Big Apple Bayou

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 18:42, 4 June 2023 by Asmodeus (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{AARInfobox| |Date=2084-06-03 |GM=Bulldogc |Location=New York, Long Island |Ally=Klaus Wolfgang von Hatzfield |RunnerList={{AARCharacterList|Gigabite|Spectre|La Rapide}} |RunnerCasualties=None, thankfully. |Threat=Extreme |OppositionFaction=Vampire Hunters |OppositionUnits={{AARCharacterList|Mage|Rigger|Rifler|Monowhip Specialist}} |OppositionCasualties=All were devoured, dead or alive. Ouch. |OppositionFaction2=Feral Ghouls of Long Island |OppositionUnits2=Ghouls |Oppo...")
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Big Apple Bayou
LocationNew York, Long Island
Status Threat Level: Extreme
Factions Involved
Klaus Wolfgang von Hatzfield
Vampire Hunters Feral Ghouls of Long Island
La Rapide
Monowhip Specialist
Casualties and losses
None, thankfully. All were devoured, dead or alive. Ouch. Eight were killed :(
Mundane Ascension for Gigabite


Klaus gets a job from Evo to track down one of their warforms. It ends up being a shitshow, quite literally since it's in the sewers. Raps gets tracked down by vampire hunters (again) and Gigabite becomes Queen of the Ghouls for the second time. Spectre continues existing as a sentient block of tungsten and not caring about anything.


Somewhere along the line, a crocodile-like critter called an Afanc escaped Evo's custody.

The Meet

Klaus meets the team remotely on a Luftshiffbau Zeppelin in Redmond, offering them the basic rundown: there's a big ol' croc in New York and it's gotta get extracted. The team agrees, how simple! Gigabite does negotiate extra pay, even offering to talk with Evo's representatives to squeeze them for more!

The Plan

Once the team arrives, Gigabite is just about the only one that managed to utilize her connections for a VIP pass, albeit a temporary forgery. As a result she can go practically anywhere she wants in Long Island without being harassed while La Rapide and Spectre have to be more careful about their movements. unfortunately she only finds one rental vehicle that truly fits her: the Krime Wageslave. Using its poor pilot to Sunday coast around, she asks Fangwidth to take a look at local shaman lodges and if any are connected to the ocean or fishermen in general. Fangwidth finds two, one in Northport and one in Eastport. Gigs begins her investigation during the daytime while the nocturnal banshee takes a beauty nap and speaks to several talismongers with utmost grace despitee her drunken countenance. She manages to impress both of them with her honeyed words and gets contact info to a man named Garry who lives in the Pine Barrens. This closes down potential avenues and La Rapide as the critter expert surmises that the Pine Barrens' swampy forest area is idyllic for an Afanc. Gigs wait until night and spends time with the runners, talking smack and drinking the evening away until it's go-time.

The Run

Spectre and Raps join up for a tracking retinue in the swamp while Gigabite goes to talk to Garry and thanks to her kindness with the other talismongers Garry already was told ahead of time she might appear, so entering his residence is easy. By taking on the angle that she can help out making sure that the feral ghoul population calms down and this critter doesn't harm anyone, Garry sees no harm in helping her out in her quest and points out entry points into the sewers. Gigs assures Garry that she has nothing to fear from the ferals.

Spectre improvises a brand new spell to track the Afanc specifically and it's tremendously effective, ranging well over a kilometer in its detection radius. As a result,



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)