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horse mentor spirit question: the spirit allows you to take the critter movement power as a metamagic-the power, in turn implies it only works while in the critters domain. so if you take it, do you need a domain? how is that established?  +
I guess I'll do the beginning honors 1. The inability to put both chameleon coating and powered breakdown has been a thorn on the side of stealth. Could PCs be able to pay the price and add both to a single side slot? 2. Could PCs pay an extra sum to make the Ares briefcase shield MAD proof, or otherwise get a MAD proof briefcase? 3. Does Adapsin retroactively reduce essence cost of already implanted cyberware? 4. Can you put a sleaze dongle on an RCC? Because that would give riggers an actual chance against deckers. 5. Can you make called shots with single target indirect spells, like lightning bolt? 6. Does bullseye burst apply the -2 defense penalty?  +
I'm just here to formally request an appeal for the ban of Medusa Extensions. As I believe everyone should have the right to designer trodes. Also ask why were they banned to begin with? As a rigman I'm honestly not seeing any actual function that would make them OP/Banworthy.  +
After request from the people in Discord's general text channel, i am posting this question here. Can Machine Sprites inhabit any sort of electronics that use their skills to perform skills they would otherwise not be able to perform? For example. Can a Machine Sprite inhabit a cyberdeck and use its skills (Computer, Electronic Warfare, Hardware) to use the Format Device Matrix Action? Can it even actually enter the Matrix, causing a Matrixception?  +
Is there any way we could get a price for warforms for us animal tamers. Its a template from howling shadows that can be applied to animals like chimeric modifications, but unlike chimeric modifications doesn't have a base price (chimerics is 3x the price of the animal, + another 25% for each mod)  +
R&G called shot. "Shredded flesh" Clarification on weather or not it needs to be physical damage, or if the bleedout can be caused from doing any damage Personally i'm very much against it being "any damage" as i belive it introduces the same problem that "Called shot Engine block" does just alot slower  +
"Increased Seating" from Rigger 5.0 (Page 164). Can this modification be taken more than once on a vehicle for additional seating on that vehicle? For instance a 2 seat, 10 Body Car has 10 slots for Body Mods. Can Increased Seating be taken twice to get a total of 4 seats for 4/10 Body Mod slots?  +
What's the speed of Ondansetron? I think 1 combat turn is fair.  +
What is the information for normal, non-SNS Gyrojet ammo for the gyrojet pistol? It doesn't appear to be in the errata or Hard Targets.  +
Yess, is me again. So say a character leaves gen with a magic of 0 and the intent of playing it as if she/he was a latent awakener. Would she/he show up on assensing as awakend and therefor need a license. Or would it work like the 4E quality where you werent awakend intill you bought your magic up to 1 I know the 4E quality worked diffrently but this is the closest way to replicate it in 5E that i've found  +
Calling Ritual, Street Grimoire Page 126 The composition of paraphernalia is always specifc to the class of spirit (e.g., shedim, leprechaun, etc.). Identifying the necessary paraphernalia to call a specifc spirit type requires a Logic + Arcana [Mental] (20, 1 day) Extended Test Do I have to do this for each time I attempt Calling, or only once per class of spirit?  +
Question regarding Astral combat and weather or not you can Full defense it And what stat would be the defense stat, Fx with "agile defender" or "Too pretty to hit"  +
New one for this thread. To initiate, instead of doing Arcana+Intuition with Threshhold Initiation Grade like it is in SR5 pg 325, would it be possible to use any of the other initiation processes described in Street Grimore starting at pg 140. Specifically I am looking either the 9 Paths to Enlightenment or the Hermit's Way. I would guess in order to do Hermit's Way, there would still be a certain required number of runs while existing with this Street level lifestyle. And for 9 Paths, talking to Thematics in some way so that they are not totally screwed over by the attributes they are told to roll every time. Thoughts?  +
how does Market Scan work here, book does not tell you how it lowers the avail? 148 cutting aces  +
Looking Glass: Spell from Shadow Spells (pg 21): The spell allows the caster to change the properties of material to allow light to pass through it. How does this affect: a) Sunlight passing through with regards to allergies on Infected 2) Laser weapons passing through with regards to DV/range  +
In Symbiosis it states that you have to live somewhere for 'more than a season' that develop a connection to it, though everywhere else in the text the reference is each month to either break a bond and/or form a new one. Clarification on what the default length should be would be great.  +
Can someone with Reduced Sense (Blind) see a spirit or mage who is Manifesting? Assuming the blind one isn't astrally perceiving. What about someone with cyber eyes?  +
With regards to Prototype Transhuman Bioware; How is 'Ware that has ratings handled? Say I have R1 Muscle Augmentation as a part of my PT bioware. Can I get an R3 to complete it? Do I just have to buy an R4?  +
If I use orichalcum to make a ring, what would it OR be? Asking due to a bit of fluff "Orichalcum possesses many of the physical properties of gold, such as being dense and highly malleable. It alloys easily with iron, making it preferred for weapon foci construction." 210 SG  +
Black Market Pipeline: Do you have to attach it to private contacts or can you just do it on a public one and we'll just say they do the discount only for people who have BMP attached to them?  +