Hooding For Emberrage

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Hooding For Emberrage
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
Lord Emberrage
Toxic Magic
Bwyell Waedlyd


Lord Emberrage has a bead on a toxic mage and is calling in some favors to deal with her.


Lord Emberrage has a burning hatred of all things toxic and has a lead on a toxic mage that has been abducting local free spirits. He is calling in favors owed by Astrid and Bwyell Waedlyd to investigate and deal with the matter.

The Meet

Emberrage has reached out to the teams fixers through his normal intermediary naga and was told that it was critical that they arrive quickly. Concerned that the two might not be able to handle this problem alone, Emberrage put out a call for a 3rd magical specialist and Scarecrow accepted the meeting. The team arrived to Emberrages cave in Puyallup individually and were escorted inside. There he explained to situation to the team. Free spirits have been disappearing all over Seattle and Emberrage is concerned. He sent another runner to investigate these disappearances, only to learn that his first agent has failed top the threat. A spirit sent by Emberrage to follow the runner reported that this mage had been investigating a lead and engaged the toxic mage in a fight. The spirit fled the scene as soon as the fight began to report its findings. When the runner didn't report in, Emberrage feared the worse and tapped a new, more powerful team to end this threat. Emberrage provided the runners with a location of the fight and wished them good luck.

The Plan

The team planned to travel to the location of the fight with hopes of being able to find some evidence they can use to track down this toxic mage and put a stop to them.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)