Bad Blood

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Bad Blood
Part of Metaplot
LocationParis, France
Factions Involved
Night Claws - John Holis
Captain Boomerang
Amelie Flurette
Jean-Baptiste Flurette


Runners are hired to "clean" remaining "assets" in a subsidiary research project and destroy all data. The assets turn out to be brother and sister, children of the Johnson, who have been purposefully turned into a loup-garou and vampire respectively, then tested on. The vampire sister asks the runners to help them eliminate their mother and escape. The runners do so, faking the siblings' deaths to gain payment before arranging for them to be located in the same room as the Johnson (their mother). Runners return safely to Seattle where the siblings are now free.


A Saeder Krupp subsidiary infects two siblings to commit several painful tests on them. The manager of the project uses her young adult children, infecting them and then performing numerous painful tests on them. After funding is cut, the mother decides that the sins need to be eliminated. She heads to Seattle to find deniable assets, under the nose of her employer and husband.

The Meet

The runners gather together in the backroom of a Parisian cafe. Glamour's taxi faced some trouble on the way, but she uses a physical mask to hide it and maintain appearances. Shortly after all runners are gathered, Mrs. Johnson arrives. She explains that she wants some cleaners to eliminate any of the remaining assets in a building. Sub-orbital flights have been arranged for the runners the following morning. The Johnson offers 10,000 ny per head, but Glamour negotiates up, pointing out the difficulty that the Johnson went through travelling to Seattle and how she obviously needs a group like this quickly. The Johnson relents at a total of 14,000 per head.

The Plan

Night Claws does a matrix search about the location and finds a basic blueprint, giving a layout of the building. They know information will probably be on the second floor, but there is no indication of where the experimental assets might be held.

Stygian spends time wandering the streets to pick up the French language while Night Claws secures rooms. Glamour and Captain Boomerang scout out the building where the assets are being held. Glamour sends a spirit ahead, who reports that being there is painful and feels violent and painful impulses. While not a lot of information is gained from the spirit due to the pain inflicted on it, it does confirm there is a basement not noted on the blueprints. Glamour thanks the spirit and dismisses it. The pair decide to enter the building themselves. Upon entry, they see a scene covered in blood. Glamour immediately pings Night Claws and Stygian to join them, who do so promptly.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)