuroraA Scattering of Deadly Petals9 May 2082
SoiréeMursey2 May 2082
Buyer's RemorseSarcarian28 April 2082
The Most Urban Brawl 2: The MetagameOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight21 April 2082
Evergreen KingdomOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight2 March 2082
The Most Urban BrawlOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight24 February 2082
Chasing the DragonOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight20 February 2082
Clubbing the CompetitionOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight13 February 2082
Sins of the FatherOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight5 February 2082
It's a Heist bro!OrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight26 January 2082
The Play's the Thing...OrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight22 January 2082
Party QuarrelOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight12 January 2082