Trix & Treats

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Trix & Treats
LocationPuallup Barrens
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Lil' Boomer


The team is hired to dig up dirt on M0rd3K41's partner Zion, in the hopes of attaining sole control and majority ownership to their shop, Trix & Treats.


M0rd3K41 is fed up with his partner's bubby personality, and decides hiring shadow runners is the best chance of ousting her as an equal partner.

The Meet

The meet takes place at a matrix bar called "The Last Hope", where C41yps0, Canter, and R-33 attend in cyberspace, while Lil' Boomer shows up in meat space. They all meet the gruff and grumpy dwarf decker who identifies himself as M0rd3K41, and tells them of his desire to take out his partner. Which, at least for LB comes with the unsatisfactory restriction from outright killing her or damaging the shop in any way. he suggests to the team that they dig up some dirt on the woman, and provides them with her address, but conveniently forgets to tell them her name. The team derezzes or walks out, as LB manages to make a scene by vomiting noisily on the table where their patron was sitting, after attempting to eat some peanuts...

The Plan

Suspecting that something fishy is in the works, the team decides to gather information on both of the owners, in hope of making sense of the entire situation and helping them come to terms that benefits them both.

The Run

C41yps0 and R-33 get to work immediately, searching for information regarding the shop owner's identities, and anything they kind find on the shop itself. Canter searches through financial records, determining the shop makes about 10-15k nuyen per month after expenses. After discovering the identities of the two shop owners are most likely fakes, the decker/techno combo decides to see if they can pick up any information from the store's host that might lead to some insight to the run. Easily avoiding the Patrol IC, R-33 and C41yps0 find 3 files that are tied directly to M0rd3K41, involving some fun with vegetables and a shady past involving Renraku. The team decides they have got enough dirt on M0rd3K41 to make him squirm, but decide to check in on the other shop owner's apartment to try and see who they are dealing with.

After a brief attempt to sneak a rat-possessed spirit into the apartment and discovering a mana barrier, Canter decides to send in a microskimmer to scout out the apartment. Discovering that the principal is most likely behind the closed bedroom door, Canter takes it upon herself to do a light bit of B&E. Patting the doorman on the cheek, telling him what a good boy he is for holding the door, and giving him a packet of crackers, Canter slowly works her 91-year old body up the three flights of stairs to the apartments door. Summoning a spirit, she attempts to pick the lock and fails; getting slightly frustrated she commands the spirit to just open the lock itself, to which it hastily complies. After dismissing the spirit Canter steps inside, works her way to the bedroom and opens the door. Unfortunately, The Hellhound pupper sniffs the intruder, and starts a high-pitched growl, leaping to the ground from the bed to confront Canter. Realizing that her presence is about to be discovered further, canter quickly casts an ice sheet beneath the pupper, causing it to fall down and be distracted as she quickly slips into the closet to hide. Climbing out of bed the woman scoops up the pup, admonishes it, and after a quick glance about the apartment goes back to sleep. Meanwhile, Canter manages to pick the lock on the filing cabinet hidden in the closet, and discovers the woman's diary. Curiously enough, the diary details an incident roughly 10 years prior where the woman and an unnamed dwarvish decker teamed up and escaped the employ of Renraku Securities Corporation. Realizing that this might be the key they are looking for, the team decides to confront the shop owners at their shop.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)