False Dragons

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False Dragons
Part of Toy Stories
LocationSeattle Metroplex
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Star of the Sea


The Scraacha want to start bootlegging fake SK Lowfyr plushies and have found all the materials they need to get started, at a local S-K affiliate warehouse and a local Finnegan controlled warehouse. They and have opted to hire the runner team to do the theft for them to get this enterprise up and running.


Recent shenanigans surrounding the Lowfyr plushies have made several syndicates interested in the toy business, Warboss sees an opportunity to get involved.

The Meet

Warboss invites the gang to Big Rhino, and the meet goes relatively well. With a warning to be careful about running against SK, the team get a 6K upfront and take the job. Heading out quickly to get into the legwork that night.

The Plan

Legwork: The team used a combination of existing knowledges, hacking, and contacts to get floor plans, security team rosters and general business notes on both warehouse targets, Poe contacted Diego Carrillo to get them a trailer that could handle the weight of the initial theft, offering to help establish a counterfeit line for the David Smugglers, which Diego was happy to accept.

The Run

The team hit the S-K facility first a couple of days early, Poe turning Glitch invisible and Glitch climbing the wall with Gecko Grip Gloves to skinlink into the camera system to get ahold of the beleaguered rigger on site's RCC.

They set up a delivery order for Poe's truck and trailer combo, as well as an order to the Zweitgart fabric company to deliver the goods they want at the appointed time to enable their truck to be hijacked a couple hours after the SK delivery is stolen.

The team piled into Poe's Gopher at the appropriate time and Poe, disguised as and acting like a typical David Cartel driver/muscle talked their way in and out with little difficulty on a burner sin dropping the first trailer full of goods at the first Skraacha drop point, hiding Glitch in the smugglers compartment.

Star of the Sea put on the full war getup and summoned a spirit to put the fear into the truck drivers, who did slow down and bear arms, starting to back up. At which point Poe put some fear into them and Glitch and 141 made short work of the passengers while Star and Poe made their way down. The Finnegan drivers were left unconscious bound in the truck and Skraacha notified and asked to spare them. It was just a matter of squelching the comms on the truck and delivering it to the warehouse at that point. All tidy and tied up with a bow on it, just like a Christmas Toy.


The team gets away clean, with two Finnegan drivers looking a little worse for wear when they finally get untied and get their truck out of there. Skraacha now has everything they need to start creating counterfeit Lowfyr plushies and assumedly other knock off plush toys.


Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Poe Nothing quite as great as a well delivered theft, except the opening of a new smuggling line or business opportunity for my associates. Good day.