Armageddon hedgehog

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Armageddon hedgehog
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Taco Bill


A made man among the mob was worried about runners targeting him during the 4th of July and had set up hiring runners to protect himself. but he was not the target of the rival runner team


Normal Paranoid mobster fears that he has been marked to be killed or captured

The Meet

The runners would meet the J at Italian restaurants during a busy day and when everyone was on watch due to all the fireworks and crazed people running around with flamethrowers. they agree to do the job as it sounds like it could be easy but it has its own challenges.

The Plan

The first part of it was to collect medical supplies to help a group that the J was backing and had to go around buying and making deals with people who have the supplies and using the right social keys and gaining enough to cover the place for about 4 months. next was protecting the j during a party when a rival party hit the place to grab some random person among the others at the party.

The Run

Due to the use of sensors, the party covering each fault in the build could deal with the enemy team and complete the job. the J was happy with the runners doing a good job. the enemy rigger was using drones that looked like hedgehogs with cases of 77 on them trying to unleash it onto the party and the rest of the team try to control the people at the party and only kidnapped the target.


most of the rival team would be broken out of holding cells 4 days later.


4k bonus nuyen 12k (6 rvp) or 24 k worth of gear. In guns armor, ware and drones. Avil 18 10 karma (10 rvp) 2 cdp

Optional Contacts Mr.Orange 4/2 (5 RVp

Armstrong 4/3 (6 rvp)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Taco Bill -- "Holy moly that was a wild ride. Ether rustled up a pretty nice job; replace some medical supplies and a bodyguard job. Met Mr. Johnson at a nice Italian restaurant. Just can't get away from the damn gluten. My team mates were....interesting. I've never met a centaur, let alone a dog centaur who is a surgeon. The two awakened were powerhouses in their own ways. The meet went well (EZ could easily sell snow at the south pole) with extra nuyen available. We went to the docks to see if we could pick up supplies....and then I met Mr. Cheeto. Wow what a suit! I'm pretty sure flare compensation kicked in. Another round of face work and we finished objective number one. Since we always go the extra mile we went to a Yak bunraku parlor to get medical supplies for the dogtaur's clinic (the parlour was staffed by...lets say synthetic people). More facework and the the third time is even more charming than the first. I'm glad there was no ruckus at the parlour, the security spider....was a follower of Spider! As if regular security spiders aren't bad enough. After a break to get some shut-eye we switched to bodyguard work. I hate to get out of the truck but I got the loan of a bitchen' suit. I clean up well if I do say so my self. The party went well until it didn't. A couple of minutes of pure shite storm. First hedgehog drones with nerve gas, seeing Lumina throw one off the roof was a sight to behold but when the Shark adept paralyzed EZ with a nerve strike I thought we were goners for sure. Lumina came to my rescue with an onslaught on the adept. I jumped into a loaner security drone a put a full autoburst from the Steyr TMP on to the adept as well. Then something truly shocking happened. Instead of betraying us Mr. Johnson jumped into the fray and took the adept down with a knockout punch that would stun a behemoth! After Lumina turned the tide the remaining opposition runners decided that discretion > valor and beat feet. All in all quite a good run although nerve wracking at times. It's a shame I had to return the suit though.

Lumina: "That Johnson was remarkably impressive. I can see him running for mayor, or some other prestigious position in society. Otherwise, it was an honor working with the team I had for this. Everyone was sharp and we were able to neutralize the threat swiftly, before things got out of control."