Cinnamon Buns and Cereal Killers

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Cinnamon Buns and Cereal Killers
Part of Blood in the Machine
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Mistah Jay
Charity Horace
Captain Boomerang
Andres Gutierrez
Orsen Cordova
Jaguar Guard
Casualties and losses
Doris' sanity some weird screaming server racks


Mistah Jay hires Captain Boomerang, Fintan, Itztli, and Doris to investigate a steadily increasing magical background count encroaching on his gang's turf.


Andres Guillermo Gutierrez, an Aztechnology middle manager, suspected blood mage, and serial killer preying on Jay's people, had been captured by Haven runners and handed over to Mistah Jay for interrogation. Based on what they had managed to learn from him and the feeling of creeping despair in his people, Mistah Jay assumed that Andres had more associates still loose in the Redmond Barrens. He had assumed that their base was somewhere near one of the Stuffer Shacks that Andres managed to the Southeast of the gang's turf.

The Meet

The team is directed to meet Mistah Jay at his gang's primary compound, where Charity Horace greets them with freshly baked cinnamon rolls. Mistah Jay explains what they've learned from Andres' interrogation: that there were more blood mages in Seattle, Andres' had asked to transfer from LA to Seattle, and Andres has recently stopped acting like himself. He informs the runner team that while they have not been able to locate the mages' base of operations, it is most likely in a district immediately Southeast of his compound, close to where Itztli and the previous team captured Andres.

The Run


Orson Cordova and Andres Gutierrez are both captured and in the custody of Mistah Jay. The server racks are found to be fried, but are packed away in secure storage for possible future examination. Orson, Andres, and all evidence are shipped to a secure location away from the compound. The athame is presumably destroyed in an appropriate manner.


  • 16,000 NuYen
  • 5 Karma
  • 2 CDP
  • RVP and CDP may be exchanged to take Mistah Jay as a 4/1 contact or Charity Horace as a 3/1 contact.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)