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Mysad Frontliner (Shifter)
Bear Woman
MetatypeShifter (Ursine, Dryad, Metaposeur -> Giant)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
PriorityMetatype - C
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - E
Resources - E

Character Information




Xayah was born under the full moon in the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest, an Ursine Shifter with Dryad heritage. As an albino bear cub with shimmering, bioluminescent fur, she was a rare being blessed by nature, but destined for things far from it's comforts.

Her tranquil life ended when corporate hunters captured her, drawn by legends of an albino bear with mystical powers. Imprisoned and subjected to cruel experiments, Xayah's latent metagenic traits were forcibly awakened through a Sudden Recessive Genetic Expression (SURGE). However, the experiments had unforeseen consequences. She shifted, the allure that she had before multiplied as her sentience and SURGE awoken inside of her. The corporation intended to exploit her new abilities, but with the aid of a spirit and new mentor that had taken to her, and a surge of mystical power, Xayah escaped. Now free yet lost in the urban sprawl of Seattle, Xayah grappled with the challenges of metahuman society. Uneducated and unfamiliar with technology, she relied on her intuition and deep connection to nature. Her Glamour drew people to her, while her albinism and bioluminescent glow made her stand out. The vestigial tail she bore was a subtle reminder of her true form.

Driven to fight the evil she had witnessed, Xayah became a shadowrunner. Using her talents and strength to protect those around her. Though her control sometimes slipped, she constantly strove to control them to avoid harming innocents.

Fiercely loyal, she embraced the principle of "No Man Left Behind," risking her safety for her companions. Her intense emotions often led to impulsive actions, a manifestation of her Poor Self-Control. Despite the hardships, Xayah sought solace in nurturing pockets of nature within the city, fighting to keep others out of corporate hands.

Narrative Significant Qualities


- Mentor Spirit + Mask (Bear)

- Glamour


- Albinism II

- Berserker

- Bioluminescence

- Driven

- Impaired (Agility)

- Poor Self Control (Touch Things)

- Symbiosis

- Uneducated

- Cold-Blooded

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Silver KnivesEvaMedium29 October 2085


Max IG Level



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Cairn 5 1 Fixer(G,N,K,A) Collector of Baubles That Which Bears Many Curses, Collector of the Rare and Exotic, Rarity Is the Best Currency, Esoteric Curiosities, Spirit of the Lost, Whispers in the Pipes, A Simple Trade Even
Lexy 1 6 Service Cybernetics, Riding Fine Even
Anna Van Der Pelt 6 1 Fixer Talismonger Awakened Fixer, Awakened Philanthropist, Big Stick Diplomancy, Drake Sympathizer, Hocus Focus, Talismonger Even
Betz 5 2 Legwork Infobroker Hacker, Infobroker, Matrix Lorekeeper, Mitsuhama Computer Technologies, Technomancer, Technoshaman Even
Bagrak 1 1 Service Doctor Street Doc, Awakened Medicine Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 A swirling mass within the center of it spirals outwords. An unbothered, but lightly nervous feeling. As well as the impression of her mentor (bear) within the mask.
2 N/A
3 2 Qi foci, Rating 2 and 4
4 6 Essence
5 N/A

Fake SIN (R5) (Irrelia, [EVO])

- Fake License - Mystic Adept

- Fake License - Bodygaurd


Height: 11'11"

Hair Color: White

Skin Color: White

Eye Color: Extremely bright blue

Identifying Features: Albinism, SURGE ( [Dryad] Giant), Mentor's Mask (Bear)

Description: Xayah is an extremely.


Draped, loose clothing, nothing quite touching her skin too much.

Matrix Persona

A silhouette behind a bunny mask, ever shifting with the fix currently installed. Marionette strings affixed to the ends of her finger tips.

Media Mentions

Xayah has been fired as Horizon's assistant-head of experimental trid creation division in Seattle after a "unsuccessful" sabotage of the project.

ShadowGrid Profile Comments

Unknown - "A bunny girl? Really? Like... another one?"