Discord | @miuted |
[1] | |
Metatype | Changeling (Surge II) |
Street Cred | 8 |
Notoriety | 2 |
Public Awareness | 1 |
CDP | 78 |
D.O.B. | 31 October, 2060 |
Age | 25 |
Folder | [2] |
Priority | Metatype - C Attributes - D Magic/Resonance - E Skills - B Resources - A |
#Max IGs/Ascension | 7 |
Theme Song | Aether & Sizzlebird - Raccoon City (ft. Veela) |
Character Information
An ex radical who was forced out of her fascist group after undergoing a sudden transformation. She struggles with the idea that she has become the very thing she fought to destroy. Thankfully, after a brush with death, she was taken in by some kind souls that caused her to question her past beliefs. Now, trying to turn over a new leaf and leave her old life behind her, she looks to carve out a name for herself and dismantle the regime of her old organization, ending the oppression that she herself helped to cultivate in the first place, as a form of repentance.
- Take every opportunity to fuck with Lone Star and get away with it, remind them of Weevil
- Learning how to cope with her transformation, fighting years of indoctrination to better herself and her future.
- Finding new family, maybe love, finding a new purpose. She's never really had the opportunity to think for herself before.
- First motive is making money, getting stronger, becoming the best of the best when it comes to the matrix. Accomplishing anything that could make her even an inkling more untouchable by those who would wish to hurt her.
- Supporting Wayfarer and Oracle to repay them for their hospitality and kindness, and overcoming her prejudice along the way.
- She secretly craves control, with the idea that it would help her protect herself.
While Born in Neo-Tokyo, Yu and her parents moved to California around the late 60's, the latter looking for work in a political climate similar to that of their homeland. They were good parents to Yu, albeit stuck in their ways. They were majorly xenophobic, believing that their struggles to find work stemmed from not having the perceived advantages of various metahumans. Eventually, growing up in such a household, these ideas and prejudices were absorbed by Yu. The deciding factor, however, was an incident that occurred in 2070 when Yu was in her mid teens. Whilst she and her parents were attending a political rally, the meta-humans in the audience suddenly began to work up into a frenzy. Unbeknownst to Yu, this incident was perpetrated by a chapter of the Humanis Policlub who'd flooded the stands with gas. The bloodshed that resulted was brutal enough to make headlines for weeks, Yu's parents being a casualty of the incident.
In the middle of the carnage, Yu was discovered by the very group that instigated it all. Humanis had sent a team in to clear out the remainder of the meta-humans, to make a "daring" rescue of any survivors. The chapter took Yu in as both refugee and recruit, and with a newfound hatred burning in her gut, Yu was more than eager to play the part. It was they who taught her how to fight, and she became rather deft with long-range rifles and firearms. Not only that, but she was a decent decker as well, occasionally tasked with keeping Humanis records and information under firm lock and key from various Shadowrunners. She'd become a valuable soldier, or at-least so she thought until recently.
She'd been sent on a job in Seattle to cover the exit of an old warehouse. They'd been told that a meta-human run gang was using to distribute highly addictive drugs to destitute human vagrants. As a hormonal young-adult hyped up on anti-trog rhetoric and propaganda, she'd signed up immediately. She was to take out any stragglers and watch the back of her team when they made their escape. The mission was supposed to be a quick in and out, destroy the drugs and escape... These were the words that bounced around the inside of her mind when she watched the building explode. The ground shook as she watched figures flee from the embers, too stunned to remember to shoot. Even worse, she watched the ground crack as the simple tremor caused by the explosion turned into a full on earthquake! The warehouse sat somewhere above a leyline that had been disturbed by the blast. Her commlink crackled with static, the demands of her team before she was wracked with a sudden pain and had doubled over. Inexplicably, she could feel her body seizing, white hot fire shooting through her system from head to toe. The pain was indescribable, she could hear the sound of crackling as her body changed. The agony lasted only moments before Yu had passed out from the trauma, fading to the sounds of her squad screaming over their comms.
When she'd awoken, all was quiet. She'd called out to her team over the link to no reply. What was left of the warehouse was naught but cinders that had been long since doused by the rain that poured. She felt different, but couldn't explain exactly why- until she'd returned to Home Base to a shocking discovery. They were shocked to see her, in more ways than one.
She was a freak, sporting the very alien features that she'd come to feel disdain for in her time since joining Humanis. What's more, her team had yet to return or make contact- now presumed dead by the same metahumans she'd been tasked to help eliminate. Though she had served them obediently for many years, going as far as to consider them found family, they were outraged. Casting her out, and looking for a scapegoat to take their anger out on, a few of her former comrades had turned their weapons on her and gave chase. Hunted down like a dog, she ran as far as her body would let her after the painful experience. Able to lose them by tossing herself in a canal, the currents took her far and down- eventually landing her roughly into a trash heap in the Ork Underground where she was found by a perplexing duo, an Oni named Wayfarer, and an Elf that went by Oracle.
While she was hesitant to trust metahumans, she was reminded of what she now was when she noticed her reflection as they lead her home. Her ears were pointed, sticking from the top of her head, she had a fuzzy tail and a thin layer of fur over her skin. She was a mess, a freak, and at that moment, Oracle and Wayfarer were now all that she had... She quietly relented, eventually informing them that she was recently made homeless and destitute, leaving out the details of her former affiliation. In return, they taught her about the Underground, Wayfarer taught her how to survive on her own.
From then to now, she has since made a name for herself as a Shadowrunner, "Miut". Spending most of her skills in efforts to help Oracle and Wayfarer with their business to pay them back for their hospitality. To this day she keeps her former allegiance a secret, and has gradually come to accept that her former views and beliefs as wrong. Now struggling with the same prejudice she delivered onto others in the past, she looks to correct her past sins by fighting the same oppression. Hopefully, in time, she can leave her old life behind her and start anew.
Narrative Significant Qualities
Changeling (Class II Surge) : The transformation that started her journey into self-improvement. This was what got her chased out of Humanis and nearly killed despite her service to the group. She's sensitive about her features, self conscious about her differences, and tries to hide them when she can.
Broadened Auditory System (Ultrasound) : Miut's ears are particularly sensitive, allowing her to detect even slight sounds.
Low-Light Vision (Changeling) : While her albinism means that her eyes don't function well in lit areas, her surge has given her pretty decent sight in the dark.
Vomeronasal Organ : Miut can categorize and follow distinct scents, makes her an effective tracker if the need arises.
[ Has other surge qualities, like fangs and claws that don't need explanations ]
Perfect Time, Quick Config, Instinctive Hack, and Go Big or Go Home : Miut's primary skill is decking, gathering information, and zapping devices. Data is important to her, but she's not defenseless on the matrix either- kitted to both fight and investigate.
Albinism II : Miut was born albino and has struggled with the genetic drawbacks her entire life. She's got an extreme sunlight sensitivity, so she primarily runs at night. In the daytime, she struggles to see properly, and can burn easily if not covered up.
Cold Blooded : Her surge has caused her blood to run cold, meaning she has to do a great deal to regulate her own body temperature. Cold environments don't agree with her, and slipping into hypothermia is a genuine concern when it comes to Seattle waters.
Striking Skin Pigmentation (Stripes) + Unusual Hair : Her skin has grown a thin layer of fur on it, and with it has come distinctive markings on her hips, shoulders, and cheeks in the form of tabby-like stripes.
Phobia (Uncommon, Moderate) (Enemies: Violent, Large Metahumans) : After watching her family be ripped apart by the (unbeknownst to her) drugged up Trolls and Orks at the rally they attended, Miut experiences bad triggers when larger Metahumans like Orks, Trolls, Oni, etc. express violent or threatening behavior. She will often freeze up if face-to-face with such circumstances, and is liable to irrational thinking when backed into a corner.
Insomnia (Basic) : Terrified that the chapter of Humanis that chased her out will one day return to finish the job, she tends to have difficulty falling asleep knowing that she's never truly safe.
Berserker : She doesn't know why, but she's started struggling with outbursts of anger. Whether that be from the stress and paranoia, or a side effect of her surge, she isn't sure.
Run History
Name | GM | Metaplot | Threat | Date of Run |
Frye'ing Too Close to the Sun | sleevey | High | 8 March 2086 | |
No Cocaine in the Bedroom, Please | Robinton | Milk | 23 February 2086 | |
Divorce Rates | Robinton | Paradise Lost | Medium | 25 November 2085 |
Time to Know~Be Waltz | Fangblade_ | Medium | 29 October 2085 | |
Monster Mashing At The Daze | Dawnfire | Milkrun 🍼 | 28 October 2085 | |
Missing Persons | Robinton | High | 15 October 2085 | |
Barrens Boys: Toy Hunting | Eva | High | 12 October 2085 | |
To Lay To Rest | TidanShock | Deadly | 3 September 2085 | |
Shenanrigans | TidanShock | Deadly | 13 July 2085 | |
Snake beneath the Flower | TidanShock | Deadly | 13 June 2085 | |
Ratatorky | TidanShock | Low | 18 May 2085 | |
The D-Team | TidanShock | Deadly | 11 May 2085 | |
You're up to bat | TidanShock | The Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes | High | 20 April 2085 |
Contact | Connection | Loyalty | Archetype | Profession | Aspects | Chips |
Amadou Zheng | 5 | 1 | Fixer | MCT's Magical Middle Manager | All for the Bottom Line, The Boss is the Boss, Corpo Connections, Wannabe Crime Lord, Fell Through the Cracks, Can't Spell "Smuggler" Without "Smug", Lawyer Up, Livin' the Dream, Working Relationships, Big Ego, Small Man | Even |
Ghaz | 2 | 3 | Legwork | Skraacha Sheriff | Cavalry's Here, Skraacha Sheriff, Coffin House | +1 |
Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson III | 4 | 2 | Networking | CorpKid | Party all Night... What time is it?, Everybody's Friend., Did Someone say Drugs?, Brodie J IN THE HOUSE!, Ride Wrecked? Brodie J's got it!, Oh yeah! I have a job!, Good looks, Money, and a savant-level understanding of rocket physics | Even |
Ashen Hand | 5 | 1 | Fixer (A,G,N,K) | First Hand Knowledge, Military Grade, Status Report, I work with professionals, act like one., Up your Arsenal, Urban Warfare, Special Forces, Ware and warfare, Tactical and Protective, Cold Mind, Cold Heart | -1 | |
Raytheon | 5 | 2 | Service | Brothers in arms, Hate what is in front of you, Love what is behind you, BANG! BANG! BANG!, Beep Beep Boop | +1 |
Faction | Reputation |
Cutters | +2 |
Lakewood Giants | +3 |
Skraacha | +3 |
Wayfarer - Along with Oracle, yoinked her when she was near death and helped to get her back on her feet. She views Wayfarer somewhat like an older brother, one who cares- sometimes begrudgingly so- yet also tries to keep her out of unnecessary trouble. While she doesn't always express it, as she's still holding on to some trauma from her past, she subconsciously loves him very deeply.
Oracle - Along with Wayfarer, helped her get back on her feet shortly after being chased off by her old regiment. Oracle has acted not only like Wayfarer in serving as somewhat of an older brother- but also almost like a motherly figure to Miut. He's typically the one she feels she can confide in with sensitive feelings. Her lingering prejudice has her see him as some untouchable pillar of grace, an image which gets slowly wittled away as Oracle becomes more vulnerable with her.
Manashoe - Once the bossman, she didn't really know him well, but he meant a lot to Wayfarer. His death, ironically, changed her life in an unexpected way.
Weevil - Her late best friend, his demise caused a ripple in her life she's not quite sure will ever heal. She dearly misses him, and his passing has made her ever resistant to, and ever more sensitive of, the concept of death. Embittered at those who were around for his passing, believing them to be catalysts, she now holds a black stain on her heart for the recklessness of others.
Ronin - Miut has scarcely interacted with Ronin, but her addiction to violence has commanded respect from the cat. Miut certainly doesn't want to get on her bad side, and tends to keep her at arm's length. Apart from carrying her out of the woods, which she is thankful for, Ronin likewise hasn't sought out Miut- and to be honest, she's quite alright with that.
Poe - The first to come forward when Manashoe died, Miut wasn't sure what to make of him. Initially thinking that he was just some whackjob with bad taste, his persistence in interacting with Miut eventually led to what she sees as a blossoming friendship. For some reason she finds it easy to trust him, and it's been awhile since she met a stranger she didn't inherently find suspicious. After a period of initially annoying pestering, Miut came to take to him quite well. Eventually beginning her first true relationship, she cares for him deeply and would put a great deal on the line to protect him.
Catharsis - Thinks she's pretty cool, helped her learn a few new tricks. A bit on edge since Catharsis brought up her history- but also didn't pry too much. Saved her bacon in the matrix, meaning her beautiful deck wasn't as harmed as it could've been- and also stopped her from blowing up a data-bomb. In full, Miut aspires to work as smart as Catharsis did on her own runs, would easily want to learn more from her in the future.
Red Ribbon - Definitely spooked her by bringing up Humanis with a little /less/ tact than someone like Catharsis for instance. After a more involved discussion regarding it, she came out of it thinking that Red Ribbon is someone she doesn't want to cross. Might keep her distance, but RR's help when infiltrating a cargo ship's security was much appreciated.
Zenith - Didn't manage to interact much, but had a cozy place to safely deck from and on TOP of that made her food. Easily would run with again, especially since they're a dab hand at combat.
In Character Information
Symbols and Signatures
- Has a calling card of a cat skull with crossbones. Often used to sign messages.
Matrix Search Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | Apparently an avid fan of Trideo shows involving reverse harems, scandalous! |
3 | Japanese Immigrant. |
6 | Has been arrested for involvement with organized crime. |
Shadow Community Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | Independant decker for hire. |
3 | A decker vaguely matching her description has ties to various anti-metahuman terrorist attacks, this decker is human, however. |
5 | Real name Yu Inoue, SINless, Ex-Security for a chapter of the Humanis Policlub |
Assensing Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | Healthy, Alert, Mundane |
2 | Cyberears, Datajack Plus, EARSS, Gastric Neurostimulator, Obvious Full Arm (Left + Right), Smartlink |
3 | No Alphaware. |
4 | No Betaware, Cerebellum Booster, Cerebral Booster, Platelet Factories. Essence: 1.2125, Magic: 0 |
5 | No Deltaware, Narco, no nanotech. Not a technomancer. |
Rin Takeda (Fake SIN Rating 4)
- Firearms License (Ruger 101) - Cyberdeck License
A 5'4" woman with features reminiscent of a domestic feline. She is albino, and can be identified easily by the tan stripes that run across her face and skin where visible. Miut is skinny and meek in physical appearance, usually slouching and somewhat unkempt. Dark circles under her eyes suggest a lack of sleep.
Usually baggy tech-wear. Being self-conscious about her features has lead her to try and obscure them. For her ears, she usually covers them with hoods and caps when worn casually. For her tail, she hides it beneath long jackets that obscure her backside. Overall her dress can be typically found unflattering to her form.
In recent days, she's slowly stopped hiding her features and makes small adjustments to her clothes to let them breathe.
Matrix Persona
A faceless, Mannequin-esque figure with her cat-like features such as her ears and her tail.
Character Plot Hooks
Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.
Aspect | Information | Related Run(s) |
Possible Berserk Triggers |
Mentions of Weevil or the situation in which he died. He was her best friend and she's got very potent feelings regarding this. Injustice towards her friends, particularly Wayfarer, Oracle, and Poe. She's very protective about them and while she can usually keep her cool- extreme acts of cruelty or disrespect will definitely fire her up. Being cornered or backed against a wall. She values her autonomy, and threats to her freedom are a quick way to anger her. Any situation that activates a fight or flight response has the potential to trigger this, such as her phobia or potentially life threatening situations. | |
Changeling (Class II SURGE) | She struggles with the aspects of her transformation daily, such as being cold-blooded and needing to regulate her body temperature. Her temper has also grown a lot shorter (Berserk Negative Quality) | |
Ex-Humanis | She's done all she can to obscure the fact that she was part of this organization. Given that her only friends now are metahumans, she constantly worries what will happen if they ever find out. As a player I'm totally cool if a DM would like to approach to make up some lore about her past for any possible run. Whether it be encountering a former leader, squad mate, etc. I imagine a few people in her old chapter would have sour feelings about her for being part of the reason the mission where some of their comrades died was a failure. I've been playing with an idea or two myself that I would be interested to see expressed. | |
Big Oops | The "Metahuman weapons stock" she and her former crew had been sent to destroy was actually a refuge for destitute metahumans. Miut doesn't know this, if ever discovered it would be interesting to explore how she would react to the knowledge that she played a part in the murder of innocent men, women and children. Especially after she had become homeless and destitute herself after being kicked out of Humanis. | |
Big Escape | Recently she's been abusing BTL's to escape reality due to the knowledge of her rapidly approaching past. They've been getting more and more self-punishing as the guilt eats into her. Would be interesting to see how exploiting these things could have repercussions on her day-to-day life. If she's currently addicted, I would be interested in exploring the side-effects of it. | |
Art by me unless otherwise specified
Media Mentions
ShadowGrid Profile Comments
Oracle : A great decker, and a better friend. Saved our skin more times than I care to think about, certainly. Oh, and Miut, if you're reading this: Don't forget to drink water today! That sugar-sludge you keep in your fridge is as bad as drinking salt water. Blech! <3
Miut : I'll try- maybe... The water here doesn't taste all that much better to me..
Manashoe - Surprisingly a friend of Weevils before the PI: like attracts like, I guess. Might just be projecting, but I swear she's a living mirror, even if she's the member of the crew I interact the least with.