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(Short Blurb)
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Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - B
Resources - E

Character Information


  • Currently just another young Ganger straight outa the pen. She has a heavy inate magical ability but has dabbled in it little before her incarceration and since then she has spent her every waking moment pretending she is not awakened.
  • She will slowly start to try to become more comfortable with her magical abilities, over time, this being closely tied to issues of self-confidence. as she becomes more sure and confident in herself she will likely feel more comfortable and inclined to engage in the non-mundane world. Slea will become close to the morrigan, it was the god her parents followed. It contacted her through a sign a little after she was released, (month from chargen) A trifecta of raven gods of love and war. but for now she is still mostly learning to re-use her magic abilities, having hidden them for so long despite having a somewhat latent ability.


Long Term:

  • For the future? she doesn't yet know, she's still in the process of de-institutionalizing herself.

Short Term?

  • just to get out of the rut she is in; her living conditions and out from under her parole.
  • To try to help establish a Black Crescent crew in Redmond. An old crew saved a friend of her's life once and she wants to return the favour.
  • Learning to live civilian life again, try to remember not to be aggressive and that showing weakness is acceptable. to be less condescending to others in order to make herself appear big. traits she has learned from prison.


Slea came to seattle from Ireland at a young age, probably one or three, by her reckoning. She had a middle class upbringing for a while, her parents seemed well paid though she was never really sure what they did. ooc note: they were both powerful mages living undercover in Seattle as part of a spy program. but before she was even old enough to care about such things she woke up one night to find her parents slain. It was a mess, in the abstract we might call it horrific or traumatic but slea, having got up in the morning felt none of that as she sat in the kitchen, curled up beside her slain parents tortured bodies, feeling there skin against hers one last time as she phoned the number of there docwagon contract in her comm. The cops said it was a home invasion, probably Orcs. Nothing they could do. That was the end of 'The good Life' for Slea.

Aged but Six years old Slea was put into the foster system, what they would have called in the 19th century 'the workhouse', she picked up her new life fast but being the size she was and from the backround she came from she was often near the bottom of the totem poll, both in the foster system and on the streets where she started to spend more and more time with delinquents and gangers, listening to the latest noise-core and dreaming of stacking the paper there lyrical idols spoke of.

At around Thirteen years old Slea and her gang decided to rob a pawn store they knew of. She saw the plan for what it was, swiss cheese but eager to earn the respect of her peers she went along with it anyway. The job went smoothly ...until some have-a-go-hero civilian blasted a hole in one of her comrades with a street-sweeper and got an face full of lead for his troubles. A few managed to get away, but Slea was unlucky, having missed her ride and seemingly abandoned, the police got her as she ran through the streets of Seattle until her veins pumped naught but acid. She got a beating for making them run but it wasn't her first and it wouldn't be her last.

Twenty-Three and fresh out of a technical 15-stretch; first in juvie and then the fed. Released early on mandatory probation, her sentance could have been reduced but she refused to talk, as she sat there in the interview room, back streight against the hard metal chair she thought of nothing but that night, the one she hadn't in years, the kinetic feeling of her skin against theres, hoping to god they'd not find out she was a mage... Needlessly to say for her sanity, they didn't..

Currently not doing well, Criminal SIN'd without even the funds for a good fake, she's currently barely getting by day to day. Living in a tent in the elevator shaft of an old squatted office block in the barrens. she has a few stash spots around the place for her valuables and still has to have regular appointments with her parole officer.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Good Looking and KNows it
  • Astral Chameleon
  • Mentor Spirit (Raven) Magician


  • Ex-Con (((means parole officer meetings for idk how long.)))
  • SINer (Criminal)
  • Poor Self Control (Combat Monster)

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Alessa P 4 2 Fixer Owner of The Daze The Daze, Shadow Connections, Ear to the Ground, Punk Rocker, Bootleggers Even
Knows through being a regular at The Daze, not through a professional capacity. She been hanging out there for the last few weeks, out there to see the new bands on the scene, and the old ones, again and again.. Often she's to poor to buy drinks so she will swipe others when she thinks she can get away with it or talk someone into buying her a few. She suspects that Alessa has noticed her nefarious deeds but chooses to turn a blind eye.
Rocket Raccoon 3 1 Custom(G,K,A,N) Eco-Terrorist/Freedom Fighter and Supplier Nimble Fingers, Intelligent for it's size, Cybernetic Augments, The Gun Bus Even
Bill put her onto him when she was looking to get her mits on a grenade launcher. needless to say he provided the goods as well as some thoughtful conversation on the topic of Eco-Politics.
Tony Santoro 3 1 Legwork Rogue Horticulturalist Aspected Sorcerer, Druid, Horticulturalist, Neo-Anarchist Even
Both druids, she goes to him at times to speak and try to understand her powers a little better. Being a city girl the trees that Tony leaves in his wake fascinate her and fill her with joy.
Bill O'tuk 5 2 Gear Demolitions and Dynamite Son of Sauron, Demolitions Expert, Fire! FIRE!, Build-A-Bomb Workshop, Ganger, Stockpile Even
Got to know Bill after getting to knows some SoS types in Jail. She liked them and they her. when she got out they introduced her. She has since gained somewhat of a fascination with explosives. And has had a few interesting conversations with him about race and metahumanity, she enjoys her time with him and would like to help the Sons of Soron if the opportunity ever came up.




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


Criminal SIN [Slea]


An obstinant looking elven youth with unekpt raven-black hair and eyes, her smooth skin not just fair, but palid. # Sharp nosed but despite her steryotypcially delicate elven features she is Female but you likely couldn't guess her gender at first glance. flat chested and vocaly often sarcastic, rude and withering, largely ungendered in it's tone.

Often found with a printed book in her hands. An oddity amoungst most in the 6th world, but no more so than in the barrens. She came accustomed to them in jail, finding a solitary place in the otherwise unused prison library.


Her clothes look cheep, but still stylish. They look to be good pieces but from seasons past, portraying a keen eye for the retro in any fashion afficianado. Currently wearing a close-fit white shirt with it's top buttons undone, slacks custom fitted to someone remarcably close to her size and frame held up by a pair of jet black bracers and topped off with a silk skiiny-tie worn oosly, almost as if in an act of difience. Despite the suit-and-tie setup her shins are covered by a large pair of what look to be a ratty pair of old military boots.

Matrix Persona

Generic Comlink Icon

Media Mentions

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