Reds & Compressors

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Reds & Compressors
LocationRedmond Barrens
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
White Vory
Crimson Crush
Slick Jimmy
Casualties and losses


The White Vory was kicked out from a Redmond chop shop by the Crimson Crush. Displeased by this, they hire two runners, the sorcerer Hysteria and the adept Solitaire. Together, the two utilize magic and interrogation on one of the two major brains of the operation, ARG, to learn integral information before launching an assault, infiltrating the shop before slaughtering most of the Crimson Crush as a result, namely Slick Jimmy, the head of this little gang. With the Crimson Crush eliminated, the White Vory move back in.


The Johnson is associated with the former owners, the White Vory, of an old chop shop that specialized in rewiring vehicle ownership before they were forced out by the Crimson Crush.

The Meet

Hysteria and Solitaire meet the Johnson in an alley Solitaire has bad memories with. The Johnson gives our characters a gruff rundown of the aforementioned backstory, outlining the two major threats, Slick Jimmy and a Kiddie scripter. The Johnson threatens to find some drek gangers to do the job if they aren't happy with the pay. They both decide to take the job and ride away to plan.

The Plan

Solitaire utilizes divination to predict the dangers we will face and the location of the Kiddie Scripter, discovering the Crimson Crush utilizes buckshot Krime shotguns and that the kid spent his breaks in an adjacent building chatting up his VR girlfriend and learns about a strange ability Jimmy possess to use a burst of speed in movements of dire danger. Hysteria identifies this as an adept power supplemented by bioware. The two decide to approach subtly, decapitating the two heads of the gang before taking out the rest. With this plan in mind, Hysteria disguises herself in the guise of a beautiful woman before they drive over, deciding to head first for the kid.

The Run

Hysteria and Solitaire approach the building, running into a guard. Hysteria manages to convince the guard she is there to buy back one of the cars owned by the former owners of the chop shop. The guard buys this, letting them pass by where they arrive at the building where the kid is in hotsim VR. Solitaire shoots the lock off as they tie up the kid, learning his name is ARG, before ripping him from hotsim. After extracting info, the duo steals his keys and Hysteria disguises as the kid. Deciding to pose an ambush and lure Jimmy out, Solitaire waits outside while a disgused Hysteria tries to lure out Jimmy, but the Crimson Crush see through her lies and disguise, prompting a full-on fight. The combat is rough, Solitaire quickly eliminating an orc before the rest close in and down him. Hysteria seizes the minds of Jimmy and an orc, causing them to kill each other while Solitaire regenerates and finishes Jimmy off, prompting the remaining orc to flee, resulting in a successful run.


The White Vory moves in, quickly cleaning up before reestablishing their business in the area. Solitaire expresses his suspicions and wariness of Hysteria, while Hysteria expresses her interest of Solitiare. Solitaire is even more suspicious as a result.


--- Run Rewards for Reds & Compressors (Medium, 10 RVP)

  • 4,000 Nuyen (2 RVP)
  • 8,000 Nuyen worth of loot at Gear Rates (2 RVP)
  • 3 Karma (3 RVP)
  • 8 CDP (3 RVP)
  • +1 White Vory Reputation
  • The 8,000 Nuyen worth of loot can be spent on some of the following:
  • Krime Boom w/ Internal Smartlink (max 1)
  • +DV Hand-Loaded Krime Penetrator Buckshot (max 30)
  • R6 Stim Patches (max 3)
  • Spoof Chips, Morphing License Plate or SunCell (max 1)
  • Fragmentation Grenades & Flashbangs (max 3)
  • R1 Stealth Dongle (max 1)
  • Electronic Parts (max 20 parts)
  • Trid Projector
  • Novacoke, Psyche, Betameth
  • If you have an organ legger contact, Used Dermal Plating and/or Orthoskin up to R4
  • Nuyen not spent becomes CDP at a rate of 2,000 Nuyen -> 1 CDP, rounded down (sub-2k values give nothing)

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Solitaire -

Two by two with hands of black
Through fire and the thunder-crack
of cannon and of all the shells.
Dance we through all types of hells!

A mage most dark and clown-ed wrest
Victory from their efforts best!
But much I see, behind gold eyes
And much is said, behind gold lies.

Hysteria -

What a trivial endeavor, but one that has exposed weaknesses in my power.
Not entirely fruitless, however, the jester proved a remarkable discovery.
I hope this information pleases you, my masters.
I am but a neophyte, but soon I shall emerge from this chrysalis of ego,
and weave the truths you seek to sow.