Fake News

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Fake News
LocationSnohomish, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp


Fuck that Squirrel. Fuck them. Just, straight up fuck them.


In the midst of all the chaos of Seattle an anonymous reporter makes a hit piece on someone that does not appreciate being ousted and hires a group of runners to track them down and stop the reporter.

The Meet

Meeting in a dark alleyway in the southern end of downtown, a Johnson wrapped in pitch black clothing. None of their body or any discerning features able to be seen as they leaned back against a red car. Looking over to the runners and informing them of their target, stating to make sure the story was silenced. Being vague as to how they wished said task to be interoperated but 4k less if they were caught and the story being written makes it onto the news. With the Johnson refusing any sort of negotiation and speeding off in what turned out to be a cosmetic altering vehicle the runners got to quick work as to what to do. They were to head towards a drop point near Snohomish and take it from there as to what to do.

The Plan

Arriving at the drop point the runners managed to find the drop point and picked up the bad with relevant information involving the location and target. Said target as it turns is a reporter, making it slightly more clear as to what the Johnson wants out of this. Another call to Sypech later and as it turns out the reporter makes hit pieces on next to ANYONE they can. Whether it be corps, nations, gangs, infected, SURGE, whoever and whatever in order to make a quick buck. The only "factions" excluded by the looks of things were Wu-Xing and Horizon, with Horizon getting somewhat good reports with heavy hints of sarcasm laced within. With this information in mind the runners headed towards the last known location, a run down apartment building in the slums portion of Snohomish.

The Run

Arriving there with little difficulty, the runners check the general perimeter for any signs of danger on the matrix and DNI. Argiope finding little to no matrix security with Blackhawk noticing a couple small wards inside the building and... the dumpster which had a strange blue marking of a fox on the side. Wanting to check out the abnormality, Blackhawk approached. The runners braced for combat before a small fox emerged from the dumpster with a small medical bag strapped to its back, briefly staring at the runners before trotting away into a white van and peeling away. Staring in utter confusion for half a minute the runners eventually collected themselves and headed inside the building. Advising Argiope stay outside or find a different way in Blackhawk and Rurosha stealthed inside the building to search for the relevant room. The building lined with countless poor and likely SINless individuals of varying metatypes not usually welcome in Snohomish. In the meanwhile however Argiope was causing a minor scene from within checking out various medical supplies. The supplies being bottom of the barrel type stuff that the building could likely afford. After realizing the other runners were in position they headed towards a door which they were able to figure out was tampered with, electrical wiring hooked straight to it. With found rubber and strong kick via Rurosha, the runners broke into the building and found next to nothing but a black screen projector and wiring connecting it to the door. Once they turned it on however a fierce matrix battle began as while investigating the deck and finding folders, icons appeared to delete them wholesale or grab them. With luck and zeal Argiope was able to finally save the data before anything else tampered with it. While this was happening however Blackhawk began physical pursuit out of the window which was open upon the runners entry. With infected speed he gave chase, following the tracks and scent of whoever it was inside the room. After a while he tracked them to a taxi intersection where the tracks ended. Acting quickly and with help from Hextech Blackhawk managed to track down three possible cabs the reporter could be in, an elven woman, a dwarven man, and an old human. Their fake alias being either Lewis or Louie. With that in mind and some searching they could be in one of the three cabs or a bus stop nearby. One of the cabs apparently void of any passengers. Deciding to briefly check the bus and assense, it was clear the bus may have been a rouse as the runners then agreed to divide and conquer, but not before a blacklisted DNI messaged them "good try." Blackhawk and Argiope then immediately headed towards the empty cab, whilst Rurosha followed the elf. Following this Rurosha headed into an elven bar and had what can only be assumed as a pretty good time. All the while Blackhawk and Argiope gave intense chase with Blackhawk's senses on high alert using every bit of might he had to pursue the figure. Climbing up walls and questioning people before arriving at an intersection with a shutter shack, more alleyways, and a train station. Heading towards the train station a homeless man mentioned that a figure was not too long ago who gave him a new pair of shoes. Replacement shoes seeming to be a theme as Blackhawk picked up her tracks but with the cleaner concrete that proved to be a problem. Choosing to head to what seemed to be a Horizon building with AA security. Wanting not to not deal with Knight Errant the runners reluctantly gave up the hunt, unaware of a smug woman with squirrel like features watching them from inside the Shutter Shack.


The Johnson still seemed appeased as the reporter did not post the article. Likely due to the runners chasing them relentlessly across the city. With payment in hands and a new slight grudge amidst two of the runners. They all went about their ways. Two of them secretly hoping to maybe one day catch whoever this may be.


10k (5 rvp) 5 Karma (5 RVP) 4 CDP (2RVP)

The 2 cdp for the run

The Squirrel gets away once again

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)