Booze Cruise 2: Explosive Boogaloo

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Booze Cruise 2: Explosive Boogaloo
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
Knight Errant
Reckless choices by other Shadowhaven runners...


The runners responded to a request for help investigating a recent explosion in Tacoma. The Johnson did not immediately identify themselves.

They began to explore the scene of the crime and gather evidence of what had happened. They learned that they had been hired by Knight Errant to help investigate a crime. The old cop on duty had lived in the neighborhood and didn't think the gangers being pinned for it were actually guilty. He offered to pay the runners to help him close the case, with the identity of the true guilty party.

Their investigations ultimately led them to find that the act of senseless violence that had blown up the side of an apartment complex was an accident, triggered by the reckless behavior of another team of Shadowhaven runners.

The runners had to decide what to do. Pick a scapegoat and frame them? Let KE know that other Shadowhaven runners were involved? They followed their consciences and refused to frame anyone, while protecting fellow runners from KE, at the cost of most of the payment offered. They brought the information to KE that it was a freak accident caused by a rogue air spirit getting access to a tire filled with foam explosives. They made sure the gangers received legal support, with only the one guilty of discharging an illegal weapon being charged for that valid charge. They repaired the broken wall in the man's apartment, and let him know that he was in no danger.


A prior team of runners had been in the area. Legion repaired a punctured tire on his Ares Roadmaster with foam explosive. Aristotle summoned a force 1 air spirit to help inflate the tire. When Legion replaced the tire, Aristotle gave the explosive-filled tire to the air spirit to do with as it wished.

The air spirit bounced the explosive tire down the street. A group of local gangers, member of the Blades,

The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)