Knights of Change

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Knights of Change
Part of The Metroplex Governor Race of '84
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp


Carolina Petrovski is on damage control and needs to try an turn public opinion to her favor. She has hired runners to convince a couple of gang leaders to sit and talk with her.


After a wave of bad public opinion and slur campaigns Carolina Petrovski needs a public facing win and seeks to broker some "peace" with some of the Redmond gangs.

The Meet

The meet is in Carolina Petrovski's office at a Horizon faciltiy. The team was allowed entry and led into her office while she completed a heated conversation with someone. She hung up and began to discuss the job. She wants members of the local Orc gangs to "meet" with her. She is mostly interested in the Crimson Crush and the Skraacha members. She would like them to come peacefully and is offering 16k to get both of them there, half that if we have to abduct them. Draven attempted to negotiate for more money and the she offered vehicles, sin forgeries and bribes. The team accepted the deal and the specifics were hashed out.

The Plan

Dig up some information about Vimchopper Jakarta of the Crimson Crush and Ghyromutt of the Skraacha and then attempt to convince them to goto the meet location.

The Run

Throwback began with some threshold 3 matrix searches on each of them. Vimchopper turned out to be a creepy bullheaded ork with a large bladed cyberarm, known to reside in Hollywood. Ghyromutt's real name is Gelvouz and got his name by attempting crossbreed devil rats and demon rats. He lives almost exclusively in the ork underground. While doing the searches the rest of the team reached out to their contacts to further narrow down the trail. Vimchopper joined the CC because it wasn't large enough to join the Cutters. Ghyromutt is an SSC national sinner and trying very hard to hide it. His real name is, Ahanu Peshlakai. Degree in animal Husbandry, declared "missing" with an amber alert. His company is now run by the cofounder as a subsidiary of Evo.

Satisfied with their legwork, the team headed off to meet to meet with Ghyromutt. At the market that he frequents, the team sees a confrontation between a Vigilanty member and her anthro drone and the orks running the market. Thunder helped to end the conversation and allowed the Vigilanty member to leave without paying. To make things right Throwback decided to purchase a 5 pack of electronic parts from her in hopes that she could finger the teams target. She pointed them to massive secure door with an electronic lock. Throwback disabled the lock and the Thunder pulled it open. The door led to a bunker of sorts. Inside the bunker the team found Ghyromutt and his pet demon rat. Throwback, Bear, and Thunder had a conversation with Ghyromutt and convinved him to attend the meet, they all did Deepweed to seal the deal.

With Ghyromutt secured the team moved on to locate Vimchopper. The team heads to a fight club and watch Vimchopper fight an Oni. He lost the fight to he Oni after which Bear challenged her and also lost. While the fight happened, Throwback negotiated with Vimchopper to attend the meeting successfully.


With both targets willingly going to the meet the team contacted the J and received their pay. Throwback attempted to record the meeting but was un-successful.


--- Run Rewards for "Knights of Change" (High, 14 RVP)

16,000 Nuyen (8 RVP)

Lifestyle Payments & Modifications at Gear Rates

F6 Fake SINs from Horizon (trust Carolina to not keep your biometrics it's fine) at Gear Rates

Echo Motors Metaway at Gear Rates

4 Karma (4 RVP)

6 CDP (2 RVP)

+2 Horizon Reputation

Optional For Throwback - Focused Concentration R1 at gen rate (4RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Throwback: "Been a while since I had a good paying job, and this wasn't terrible. Pretty upset about that lost bet though, Bear needs to get their shit together for future fights. I guess it was an easy gig and I didn't need to fire a shot so that's a good thing.