The Name of Heaven

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Whispered within circles of Technomancers and before them, the Otaku, is the idea of 'Heaven'. A place within places, a sort of El Dorado, hidden at the core of the matrix. A place where time stands still, where the only thing that exists is the mind and where there can be nothing that does not fit in.

However, the common belief is that Heaven is a myth. A tale started in tribes of wayward Otaku, spinning stories of a place where they could finally belong, a place where everything made sense. Some saw Heaven within the deep resonance or the being that took that name. Others, within the ultraviolet eyes of his defiant right-hand. Others in stranger places still. Nevertheless, a few still seek this forgotten place, digging through old records and within abandoned hosts, even wandering the resonance realms in search of this mystical place.


The Girl in Many Colors

A strange, enigmatic being who claims to be attempting to transcend the conceit of resonance and dissonance entirely. In the pursuit of this quest, she is searching for a place called 'Garden', a place which Heaven is either synonymous with or a stepping stone too. Regardless of what she claims, she is a powerful technomancer in her own right and represents the new blood, the younger generation of technomancers searching for an old, old myth.


Bunny Hop has been an outcast and now, she searches for connection. Both with other technomancers but also with the matrix and with herself. As such, she currently has decided to help out The Girl in Many Colors


Find Heaven and Garden

Transcend Dissonance and Resonance entirely

Another Involved Faction or Individual



Another Involved Faction or Individual




A Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts With A Single MapNiven29 June 2085Hawk
RIP Bozosleevey16 June 2085Saint
Battle Not With Monstersjit18 May 2085Caliban
On Bloodied WingsSleevey12 May 2085Lumin
Memitim's TombSleevey10 March 2085Fennec
Bunny Hop
Budding HeavenseekerSleevey26 January 2085Bunny Hop
