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A list of all pages that have property "Question" with value "What's the speed of Ondansetron? I think 1 combat turn is fair.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Question regarding trying to inject someone whos either unaware of you or considers you a non threat (like a guest at a social gathering) What would the test be to jab him with a injection needle (or other injection things you have))
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (R&G called shot. "Shredded flesh" ClarR&G called shot. "Shredded flesh" Clarification on weather or not it needs to be physical damage, or if the bleedout can be caused from doing any damage</br></br>Personally i'm very much against it being "any damage" as i belive it introduces the same problem that "Called shot Engine block" does just alot sloweralled shot Engine block" does just alot slower)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (RF 115 with functional tails it says for pRF 115 with functional tails it says for prehencile tails, The tail has</br>an effective Strength equal to half the character’s unaugmented Strength (round down) I understand having STR 6 would make the tail have a STR of 3.</br></br>So the question I have is, much like in the way you have an augmented limit of say 6(10), would that make the tail have a limit of 3(7) or just a flat 3 no matter if your on say Kami or have magic that boosts your attribute to your augmented limit?ts your attribute to your augmented limit?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Regarding anthro drones. Can they A.) wield metahuman weapons without weapon mounts, and B.) Wear metahuman armor (which I would assume follows the armor stacking rules by RAW meaning if its higher than their base armor only the highest number counts.))
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Resonance Veil complex form relies rather Resonance Veil complex form relies rather heavily on GM fiat (like many of them do). I was hoping we could have a mechanics clarification that would establish a baseline for what can be accomplished. </br>Something like...</br></br>> 'Resonance veil can mimic the effects of a Spoof Command matrix action when successfully threaded (GM discretion applies as to whether Resonance Veil can have wider utility).'ther Resonance Veil can have wider utility).')
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Sacred Circles sidebar: It's under Druid and talks about 'certain traditionalists': Is it possible for a non-druid to make one?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Should you be able to take a Called Shot wShould you be able to take a Called Shot with Aiming in some way, whether you do the Called Shot beforehand or after the Aiming?</br></br>TAKE AIM</br>A character may take aim with a ready firearm, bow, or </br>throwing weapon as a Simple Action. Take Aim actions </br>are cumulative, but the benefits are lost if the character </br>takes any other kind of action—including a Free Action—</br>at any time before attacking. Take Aim actions may be </br>extended over multiple Action Phases and Combat Turns. </br>The maximum bonus a character may gain from sequen-</br>tial Take Aim actions, either to her limit or her dice pool, is </br>equal to one-half the character’s Willpower, rounded up.</br>Each Take Aim action applies a +1 dice pool modifier </br>or +1 Accuracy increase to the Attack Test.</br>If the character is using image magnification or a </br>targeting scope, Take Aim must be used to line up the </br>shot in order to receive the bonus from the item. In this </br>case the first action of Take Aim does not provide any </br>additional bonus beyond enabling the function of the </br>modification.</br></br>Other actions don't really make sense at all, but Called Shot seems like it'd be perfectly reasonable.</br></br>It's a houserule, but I figured it'd be worth asking, since it came up on voicechat today.king, since it came up on voicechat today.)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Smartgun questions. - The smartgun says iSmartgun questions.</br></br>- The smartgun says it works with a cable, so do I still need an internal router to get the wireless bonus or not?</br></br>- The wireless bonus is listed under smartgun system but states smartlink, which one of them technically needs to be wireless on? them technically needs to be wireless on?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (So I have a character in the works that idSo I have a character in the works that ideally will have 20 Karma after I've finished with the Qualities. Now, seeing as how I intend to play the char a changeling, I want to know whether or not I need 30 Karma just to trigger Surge III? I'm picking the Changeling Qualities myself, but in the end, I still have 16 (or 20, depending on whether or not I decide to choose one of them) Karma points to spare. Now, the question is, do I need 30 Karma points going into the changeling if I'm going to have 10 points spare going out regardless?</br>Furthermore, I also wanted to make something to stand out, and so wanted to combine the Dermal Alteration with dragon scales in combination with Striking Skin Pigmentation, Unusual Hair and Bioluminescence. The only thing is, the game claims you can't mix neither the Dermal Alteration nor the negative quality Scales with other qualities that change skin (which ended with me picking Insectoid Features, namely carapace because that doesn't clash with anything but does the same thing as Scales would). Personally, I don't see how this would affect purely cosmetic stuff such as radically changing pigmentation or making it glow all pretty-like, and reckon that it's more aimed towards the Dermal Deposit quality, but the guys in chargen won't let me combine the dragon scales or the standard scales with the cosmetics. Any chance to either interpret the rules a bit freely or just make a GM exception in this case?</br>Regardless of the verdict, cheers for reading!rdless of the verdict, cheers for reading!)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (So me n mah friend Sckoni disagreed on a tSo me n mah friend Sckoni disagreed on a thing that i think should be adressed.</br></br>Possessing (channeling specficly) talks about adding the spirits force to the "host's" body, it does not call out anything about aug max being either broken or abided by.</br></br>So my question is. Does it abide by Aug max (+4 augmented to a stat at any given time) or does it break it? (like a force 22 channeled spirit would give you +11 to all physical stats)</br></br>Thanks in advance to all physical stats) Thanks in advance)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (So somewhat related to the answer given foSo somewhat related to the answer given for whether or not Practice x 3 works for things such as spellcasting. Would special work area increase "relevant limits" for such skills as ritual spellcasting and artificing. Relevant text below.</br></br>SPECIAL WORK AREA</br>(POSITIVE, P. 370, SR5)</br>Applies to a single asset (Garage or Workshop). Can</br>be purchased more than once per lifestyle. The 1,000</br>nuyen per month additional cost applies each time this</br>is purchased, as does the +2 bonus to the Limit for relevant</br>skill tests performed in the area.elevant skill tests performed in the area.)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (So the Islamic Alchemist traditional optioSo the Islamic Alchemist traditional option has a sort-of self-resolving issue: It requires that on the second Initiation you take Quickening, which is banned here. However, it also forbids using Spellcasting and Ritual Spellcasting, so... How are you handling this?lcasting, so... How are you handling this?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (So, as most of us know with the two spellsSo, as most of us know with the two spells of mindlink, and mindnet, your able to communicate immages, emotions, and other senses to one another as a way of communication. However, it's stated that mindlink lets willing subjects within touching range send these thoughts to one another, and with mind net, it says a willing group of people.</br></br>Now it's obvious that mindnet wouldn't work, but what classfies as willing subjects with mindlink? I understand that metahumans count...But what about things like animals? Or spirits? They should technically be considered subjects under the RAW of mindlink...Willing or not is a different matter together however, if somehow another subject besides metahumans was willing, would mindlink work?tahumans was willing, would mindlink work?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Spirit physical bodies can ignore gravity.Spirit physical bodies can ignore gravity. This is known, and explicitly called out as 'physical bodies' not 'materialized bodies'. Inhabitation (spirit power) allows a spirit to completely take over a host body, as with bug spirits, and some bugs have wings and the ability to fly explicitly stated, What about Possession (a different spirit power)?out Possession (a different spirit power)?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Tattoo Magic: Street Grimoire pg 131. Can Tattoo Magic: Street Grimoire pg 131. Can you therefore get an Unarmed Weapon Focus on yourself, and then apply Elemental Weapon adept power?</br></br>EDIT: Seen Dusk's earlier question, updating: Can you do the weapon focus thing if you artifice yourself and therefore have the same aura? Related: Bioware, PT Bioware, natural weapons from other sources, including naga and changeling fangs, and changeling thagomizersangeling fangs, and changeling thagomizers)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Tell me if I'm wrong, but you can't shoot the same person with two different guns on the same pass, right? Or can you do that by splitting dp?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (The Hobo With a Shotgun quality gives -2 tThe Hobo With a Shotgun quality gives -2 to mental attributes if you stay in a better lifestyle than Squatter. Would staying in a Bolthole lifestyle trigger this penalty?</br></br>For comparison, Squatter's max Comforts level is 2 while Bolthole's is 3 but you could always not go full on the comforts for the bolthole if that would be a deciding factor.lthole if that would be a deciding factor.)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (The biofiber pocket (HT 185) says that it The biofiber pocket (HT 185) says that it obscures the auras and astral forms of foci using dual natured plant life contained within the pocket. Does that mean that this plant life has an astral form that can be detected through assensing? If so, the availability 10F biofiber pocket would give away its own illegal existence, as well as being a big neon sign saying 'search me, I'm hiding foci!' to any assensing security mage or spirit. If not, that raises the question of how the biofiber pocket actually works (and potentially if it is even necessary).(and potentially if it is even necessary).)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Two rules have been established on the havTwo rules have been established on the haven, with an unclear interaction:</br></br>* Characters do not have to pay rent out of pocket for their first month, because they are considered to have already paid rent for that month (prepaid) during chargen.</br></br>* For every month that characters pay rent, they receive 5 contact chips to improve the loyalty of their contacts.</br></br>Do characters gain chips for the first month, in which they paid rent in advance?month, in which they paid rent in advance?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (We have a bunch of guns whose dmg codes asWe have a bunch of guns whose dmg codes assume they are loaded with regular flechette ammo.</br></br>Can these weapons be loaded with SnS flechette? And will that apply the -2 dmg, -5 AP of a SnS ammo instead of the blend of flechette and SnS codes that Catalyst gave SnS flechette?</br></br>---</br>Parashield Dart pistols and Parashield Dart rifles & Drone weapon mounts.</br></br>Can we have a documented answer to refer to about which kind of weapon mounts these weapons go into please?of weapon mounts these weapons go into please?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (What does "significant extra weight" mean, in terms of skimmers?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (What happens at 0 magic? Not maximum 0 magic, just 0 magic. Is it complete, permanent burnout?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (What happens when a TM threads Infusion ofWhat happens when a TM threads Infusion of [Matrix Attribute] of a level equal to his meat brain stat (e.g. L5) and then his brain att gets boosted (by drugs or magic or whatever)?</br></br>Does the Infusion just fizzle out since its level is now below the att corresponding to the matrix att it is affecting?ponding to the matrix att it is affecting?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (What is a "sniper rifle", and what is a "hunting rifle"? I ask specifically in reference to drone weapon mounts.)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (What is the information for normal, non-SNS Gyrojet ammo for the gyrojet pistol? It doesn't appear to be in the errata or Hard Targets.)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (What size drone weapon mounts do flamethrowers fit in?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (When a rigger is jumped into the vehicle, When a rigger is jumped into the vehicle, does he use his mental stats in place of his physical stats, just physical stats or is it player's choice ? </br>If it is the former or the later what attributes are used in dodging, Reaction plus intuition or intuition plus intuition?lus intuition or intuition plus intuition?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (When an [Approved Book]( makes reference to something in another edition of Shadowrun, are we to simply ignore it? [Example: Bullets and Bandages, page #9](
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (When can you use mental stats and how when it comes to drones and vehicles? I told you use mental stats thing here when in VR or jumped in but not ar but there no rules about it on the wiki like what stat do you use in place of this and so on.)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (When using control device the book states When using control device the book states "All actions you take while controlling a device use either the normal limit for that action or your Data Processing rating, whichever is lower." (SR5e:CR pg. 238). But later in the book it uses the example of a perception test via drone it's sensors it says "When you use the sensor array for Perception Tests, you may use your Electronic Warfare skill in place of your Perception skill, and you may use the sensor’s Rating as your limit."(SR5e:CR pg. 445). In both instances I'm using control device which as stated in the book is a variable action, meaning I use it in place of another action but also mimic that other action, but in one instance I can use my own limits and In another I have to use my Rigger control console data processing as the limit? This feels contradictory? And I just wanted to know which rules I should follow.anted to know which rules I should follow.)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Which skill do riggers use when making melee attacks while rigged into a drone?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (With how the rules of buffout work, and how Narco works in terms of drugs that deal damage...Does the effects of Narco take effect once you crash on buffout? Or every time you have to make a test on buffout?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (With regards to Prototype Transhuman Bioware; How is 'Ware that has ratings handled? Say I have R1 Muscle Augmentation as a part of my PT bioware. Can I get an R3 to complete it? Do I just have to buy an R4?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (With the MArt technique of pouncing dragonWith the MArt technique of pouncing dragon only working if you have supperior position, this begs the question...</br></br>As subdueal gives one superior position, but yet doesn't require a test to deal damage, does pouncing dragon work with subdual in regards to dealing damage?with subdual in regards to dealing damage?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Would the Quality Hawk Eye stack with the Would the Quality Hawk Eye stack with the adept power (Improved Sense)?</br></br>Sourcing relevant quotes below.</br></br>>Characters [with this quality] gain a +1</br>dice pool modifier to their Perception Tests and shift all</br>Range Environmental modifiers up one category (e.g.,</br>Medium becomes Short).</br></br>Note that this is not stated to *be* Vision mag, simply act like it.</br></br>Second relevant bit.</br></br>>[The quality] is not compatible with electronic</br>vision enhancements and/or cyber- or bioware augmentations</br>or replacements</br></br>However, the Adept Power Improved Sense is *not* either an electronic enhancement or a cyber/bioware augmentation.</br></br></br>Thus, you see the purpose of the question. (Also Voro said to post it here)f the question. (Also Voro said to post it here))
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Ya how do you stack things like Made Man discounts and Black Market Pipeline?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (Yess, is me again. So say a character leaYess, is me again.</br></br>So say a character leaves gen with a magic of 0 and the intent of playing it as if she/he was a latent awakener. Would she/he show up on assensing as awakend and therefor need a license. Or would it work like the 4E quality where you werent awakend intill you bought your magic up to 1</br></br>I know the 4E quality worked diffrently but this is the closest way to replicate it in 5E that i've found way to replicate it in 5E that i've found)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + ([Deleted])
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (can you go on runs while training without having to redo the entire training ?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (can you put YMT Soft Weave in like forearm guards or ballstic mask?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (clarify and expand the upgrade rules Currclarify and expand the upgrade rules</br></br>Currently it's unclear how they interact with the 'max avail outside of runs' limit, or if you can upgrade the grade of your ware or when you pay the extra 25% surcharge (why is it a thing, btw?)</br></br>How I think it works: can upgrade grades, anything that has a rating can be upgraded, the surcharge is only when you're upgrading the ware's grade, anything that is covered by upgrade rules isn't subject to the avail cap (outside of foci and deltaware), the surcharge % is from the difference, not the total cost of the piece of ware.</br></br>None of this is clear from the entry on the wiki, however. I just assume it works like it used to on the Net.</br></br></br>Rethreading now that a chargen head existsRethreading now that a chargen head exists)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (clarify and expand the upgrade rules Currclarify and expand the upgrade rules</br></br>Currently it's unclear how they interact with the 'max avail outside of runs' limit, or if you can upgrade the grade of your ware or when you pay the extra 25% surcharge (why is it a thing, btw?)</br></br>How I think it works: can upgrade grades, anything that has a rating can be upgraded, the surcharge is only when you're upgrading the ware's grade, anything that is covered by upgrade rules isn't subject to the avail cap (outside of foci and deltaware), the surcharge % is from the difference, not the total cost of the piece of ware. </br></br>None of this is clear from the entry on the wiki, however. I just assume it works like it used to on the Net.ssume it works like it used to on the Net.)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (conformation on weather or not you can do a "extended" matrix search. Ive had some Gms run it either way, and would like to have a "right" way to do it instead of just saying "Well it's how i was told to do it")
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (hey i heard there was a discussion on geneware PT that was ongoing, didya guys decide on whether or not to allow that?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (horse mentor spirit question: the spirit allows you to take the critter movement power as a metamagic-the power, in turn implies it only works while in the critters domain. so if you take it, do you need a domain? how is that established?)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (how does Market Scan work here, book does not tell you how it lowers the avail? 148 cutting aces)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (how does the convince(page 189 stolen soulhow does the convince(page 189 stolen souls) spell work as it says "it makes it harder for a subject to detect the inconsistencies in any story told to them" but the Perception Test threshold for recognizing an inconsistency increases by 1,</br> </br>and wouldn't someone find it odd if someone was using the incubus spell (153 cutting aces) and what they see is somthing that should not be there like "man covered in whipped cream," in like public placeed in whipped cream," in like public place)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (i can't find what mana bind/mana net is resisted by on 114 for the spell casting test, would that be willpower+Charisma as well like how Physical manipulation spell call for Body + Strength and then to break free, it Body + Strength for net/bind)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (p 201 of street grimoire states: > CONp 201 of street grimoire states:</br></br>> CONJURING AN ALLY</br></br>> The ritual for summoning an ally must be performed in a magical lodge with a Force at least equal to the ally being summoned. Follow summoning rules (p. 300, SR5). Immediately after summoning, the spirit must be bound using standard binding rules (p. 300, SR5). Calculate Drain as if summoning and binding a spirit of the ally’s Force. If the binding succeeds, the magician pays an amount of Karma as outlined in the ally’s spirit formula. If the binding generates succeeds, the magician pays an amount of Karma as outlined in the ally’s spirit formula. If the necessary amount of Karma cannot be paid, the ritual fails.</br></br>The Conjuring an Ally spirit has been referred to as a ritual. My question is does the summoner use Ritual Spellcasting or Summoning skill to bring the ally spirit, before the binding test? If it uses Ritual spellcasting, is it like a standard ritual or is it, as stated above similar to summoning rules where PC rolls Ritual Spellcasting vs Force of ally spirit?</br></br>Previous ruling has stated:</br></br>but I still wanted to confirm about the ritual spellcasting thing, since the book states follow summoning rules.g, since the book states follow summoning rules.)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (question regarding cyber decks. Could i have 2 virtual machines working on a deck, one actually on the deck and the other one in a program carrier)
  • Mechanics Thread I  + (should voidblack be forbidden? (cutting aces 138) it talks about neo-goths using it for casual use and i don't think even they would take the risk of jail to use it.)