Flavia Rodriguez

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Flavia Rodriguez
Armanté Dallas-Fort Worth R&D Executive Officer
"Let me make you a star!"
Contact OwnerEnigmaticOxygen
Owner's Discord NameKeeper M#0043
Public Contact?Yes
LocationArmanté HQs, Dallas-Fort Worth, CAS
Preferred Payment MethodCash (Corp Scrip)
Hobbies/VicePersonal Grooming (Fashion)
Personal LifeIn Relationship
AspectsCompany Woman
At Arm's Length
Working Hours
Ars Armanté
Artsy Armor
Trendy Threads
Everyday Protection
Big Trouble in Little Dallas
Not Restrictive
Fascinating Forbidden Fruit
Aztechnology Insider
Wheeling and Dealing
Deck the Halls


Flavia Rodriguez blends business and pleasure at her job. She's always wanted to be a designer, but not of just any clothes - she wanted to design next-gen weaves which would provide protection from small arms up without looking like capable of anything like this. That's what this Aztechnology SINner studied Fashion Design for. First, she worked for Trés Chic, but Aztechnology winning the shadow war in the early 2070s and claiming Armanté is where she truly started to career-climb. Now, she's the R&D Executive Officer of the Azzie subsidiary in Dallas-Fort Worth. She believes clothing can be both beautiful and protective at the same time.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Company Woman Flavia is an Aztechnology yes-woman through and through. She will not accept requests obviously against Aztechnology, Trés Chic or Armanté (GM discretion), and might request "favors" (chips) in return for her help if your Loyalty with her is 3+.
At Arm's Length She's not interested in "fraternizing" with runners, viewing most as just business. Good they buy her armors, she doesn't mind selling them even forbidden ones as long as they pay, but more? Try harder, chummer. Her Loyalty cannot be raised above 3 outside of a private run advancing her career or getting her an interesting outfit.
Working Hours Flavia just doesn't care about most runners enough to risk a healthy balance between work and private life as it is a paramount thing to maintain if you don't want to burn out. She tunes out of business matters outside of normal CDT office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
Ars Armanté Flavia is a high-ranking executive at Armanté (Dallas-Fort Worth division). She can put you in touch with her subordinates and makes knowledge checks related to the corporation at +2, but her key focus is definitely Armanté-brand armors (including modifications). She receives a +2 bonus to the gear acquisition check.
Artsy Armor Her favorite category of clothing her corporation deals in is high-fashion armor like described in RG, hands down. Finding you such a piece benefits from a +2 bonus.
Trendy Threads Her career advanced much farther, but she still keeps her contact with the Trés Chic folks and can pull the strings. Obtaining Trés Chic gear or accessories for it gets a +2 bonus to the gear acquisition check. In addition, networking with fashion subsidiary and knowledge checks related to it are at +2.
Everyday Protection The usual fare: armor jackets, vests, clothing, helmets and cloaks - not thrilling, but protecting the masses. Ordering such items is at +2.
Big Trouble in Little Dallas If going through her, armors with 13 or higher armor rating, such as the FBA (as well as mods for them), receive a +2 bonus to the gear acquisition check.
Restricted, Not Restrictive It's restricted, meaning a license, she thinks. It still shouldn't be restrictive. Restricted armors and mods can be purchased at +2.
Fascinating Forbidden Fruit If your Loyalty with her is 3+, she's willing to sell you forbidden pieces or mod them. Get those biofiber pockets at +2.
Aztechnology Insider She knows what her coworkers gossip about. Knowledge tests related to Aztechnology and key subsidiaries and networking with such people receive a +2 bonus.
Wheeling and Dealing Not her focus, but she knows people whose hearts pump gasoline. Vehicles and drones made by Aztechnology, such as the Aztechnology Crawler or the Aztechnology Nightrunner, can be had at +2. Note this includes Hawker-Siddley and Dassault products.
Deck the Halls Through her husband, Pedro Rodriguez, she can help you buy Aztechnology-brand (and only Aztechnology -brand) tech at +2. Note that this includes what Microtrónica produces.


Knowledge Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 6 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 14 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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