Horace and Olivia

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Horace and Olivia
Owner's Discord Name@dexcaliber
ArchetypeCustom (G,N,K,A)
LocationNew Orleans
MetatypeOrk (Horace) & Human (Olivia)
Awakened/EmergedAwakened (Horace)
GenderMale & Female
Preferred Payment MethodCash
Personal LifeMarried
AspectsExpert Forger
Alchemy expert
We used to run with them
Expert Talismonger


Horace & Olivia are two former shadowrunners based in New Orleans. They are the two contacts that let Sticks out of New Orleans and into Seattle. Though they have plenty of connections in New Orleans, the same isn't quite said for Seattle.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Expert Forger Olivia has done her fair share of forgery for other runners. +2 DP on Gear checks to acquire fake SINs and Licences.
Alchemy expert Horace is a very experienced mage and alchemist from many years. +2 DP on Knowledge checks regarding Alchemy.
We used to run with them Horace and Olivia have several years on their backs, and as such, know many people of interest. +2 DP on Networking checks regarding Shadowrunners.
Expert Talismonger Horace being an old mage now has taken interest in selling magical paraphernalia. +2 DP on Gear checks regarding Magical Goods.


Knowledge Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 1 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 11 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 7 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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