Killing Wave

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Revision as of 01:43, 23 October 2023 by Fangblade (talk | contribs) (→‎Rewards)
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Killing Wave
LocationSeattle, Tacoma
Factions Involved
Finnigan Family
Major Corp
Red Ribbon


Whislash from the Kazimierz crime family sees an opportunity to gain some clout in the Finnigan's and takes it! The runners are called in for a hit and raid on a Yakuza Facility.


A movement within the Kazimierz and Finnigan family sees the connection of the two. This nascent connection has Whislash enter Seattle and start to make moves to route certain people from within the Finnigans to make way for a new connection. Tonight, the team is called in to help excise someone who Whislash defines as needing to be offed.

The Meet

The runners investigate the meet point and don't seem to recognize the J anywhere, until the hear a box giggling. Finding Whislash within, she bursts out and offers the runners a job; "kill one specific target and bug out, or kill as much as you can and I'll pay you extra per head. Bring me proof of you killing any high value targets and I'll pay you a bunch more!" So, the runners set up shop to deal with the enemy insurgents.

The Plan

Eidolon plans to get into position sniping and scouts out the enemy area. Red Ribbon grabs her big truck with a canon and gets into position. Blackhawk and 316 prep to sneak in and deal with some combatants before hell breaks loose. Marrisa sneaks around and prepares to assault with sword and gun drawn.

The Run

While their sneaking efforts were valiant, a drone spots Marrisa early on. Given Eidolon was prepped and primed to strike, they take out the enemy sniper in an opening gambit, totally removing them from the opposition. The opening seconds afterwards feature blackhawk, 316, marrisa, and red ribbon catching goons unawares, followed by the killing of yet another high value target. The next moments sees a total sweep of the enemy team, with many fleeing after the loud, fast, and heavy assault against the docks. Killing the target and the yakuza boss sees the runners heading back to Whislash to get paid, who is happy for the overall results of the fight.


The removal of yet another obstacle for Whislash and her crew bodes well, and the runners are handsomely paid for moments of work.


14K Nuyen (7 RVP)
5 Karma (5 RVP)
8 CDP (4 RVP)
2 CDP Regular
6K Nuyen Negotiation Bonus
+5 Finnigan Faction Rep
Optional Rewards
Shoot First Don't Ask (2 RVP)
Biocompatablity for Eidolon (5 RVP)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)