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MetatypeOrk (Oni) (Vampire)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - E
Resources - D
#Max IGs/Ascension8
Initiation Grade3

Character Information


An infected once-soldier-now-runner working as an employee for another runner named Manashoe at the Arcane Eye PI firm.


Repay the kindness given to him by Manashoe.

Figure out what the hell to do.

Make the Arcane Eye PI a well renowned agency.

Keep his "family" alive.



Born in San Francisco, California in 2062, Marcus Yoshimura grew up a relatively normal life (for an oni) until a few days before his seventh birthday. Awakening as an adept, he was entered into a program meant to educate those like him what it meant to be what they are. While not always on the best of terms, his father called his sister for help. She was an adept like Marcus, and for a few years she taught him outside of school. Upon reaching maturity, Marcus chose to enter the military.

Years passed, and eventually Yoshimura and his squad was tasked to neutralize and secure a terrorist cell and its cargo during the midst of night. The situation changed. Communication was down, and his squad found themselves under attack by an infected. During the conflict, it tore into his neck and he went unconscious. Waking up, he found himself back at base in the medbay infected with vampirism. Fearing what would happen, he fled. Upon losing his pursuer, he stole a truck and a commlink and called his aunt.

Meeting her in person, he explained the situation and asked for help. Now married, she couldn't afford to get as hands-on as she might've once done, but she knew people who could help. Old friends of hers. Burning his SIN and adopting a new identity as Eric Aoyama, he made way for Seattle to hide out and stay low. Months passed before he found himself in a rough spot. He hadn't been consuming essence, barely even drank blood, when a group of thugs in an alleyway had cornered him. Frenzying, he killed them, but was near death himself. A runner named Manashoe found him, had him taken to Farraday's Clinic, and over the next few months befriended him, employed him, and helped him find housing.

That wasn't all Manashoe did, however. A job went wrong, and a group of Cutters tracked the runner back to his PI firm where the two worked. After they dealt with the threat, Aoyama convinced Manashoe to let him join. Taking the alias Wayfarer, he began to run as well. Over the next year the crew grew to be larger than just the two of them. In large this would be due to Wayfarer's hope to "pay it forward," signing on his own financially-troubled uncle, a SURGED stray, an internet troll rigger, and a battle-crazed warrior in an attempt to give a bit of that kindness he received at his lowest point.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Infected (Vampire): A blessing and a curse.

The Warrior's Way: I will do whatever it takes to keep those close to me safe. This is my way.


Day Job (Arcane Eye PI): Though I can never truly pay him back, I am truly grateful to Manashoe for giving me another life and allowing me to work for him.

Flashbacks, Insomnia: I'm haunted by the memories of my being turned. Seeing my squad, my friends and family, all die around me before IT tore into my neck.

Wanted (UCAS - 50,000 Nuyen): When it came out I was infected, I fled in fear of what I was, and what they might do to me. It seems they want me back, though I don't think I want to find out why.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Frye'ing Too Close to the SunsleeveyHigh8 March 2086
To Lay To RestTidanShockDeadly3 September 2085
ShenanrigansTidanShockDeadly13 July 2085
A Squire a-SeekingEvaHigh26 June 2085
Ezekyle's LaboursAsmodeus29 May 2085
Saving JunichiroAnumatiHigh27 May 2085
Psalms of the VoicelessFangblade_Milk27 May 2085
My Big Fat Yakuza WeddingTidanShockHigh25 May 2085
RatatorkyTidanShockLow18 May 2085
The D-TeamTidanShockDeadly11 May 2085
You're up to batTidanShockThe Life and Times of One Kevin CrimesHigh20 April 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Amadou Zheng 5 2 Fixer MCT's Magical Middle Manager All for the Bottom Line, The Boss is the Boss, Corpo Connections, Wannabe Crime Lord, Fell Through the Cracks, Can't Spell "Smuggler" Without "Smug", Lawyer Up, Livin' the Dream, Working Relationships, Big Ego, Small Man Even
Dr. Nina Farraday 5 3 Service Doctor Cereprax Overdose, Bioware, Infected Patients, Fake SINS, Seattle Infected Hangouts, Per populum, pro populo., Expert Medical Care, Pharmaceuticals Even
Ghostwire 4 1 Service Ex Runner Medical Expert, Zeta Key R&D, Ex-Knight Errant, Dark Magic Adept, Renraku Prototype Transhuman Even
Raytheon 5 2 Service
Brothers in arms, Hate what is in front of you, Love what is behind you, BANG! BANG! BANG!, Beep Beep Boop 1
Ashen Hand 5 2 Fixer (A,G,N,K)
Private HTR
First Hand Knowledge, Military Grade, Status Report, I work with professionals, act like one., Up your Arsenal, Urban Warfare, Special Forces, Ware and warfare, Tactical and Protective, Cold Mind, Cold Heart Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Arcane Eye Owner 1 2 Magical Private Investigation Agency Maintaining Central Downtown, Seattle
Faction Reputation
Faction Reputation
Lakewood Giants +3
Cutters +2
Yoshinaga-Gumi +2
Streets of Redmond +1










In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 An employee at Arcane Eye PI.
3 Has only lived in Seattle for about a year and a half.
6 Images and trideos matching the appearance of an individual in the UCAS Marines, though the name is scrubbed.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 Physical Adept. Lives in the Ork Underground.
3 New runner, seems to be a hooder.
5 Ex-military.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 Healthy. Emotional state varies. Awakened.
2 No cyberware.
3 No alphaware. HMHVV Infected.
4 No bioware or betaware. Compare Essence and Magic.
5 No deltaware, gene treatments, or nanotech. Not a technomancer. HMHVV 1 strain (vampirism).


Eric Aoyama (Fake SIN - Rating 4). Licensed Adept (Rating 4), Private Investigator (Rating 4), Bodyguard (Rating 4), and Bounty Hunter (Rating 4).


A 6'6" oni with light red skin, amber eyes, and white hair.


Matrix Persona

An oni with the same general build and appearance, although lacking a mouth, nostrils, hair, and other obvious identifiers. Additionally, the oni's arms and legs gradually disappear the further from the torso, disappearing fully at around the heels and wrists.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Former UCAS Armed Forces Gone AWOL after finding out he was infected.
Vampirism A blessing and a curse.
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments

Oracle - Smart and discreet, with a mean right hook to back it up. If theres one man I can count on in a pinch, it's Wayfarer.

Miut - I was thinking of coming over soon to crash and hang out- surface is feeling a bit too.. "spacey" you know?? Also uhhh, I think a bat or something laid eggs in my vents so can you visit soon and help me take care of it?

Manashoe - One of the only people in this world I can respect, he's not like anyone I've met. He stands to contradict everything I know about people, and all I can do is thank him.