Jumping Jellyfish?

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Fennec's Stream

Date: 2 September 2084 By: Fennec

“Hi hi, ShiroFennec Deeeeeeeeeeeeesu! Nobody died out there in the City of the Dead, riiiight?" Chat naturally fills with skulls and tombstones, the foxboy laughing as he watches the viewcount rise. "That's right, my little Tailtips, we're talking about zombies again! The walking dead! And for once I'm not just riffing on that dork working the mailroom, not that you can tell the difference!" A snickering wink, and Fennec reaches a hand behind his back - before plucking out a feed with a graphic on it, clearly marked 'OC' in the corner. "Check it out! Apparently, the zombie count is on the downturn, according to this very convenient graphic I -definitely- didn't steal from KSAF! Less reports of missing persons, less reports of those missing persons reappearing."

"Now, chat, I don't believe in coincidences. Do you?" A wink, and the feed streams with a new rush of comments. "... Chat, I'm not turning religious! What got into you today, geez?! Uru-shutup!" Steam flows from his ears, of course. "Alright, here's the deal chat. Listen in close, it's really good! There's this merc company that was doing maneuvers in the bay, right? Dropping depth charges. Now, nobody's talking about what's going on. But your best friend, Fennec, he knows what's up!" Another flick of his hands, and in comes the relevant trideo - stolen footage from an aquarium. "Jellyfish! Clearly, there are body snatching jellyfish, coming out of the bay! The government doesn't want you to know to keep the public from panicking, and that naval action from that PMC was to cover it up and deal with the threat!"

Chat is, as ever, laughing at her for how wrong she is. "Look, look, hear me out! Look at them! They shock things with their tentacle thingies, the brain works on electrical shocks or something... I swear chat, I'm onto something here!"