The Champ

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Revision as of 01:47, 26 July 2021 by PatGriffin (talk | contribs)
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The Champ
Fighting Spirit
Even in death
Contact OwnerSpirited-Noise4377
Owner's Discord Name
Public Contact?Yes
MetatypeFree Spirit
Preferred Payment MethodReagents or Nuyen
Personal LifeNone
AspectsThe Champ
Astral Champion 2082
Medicinal K-10


The Champ is a spirit that personifies the better aspects of King Beef in the persona of a champion boxer. No one knows if the spirit took the appearance before or after King Beef's death. At the moment he is watching over the go-gang Children of Minos. The Champ has taken particular interest in the 2nd in Command Riley "The Slab" Wagner.

Running The Champ

  • His voice is a bad imitation of Randy Savage
  • He has a giant champion belt that lacks any details
  • He does not claim any right to King Beef but does take after him as an inspiration
  • Whenever he leaves he will either find the most dramatic way to leave imaginable or will burst into star light after a fist bump and thumbs up.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
The Champ The Champ does not have the memories of King Beef but is very knowledgable about him and his career. Along with many other boxers. +2 to any checking involving King Beef or boxing.
Astral Champion 2082 The Champ lays claim to the title of Astral Heavy Champion 2082, and the spirits of man that understand what that even means seem to respect it. +2 to any check involving spirits of man.
Medicinal K-10 The Champ is quite knowledgable about K-10 and its multiple uses along with its possible acquisition. +2 to any roll involving K-10.


Knowledge Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects
Active Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects
Gear Acquisition Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects
Networking Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects


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