
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 07:28, 1 October 2023 by Fangblade (talk | contribs)
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Part of And Love You Shall Find
Part of When the hunters came to town
LocationPuyallup City
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
Farraday's Clinic
Major Corp
Compulsory Execution Unit
Casualties and losses


After a death in a patient's family, Dr. Nina Farraday asked runners to find and clear safehouses for the infected family to live. Shortly after moving in, the family was torn apart after the father was kidnapped by REDEYE, the cyber-psycho who used to be known as Fillianore Argyle. Runners are called in to rescue the father.


The clinic run by Dr. Farraday was under assault by the CEU once again.

The Meet

The runner duo of Blackhawk and Sephiroth meet the Dr. and agree to find the missing patient.

The Plan

The team plan to drive to and sneak into the place where the target is located.

The Run

Upon arival, they realize the staff of this warehouse have all been killed. Doors and people ripped to shreds by something with a giant claw. Finding the target being held hostage, the duo spring into action to save the target. Blackhawk stuns a mage and grabs the target to safety, then sephiroth swoops in to rush them away. After, REDEYE returns with an autocannon shot which Blachawk takes to the chest. After, there are a series of misses until Sephiroth pilots a forklift to run over the target. Blackhawk stuns REDEYE and Sephiroth crashes the forklift on REDEYE, killing them.


The runners provide the husband and information to Dr. Farraday about upcoming CEU attacks, allowing for pre-emptive strikes.


For Blackhawk
20K 10RVP
12CDP - 5RVP
5 Karma - 5RVP
+5 Rep Farraday's Clinic
+2 Rep West Coast Monolith
For Sephiroth
10 Karma - 10 RVP
22 CDP - 10 RVP
Ability to take Vincenza Van Goth to connection 5
+5 Rep Farraday's Clinic
Optional Rewards
Dr Nina Farraday Con 4 Loyalty 2 - 5 RVP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)