Rune Knight

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Rune Knight
RK placeholder.png
(Spellblade Drake)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.December 21st, 2057
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - E

Character Information


Mysad drake focused on using spellblades to decimate the opposition. Can stand in as a face in a pinch.


- Avoid becoming a thrall at all costs.

- Discover the dragons' secrets.

- Prove he's the best.

- Crash SK stocks.


Adopted at age 13 by mid level Saeder-Krupp employees Jasper Blake, the man that would become Rune Knight, had every advantage of a corporate upbringing. His adopted parents, at the behest of some unknown higher up, carefully planned his life for him, providing the best tutors possible for magical training and keeping him well indoctrinated in the corporate culture. This all came crashing down when he was confronted by an old friend of his birth parents: a shadowrunner named Barghest who helped them escape the very same corporation that was raising him now. Due to corporate brainwashing this took some convincing, but after being shown the truth about his drake heritage as well as irrefutable evidence that Hans Brackhaus had personally arranged for the murder of Jasper's parents and his subsequent reacquisition by SK his doubt turned into unbridled hatred. The first step was clear: Jasper needed to escape from SK's clutches. Barghest's team would create a fake kidnapping scenario, stealing Jasper away in the dead of night & ransoming him back to his family for an exorbitant fee. The ultimate goal of this was to "kill" Jasper Blake, using a borrowed cadaver and a good deal of explosives to fake his death. This plan would have worked flawlessly, except Barghest failed to inform his team of Jasper's drake heritage and thus they were unable to properly prepare for the increased security around him. In the process of kidnapping Jasper HTR troops under the direction of SK Prime were alerted and Barghest was killed in the escape. Despite this the rest of the plan went off without any further issues, though upon learning the truth the team blamed Jasper for Barghest's death and declined to offer him any further support, electing to stay as far away from him as possible.

Ultimately Jasper was unable to give up his grudge against SK, choosing to become a Shadowrunner under the name Rune Knight, hiding his identity under a helmet vaguely reminiscent of the style worn by medieval knights. Using the nuyen, network, and skills gained from his shadowrunning career he became a perpetual thorn in Saeder-Krupp’s side, reigniting their interest in acquiring or failing that, eliminating him.

Narrative Significant Qualities


- Dracoform (Western Drake)

- Mentor Spirit (Stag)


- Distinctive Style: Rune Knight always wears a full face helmet (comprised of a helmet and ballistic mask that slides in or an appropriate chem seal option) reminiscent of the style worn by medieval knights.

- Faceless: Rune Knight is paranoid about hiding his identity.

- Poor Self Control (Combat Monster/Thrill Seeker): Rune Knight is an adrenaline junkie at heart, and a run without stakes is barely worth running.

- Superhuman Psychosis: A combination of his corporate upbringing and later revulsion to all things corporate has turned Rune Knight into a man with little respect for anyone not directly useful to him, save those that share his very specific world view or earn his respect through their deeds.

- Wanted (Saeder-Krupp, 100k): Lofwyr wants to bend Rune Knight to his will or kill him for repeatedly targeting Saeder-Krupp. Whichever option presents itself first is acceptable. Other dragons looking for drake thralls are also interested in Rune Knight, though none as interested as Lofwyr.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Redmond KnightsSyphilenHigh17 September 2085



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Edmond Beaulieu 4 3 Gear Boutique Owner Boutique Owner, Clothing Design, It'll Keep You Safe, It'll Look Good, Too!, Yeah, I can add that on for you. Even
Dial-Up 4 3 Fixer
Ex-Renraku Artificial Intelligence
Matrix-Bound, Like a fish to water, Data Miner, Computer Jackson, Hard Drive Dealer, Briefing, Former Renraku property, Logistics, Involuntary Program Updates Even
Ashabel 6 1 Legwork Info Broker Technomancer, Well Connected, Whose Thing Is That?, Corporate Espionage, Everybody's Got A Secret, Crack The Code, Host Diver Even
Blanca Blanco 2 5 Custom(G,A,K,N) Talismonger Talismonger, Enchanter, Street Shaman Even
Annar le Mael 6 1 Service Doctor Modus Operadi, Talismonger, Court Healers, Alchemy, Maintained Rituals, House Calls, Medical Experimentation Even
Informer 2 5 Legwork Private Investigator Truthseeker, Magical Expert, Trid Aficionado Even
Corf 1 5 Service Helpful Lil' Minecart Rail-bound, Small, Living Transport, Underground, Wild Spirit, Smol Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments