Monster Mashing At The Daze

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Monster Mashing At The Daze
LocationThe Daze
Status Threat Level: Milkrun 🍼
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Alessa P
Heart of the Tempest
John Galt


Alessa P hosts a costume contest and Halloween party at The Daze and invites the ShadowHaven.


To improve spirits before the Halloweeners fuck things up, give an opportunity for team building, and get some extra cash flowing into The Daze, Alessa P has the idea to host a Halloween party at her bar.

The Meet

Alessa spreads word far and wide about her Halloween party, via social media and even sneaking an ad onto the ShadowHaven's job board. All are welcome, except for anyone wearing a store-bought costume.

The Plan

The runners work on their respective costumes in their homes before the party starts. Christmas goes as Maria Mercurial, Tempest as the Lady of the Lake, Neijing as the Green Knight, Miut and Poe as a two-person realistic Behemoth, and Chameleon and his date Naomi Fisk show up as the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. John Galt shows up without a costume.

The Run

The Daze is absolutely packed with party-goers as the runners arrive, and the bar is properly decorated for the occasion. (Most of) the runners mingle with each other as they drift in.

Christmas chats with the bartender and tries his best to convince him to name a cocktail "Christmas Morning", then asks for Alessa to thank her for putting on the event. She appreciates the gesture, and lets him know that she looks after her regulars.

John Galt lurks in the alleyway by his lonesome until the rest of the runners decide they'd like some fresh air and pour out there. Miut and Poe recognize him and attempt to gobble him up into their Behemoth costume, but between their approach and Tempest being a menace and implying a desire to more injuriously eat him the mage goes invisible and threatens to manabolt the vampire if she tried anything. In perhaps a ShadowHaven first, threatening violence deescalated a potential conflict between runners.

Eventually, Alessa hops on stage to announce the costume contest's winner: Tempest. Miut and Poe are named runner ups, in recognition of the ridiculous idea of showing up dressed like a realistic Behemoth in a bizarre, two-person costume.


Tempest is declared the costume contest's winner, with Miut and Poe being runner ups, and the party rages on until the sun comes up.


  • 6 CDP (3 RVP)
  • 2 Base CDP

For Tempest:

  • Title: 2085 Daze Monster Mash Champion
  • Optional: $4,000 in cash (worth 2,000¥) (1 RVP) or free drinks at The Daze for the rest of the year (0 RVP)

For Miut and Poe:

  • Free drinks at The Daze all November long

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

John Galt - Great night at the daze. Good beer, good music, good costumes, creepy runners. You know. The usual.

Chameleon: Best party in ages! Lots of people that I'd heard of but never met...and some I still haven't met outside of a behemoth :D Alessa knows how to put on a shindig.

Poe Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. *Behemoth Noises*